
Day 1—May 16, 2012

7:45 -8:15 am Registration and Breakfast

8:15 – 8:30 am Welcome and Workshop Overview

Jennifer Milton

Clinical Administrative Director

University Hospital, San Antonio, TX

8:30 -9:00 am What is UNOS? It’s Not the Pizzeria.

Joel Newman, Assistant Director of UNOS Communications will walk you through the history of UNOS and explain how it relates to your center and other professional transplant organizations.

Topics include:

·  Organizations like OPTN/HRSA/SRTR/CMS/DLA/Tii/CTEX and how they interact.

·  Role and function of the OPTN contractor.

·  How the OPTN has changed and evolved since its beginnings.

·  Finances, funding.

Joel Newman

Assistant Director, UNOS Communications

9:00 – 9:25 am What is the OPTN?

Brian Shepard, the official liaison between UNOS and our government contractor, the Health Services Resources Administration (HRSA) ,will map out how the OPTN is organized, explain the board and committee structure and introduce the roles of UNOS regional administrators, regional councilors, and UNOS representatives. You’ll also meet the UNOS administrator for your region.

Brian Shepard

Assistant Executive Director for Contract Operations

OPTN Project Director

9:25 – 9:35 am Break

9:35 – 11:30 Ensuring Patient Safety

With an increasing focus on patient safety, a number of UNOS departments are working together on different aspects. In this talk they explain your role and responsibilities in ensuring patient safety.

Rebecca Anderson


Department of Evaluation and Quality

Leonard J. Carinci

Supervisor, Allocation Analysis

Department of Evaluation and Quality

Shandie Covington

Patient Safety Coordinator

Liaison, Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee

David M. Kappus


Membership Department

Community Best Practice

11:30 – 11:50 am Where it is on the Web

Learn how to find what you need on the UNOS, OPTN, and Transplant Living websites. A UNOS Communications Specialist will walk you through some of the features most useful to members.

Anne Paschke

Media Relations Specialist

Communications Department

11:50 – 12:20 pm Lunch

12:20 – 12:35 Donate Life America and You

Melissa Devenny

Assistant Director

Donate Life America

12:35 – 1:50 pm Interactive Session One

1:50 – 2:50 pm How Transplant Policies are Born

If the concept of policy making leaves you dumbfounded, our policy analysts will help clear it up for you. UNOS staff will trace an actual recent policy from conception through implementation and explain the process, step-by-step.

Topics include:

·  The role of the public comment process

·  IT implications and implementation

·  Board approval

·  Communicating policies to members

Ann Harper

SAS Analyst II

UNOS Research Department

Chad Waller

Policy Analyst

UNOS Policy Department

2:50 – 3:20 pm Packaging and Labeling of Organs and Vessels? What’s so difficult about it?

Lori Brigham

Chair, OPTN/UNOS Organ Procurement Organization Committee

3:20 - 3:30 pm Sugar Break

3:30 – 4:30 pm Organ Allocation -- How it Works for the Other Organs

UNOS staff from our DEQ and OC department will review basic matching and organ recipient screening procedures as well as what the regional review board is and when it comes into play. This is primarily designed to increase participants’ general organ allocation knowledge, particularly for organ systems they may not be familiar with.

You’ll also better understand the following organ-specific issues:

·  KI-waiting time, sensitization, 0mm, payback

·  PA/KP – waiting time, 0mm, facilitated pancreas

·  HR – medical urgency, review board, zones

·  LU – net benefit vs. mortality (LAS), review board

·  HL – listings, allocation

·  LI – MELD/PELD, status 1s, review board, HCC

·  IN – LI/IN sharing (peds) med urgency

·  Basic definitions and common policy questions

·  Matching and screening

·  Directed donation – review

·  Multi-organ – Case Studies (required vs. voluntary sharing, listings)

Lori Gore

Review Board Coordinator

Department of Evaluation and Quality

Ellie Willard

Organ Center Supervisor

4:30 – 5:45 pm Interactive Session Two

5:45 – 6:00 pm Closing Remarks

6:00 – 6:30 pm Networking Reception

Relax in our lobby with a drink and light refreshments and talk with your fellow participants.

Day 2 – Thursday, May 17, 2012

7:30- 8:00 am Breakfast

8:00 – 8:10 am Q & A with UNOS Executive Director, Walter Graham

8:10- 8:40 am The State of UNOS

Charles Alexander

OPTN/UNOS Past President, Board of Directors

8:40 – 9:10 am Membership in the OPTN—It’s An Exclusive Club

UNOS staff from the Membership Department will answer your most frequently asked questions about the membership application process and explain how the system works.

Topics include:

·  Personnel changes (primary surgeon/physician requirements; approval pathways; required positions)

·  What new members/programs need to do.

·  Requirements for OPOs and Labs

·  How to close your program or inactivate your status

Rosey Adorno

Membership Coordinator, Regions 3, 4 & 11

UNOS Membership Department

9:10 – 10:10 am Transplant Center Concurrent Session

I’m Scheduled for a Site Survey. Now what?

UNOS staff will explain what’s involved in a site survey and how you can help them find what they need.

Cynthia Coleman

Policy Analyst

Department of Evaluation and Quality

Amy L. Putnam

Survey Services Manager

Department of Evaluation and Quality

Diana W. Marsh

Site Surveyor Supervisor, Living Donor Surveys

UNOS Department of Evaluation and Quality

OPO Concurrent Session

Data and more data…where does it go?

OPOs are required to provide donor data to the OPTN and submit it in a timely manner. Why is this necessary? What do you get back? A UNOS statistician will explain what happens to the information you submit through UNetsm. You’ll learn how to build data reports, how to use DSA dashboards and more.

Risk Adjusted OPO Performance Metrics. How are They Used?

With primary emphasis on performance improvement, the goal of OPO performance metrics is to assess the effectiveness of individual OPO/DSAs on key measures of organ recovery and utilization. You’ll learn why these metrics are important.

John Rosendale

Biostatistician/Senior Performance Analyst

UNOS Research

10:10 – 10:20 am Break

10:20 – 10:45 am A Close-up Look at the Membership and Professional Standards Committee (MPSC)

Do you have any idea what MPSC committee members do at meetings? Would you know what to do if you were called for an interview? Hear from UNOS staffers about how the MPSC is organized, what tasks the members perform, and what you can expect if you are called to a meeting.

Sally Aungier


UNOS Membership Department

10:45 - 12:00 pm Interactive Session Three

12:00 – 12:15 pm Parking Lot Session

12:15 – 1:00 pm UNOS Staff Meet and Greet Lunch

1:00 – 1:20 pm The Art of Transplant Administration

Jennifer Milton

Clinical Administrative Director

University Hospital, San Antonio, TX

1:20– 2:20 pm Transplant Center Concurrent Session

Data and more data…where does it go?

You’re required to complete multiple forms containing donor and recipient data and submit them in a timely manner. Why is this necessary? What do you get back? A UNOS statistician will explain what happens to the information you submit through UNetsm. You’ll learn how to build your own reports; how we look at your data and how you can make your data better.

Sarah Taranto

SAS Analyst II

UNOS Research Department

Performance Analysis & Improvement—What does it mean for you?

Learn exactly how the MPSC monitors transplant program performance; what you can expect at your center and what is expected of you.

Heather Neil

Performance Analyst Manager

UNOS Membership Department

OPO Specific Concurrent Session

I’m Scheduled for an OPO Site Survey. Now what?

Cynthia Coleman

Policy Analyst

Department of Evaluation and Quality

Amy L. Putnam

Survey Services Manager

Department of Evaluation and Quality

Tiffany Lord

OPO Site Surveyor

UNOS Department of Evaluation and Quality

2:20 – 2:35 pm PM Parking Lot and Closing Remarks