Governing Body Membership – Yearsley Grove Primary School

Category of Governor / Appointing body / Governor’s name / Term of Office / Committee membership / Additional responsibilities
(EG Chair / Link Governor)
Head Teacher / CYC / Miss E Morris / Sep 12 – ongoing / Finance, Premises & Personnel, Raising Achievement
Co-opted / Governors / Mrs D Bargewell / Mar 15 – Mar 19 / Finance, Premises & Personnel, Raising Achievement, Head Teacher’s Performance Management Committee, Pay Appeals Committee / Deputy Chair of Governors, Safeguarding / Child Protection, Year 4link governor
Co-opted Parent / Governors / Mrs E Finch / Mar 15 – Mar 19 / Raising Achievement (Chair), Pay Committee / Chair of Governors, Pupil Premium, Year 6link governor
Co-opted / Governors / Mr S Pysanczyn / Mar 15 – Mar 19 / Raising Achievement, Pay Committee / Health & Safety, Nursery/ Reception link governor
Co-opted Parent / Governors / Mr C Wood / Apr 15 – Apr 19 / Raising Achievement, Pay Committee / Gifted & Talented, Year 3link governor
Co-opted / Governors / Mr C Pidgeon / Jan 16 – Jan 20 / Finance, Premises & Personnel / Year 2link governor
Appointed Associate Member / Governors / Mrs C Brooks / Mar 16 – Mar 20 / Raising Achievement
Parent / Governors / Mrs K Wilkinson / Nov 13 – Nov 17 / Finance, Premises & Personnel, Pay Appeals Committee / Year 1 link governor
Appointed Associate Member / Governors / Miss A Sigston / Jan 16 – Jan 17 / Raising Achievement
Associate Member / Governors / Miss C Hennigan / Nov 15 – Nov 16 / Finance, Premises & Personnel
Staff / Governors / Mrs C Radford / Oct 16 – Oct 20 / Raising Achievement
Clerk / CYC / Mrs A McCoulough / Ongoing