Meeting minutes
Friends of the Dorothy Neal White AGM 2016
Date and time of meeting / 22 June 2016; 6.30pmLocation / Tiakiwai Conference Centre, National Library
Attendees / Rosemary Cole, Tania Connelly, Corrina Gordon, Alison Grant, Fiona Gray, Mary Hall, Nancy Hill, Janet Horncy, Mary Hutton, Joan McCracken, Dorothy Mitchell, Trevor Mowbray, Barbara Murison, Barbara Robertson, Neil Robertson, Diane Scott, Mary Skarott, Chantalle Smith, Sheila Williams
Apologies / Gail Andrews, Mary Bodmin, Fay Far, Margaret Hurst, Lynne Jackett, Susan Price, Chris Szekely, Kathryn Walls
Chair / Joan McCracken
Minutes / Corrina Gordon
- Approval of minutes
- The minutes of the previous AGM 2015 were approved.
Chantalle Smith / Sheila Williams
- Attendance of meeting
Nineteen members attended the meeting
- President’s report
- This was circulated and spoken about by Joan (see report for full details)
- There is now a new patron – Barbara Murison
- Our DNW researcher, Nicola Daly has finished her research and presented this as a talk, in addition to publishing in a journal
- One correction was noted by Alison Grant. The first patron of the FDNW was Dorothy Neal White.
Tania Connelly / Barbara Robertson
- Librarian’s report
This was read by Mary with details of books donated. See report for full details.
- Treasurer’s Financial report
- The report has the full details, but Joan read out the main points, in Jeff’s absence.
- Notable that spending seemed to be considerably up from previous year.
- Joan is owed $300 which has yet to be repaid
- No book council fee was paid as no invoice for this was received. Joan will follow this up.
- Chantalle will be the third signatory, in addition to Joan and Mary, for cheques, as three is now required in the instance where committee members need to be refunded and cannot sign their own cheques. Joan, Mary & Chantalle to notify BNZ of addition to signatories.
- The fee for the NZ Post box seemed quite high but was paid for year to come as well as this year and some arrears. The charge has risen by $5 p.a.
- Members voiced that although the costs seemed higher than usual they had no objection to this as the events were well provided for, which was appreciated.
- Comment was also made on the new system Jeff has instigated to collect subscriptions and keep this updated. This has significantly improved the revenue from subscriptions, and also streamlined the members list, which previously had many people or organisations who had not been involved for a long time. Members also said they preferred to be sent a reminder for the subscription.
- Mary reported that there had been no definite interest in the Research Grant this year, although someone did express interest after the closing date which could be followed up for the next time. Although Mary had tried the usual avenues she will also use the NZ Generosity site next time, which promotes grants for New Zealanders, and is free of charge. The grant was advertised for 6 months. Committee to discuss timing of next grant - may offer next year instead of waiting 2 years.
- Susan Price’s absence at the AGM was noted and also that no word had been heard of her usual grant. This should be followed up.
Alison Grant / Sheila Williams
5.11Joan moved that the annual subscription should remain at $20. Carried unanimously.
Joan McCracken / Barbara Robertson
- Election of officers
- Corrina Gordon nominated and accepted for role of President. This role has been vacant for two years.
- Jeff will remain as Treasurer
- Other committee members are happy to stay on in their roles
- The role of secretary is vacant but committee will share the role in meetings
Committee 2016-2017
- President:Corrina Gordon
- Treasurer:Jeff Hunt
- Secretary:To be shared
- Newsletter editor:Joan McCracken
- Research Librarian:Mary Skarott
- Committee:Barbara Robertson, Chantalle Smith, Kathryn Walls,
Tania Connelly
Summary of action points
Item / Action / Date raised / OwnerFollow up Book Council membership, as fee not paid by FDNW / 22 June 2016 / Joan
Joan, Mary & Chantalle to notify BNZ of addition to signatories / 22 June 2016 / JM/CS/MS
Contact Susan Price / 22 June 2016 / ?
Confirm September event / 22 June 2016 / Committee
The meeting closed at 7.08
Next event will be in September.