Minutes of the

Meeting of Heanor and Loscoe Town Council

held in the Town Hall, Heanor on 5th November 2015

PRESENT: Councillor Mrs H Longdon (Chair), B Aistrop, G Aldwinkle,

M Burrell, Mrs C Cox, B Flint, B Gration, Mrs C Gration,

Mrs E Hamilton, K Hill, R Iliffe, Mrs S Iliffe, Mrs J Janes,

Mrs A Jones, P Jones, A Longdon, A Lynch, Miss S Oakes

and Miss H Stirland.

Also present: PCSO 4563 Fisher.



067 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Jowett (prior engagement) and Councillor A Stevenson, (meeting AVBC).

Resolved: Members approved these reasons for absence.

068 Declaration of Members Interests/Update of Register

The following declarations of interest were received:

Agenda Item 13 - Planning/Environment/Licensing

Councillor Mrs C Gration - personal - wife of B Gration (member of AVBC planning board)

Councillor B Gration - personal - member of AVBC planning board.

069 Dispensations

No application for dispensation was received.

070 Public Speaking

(a) Public Matters

Heanor Grammar School Action group met with representatives from Derby College to request an extension to the period of time given to receive sealed bids for the sale of the old Grammar School. They were informed that sealed bids would be opened on 30th October 2015. No further information is available at this moment in time.

(b) Police Matters

Over the last month the following incidents have been reported:

13 thefts, 16 damages, 5 shoplifting, 3 non-dwelling burglaries, 1 attempted burglary, 2 actual burglaries and 9 calls for anti-social behaviour.

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070 Public Speaking (cont)

County Council

New library opened 26 October.

Footpath Creation Order at Gregg Avenue/Hunt Avenue considered at meeting of Licensing and Appeals 2 November.

Budget consultation, closing date 4 December - need £40m cut in spending.

Budget calculator at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/challenge. Paper copies in Libraries.

Derbyshire Community Bank to be trading name of Erewash Credit Union.

Police & Crime Commissioner Annual Report - www.derbyshire-pcc.gov.uk.

Volunteer Passport scheme - five free half-day training sessions covering basic skills needed to volunteer with adults, young people or children. www.derbyshire.gov.uk/volunteerpassport or telephone 01629 532093.

Time Swap schemes are setting up across the county. Members earn ‘time’ by doing jobs in their community which help other people, if you’re a member you can bank the time you’ve earned and spend it on getting help from other people with something you find difficult. www.derbyshire.gov.uk/timeswap

£23m will be spent over the next three years on improving the condition of hundreds of miles of roads.

Concern over fitting of child car seats as recent safety checks have shown 43% are fitted incorrectly.

Residents who are over 65, have long term health issues or are pregnant are entitled to get their free flu jabs

Youth unemployment in Amber Valley is above the national average of 1.8% at 2.20% with Heanor and Loscoe ward being 3.80%, Heanor West 2.70% and Heanor East being 2.60%.

A report to Cabinet this week highlighted that the area around Ray Street, Broadway and Stainsby Avenue in Heanor West was the 36th most deprived in Derbyshire out of 459 areas.

Borough Council


Combined authority - Councils in Derby and Derbyshire want to join forces to boost the local economy by setting-up a combined authority. This would mean local councils working together more efficiently to encourage investment in businesses and housing and create more and better quality jobs. Local councils believe that local people are best placed to decide where money from central Government is spent locally. A combined authority would give greater powers to do this. If devolution went ahead in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire it could place the two counties at the head of the queue for skills, growth and economic development. More information available www.derbyshire.gov.uk/ca

Local Plan Part 1 The Core Strategy

The inspector has written to Amber Valley casting doubt upon the ability of the Borough Council to deliver a 5 years supply of site for development for housing .

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Outside Bodies

No Report.

071 Minutes

The Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on Thursday 1st October 2015 having been circulated to members, were approved as a correct record and duly signed by the Mayor.

072 Minutes

The minutes of the Events Committee held on Thursday 8th October 2015 were received by members.

073 Items to be taken in Exclusion

Resolved: No items to be taken in exclusion.

074 Mayor's Announcements

During the last month the Mayor attended the following events:-

2nd Oct Gregg Cup Football Final - Heanor Town FC Ground.

16 Oct Presentation of Gregg Cup to Mundy C of E School.

19 Oct Dementia Friendly Alzheimer's Society Presentation.

26 Oct H.M.Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire presentation of

Certificates and badges to Army, Navy and Airforce Cadets.

1 Nov AVBC Mayors Civic Service - All Saint's Church, Ripley

075 Town Council – Items for Decision

(a) Heanor Traders Association - Photographic Competition

HTA are running a photographic competition to record 'Heanor today'.

Vouchers redeemable at participating Heanor businesses will be offered to the

winners of eight categories. The Town Council is invited to partner HTA in this


Resolved: Representatives from HTA are invited to attend the next meeting

of the Town Council Property, Management and Finance Committee

scheduled to take place on 23 November 2015.

(b) Red River LNR - Quarter 2 SLA Report for July-September 2015

Members received the above report which detailed the general background, aims and objective of the Service Level Agreement. The report included information on the tasks, activities, event days, meetings held and funding achieved during this time.

Resolved: This information is received.

076 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils

Circular 23/2015 General - Employment update, the planning process and the role of Local Councils, Transparency Fund for Smaller Local Councils, CiLCA training, DALC banking details, Councillor induction training, vacancies.

Circular 24/2015 General - CiLCA 2015, Clerk/RFO vacancy

Resolved: The above documents are received.

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(a) Accounts for Payment (October)

Cheque No / Payee/Description / Nett / Vat / Gross
813 / Inland Revenue - Paye, NI / 807.63 / 00.00 / 807.63
814 / Derbyshire CC - superannuation / 497.40 / 00.00 / 497.40
815 / Ripley Glass - fit polycarb window / 105.00 / 21.00 / 126.00
816 / Viking - stationery/postage / 156.92 / 7.99 / 164.91
817 / Dorma - auto door battery pack / 321.00 / 64.20 / 385.20
818 / Security Plus - keyholding services / 220.00 / 44.00 / 264.00
819 / Diane Malley - payroll services / 97.50 / 00.00 / 97.50
820 / Intabag - santa gifts / 218.00 / 43.60 / 261.60
821 / Severn Trent - water supply TH / 1254.12 / 00.00 / 1254.12
822 / GMT plumbing - heating upgrade WS / 900.00 / 00.00 / 900.00
823 / Severn Trent - water supply WS / 120.40 / 00.00 / 120.40
824 / Horizon Lifts - Pit prop / 620.00 / 124.00 / 744.00
825 / AVBC - Licence fee / 180.00 / 00.00 / 180.00
TOTAL / 5497.97 / 304.79 / 5802.76

Resolved: Payment of above accounts at a cost of £5,802.76 is approved.

(b) Bacs Payments for approval September - wages October)

Payee / Description / Nett / Vat / Gross
Staff / Wages/salary / 4024.02 / 00.00 / 4024.02
E.on / Gas supply - WS / 34.41 / 1.72 / 36.13
Talk Talk / Broadband rental / 16.93 / 3.38 / 20.31
XLN / 3 x line rental + calls / 68.92 / 13.79 / 82.71
AVBC / Rates / 1264.00 / 00.00 / 1264.00
Opus / Gas supply - FS / 10.82 / 0.54 / 11.36
British Gas / Gas supply - TH / 44.49 / 2.22 / 46.71
SSE / Electricity supply - FS / 115.75 / 5.78 / 121.53
Total / 5579.34 / 27.43 / 5606.77

Resolved: Payment of the above BACS is received and approved.

(c) Income for September 2015

Town Hall lettings / 1297.00
Town Hall Rents / 333.33
The Old Fire Station / 866.00
Heanor Welfare Centre / 1456.00
Environment/events / 744.20
Precept / 82250.00
Total / 86946.53

Resolved: This information is received.

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078 Items for Information

(a) Clerk’s Report

Fire station doors

We are experiencing problems with the automatic doors at the Fire Station. We are unsure at the moment whether it is a system failure or public mis-use. We are monitoring the situation and may consider replacing the existing doors with power assisted doors

Xmas event - Red River 6th December 2015

This year's Town Council's pantomime is fully booked. Dream Team Theatre Company will be performing Aladdin at the Wilmot Street Centre on Saturday 21st November 2015 from 3-5pm.

Heanor Market Place

AVBC are improving the street furniture in Heanor Town Centre. Groundwork has been contracted to develop a design for a notice board which will be sited on the Market Place. The Town Council will be invited to comment on the information made available.

Resolved: This report is received

(b) Miscellaneous

AVBC Papers for meeting of Cabinet on 07/10/15, Licensing Panel on 07/10/15, Planning Board on 19/10/15, Licensing Panel 27/10/15 and Improvement & Scrutiny Committee 4/11/15
Amber Valley Info October 2015

Buckingham Palace Thank you from The Queen

DALC Clerk/RFO vacancies - Whaley Bridge TC, West Hallam PC, South Wingfield PC, Brimmington PC and Calow PC

Annual Report 2014-5 - On Line

DCC Parish & Town Council Liaison Forum 23rd November 2015

County Hall, Matlock DE4 3AG Time: 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Temporary Bridleway Closure No 65 (Part) Heanor & Loscoe

2/11/15 to 6/11/15

Historic Towns Forum Upcoming HTF Events

Resolved: This information is received.

Councillors B Gration and Mrs C Gration left the meeting at this point.


AVA/2015/0864 - Proposed two storey extension, covered access to rear and loft conversion at 7 Lake Avenue, Loscoe for Mr & Mrs Allen

AVA/2015/0875 - Erection of 3 No. dwellings at land at 31 Douglas Avenue, Heanor for Ormechurch Properties Ltd, Belper

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AVA/2015/0893 - Extension of store into adjacent unit. Recladding of the front elevation.
Erection of new canopy to entrance. Relocation of fire escape. Reconfiguration of car park and paving immediately in front of the store. New curtain wall glazing to front of store at Aldi Foodstore Ltd, 1 eanor HHHeanor Retail Park, eanor HHHHHHHHHHNHeanor for Aldi Goldthorpe.

Town Council comments: The Town Council request that conditions are imposed in relation to delivery/operational hours.

AVA/2015/0919 - To demolish the existing building and erect 9 dwelling houses (outline)

at The Starthe, 63 Hands Road, Heanor for Mrs Davis

AVA/2015/0813 - Single storey front extension to 18 Brookfield Way, Heanor for Mr Christopher McLoughlin

AVA/2015/0943 - Change of use from existing Nursery Development to Residential development to construct 5 Bungalow dwellings (outline) at land to rear of 63 Brook Street, Loscoe for Mr Melvin Severn

Town Council comments: - The Town Council oppose this application as it is within a greenbelt area and therefore a departure from the Local Development Plan.

AVA/2015/0946 - Creation of access to 75 Loscoe Road, Heanor for Mr Dale Wright

AVA/2015/0951 - Proposed alterations and extensions to existing bungalow to provide new garage, and to form additional parking area at 61B Brook Street, Loscoe for Mr Brian Flint, 82 Loscoe Denby Lane, Heanor

AVA/2015/0965 - Provision of a new purpose built single storey medical centre on the site of Heanor Memorial Hospital together with revised car parking and landscape. Re-roofing of the existing physio therapy building and minor amendments at Heanor Memorial Hospital, Ilkeston Road, Heanor for Derbyshire Community Health Serviced NHS Trust

AVA/2015/0841 - Change of use to vintage tea rooms with ancillary offices/storage (A3) at 26 Market Place, Heanor for EMBG Ltd, 17A Market Street, Heanor

AVA/2015/0995 - To build a two storey extension to the side of house at 3 Furnace Lane, Loscoe for Mr Aaron Hodgman

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AVA/2015/1022 - Outline Application for refurbishment and extension of garage, office and studio to create 8 number 1 bedroom 2 person flats at Heanor Motor Company Limited, 19 Church Street, Heanor for Malik Holdings Domestic Ltd, 19A Church Street, Heanor

Town Council comment: This development should not have a negative impact on the adjacent single storey properties.

TRE/2015/0140 - Crown reduce cherry and silver birch trees at 25 Fall Road, Newlands, Heanor for Mrs Janet Kirby


To move the following resolution – ‘That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw’

080 Date of Next Town Council Meeting – Thursday 3rd December 2015

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