Human Reproduction Notes (Female)

Name ______Period _____


1.  Ovum
2.  Egg
3.  Gestation
4.  Ovaries
5.  Estrogen
6.  Progesterone
7.  Fraternal
8.  Identical
9.  Conjoined
10.  Ovulation
11.  Fallopian Tubes
12.  Fertilization
13.  Uterus
14.  Endometrium
15.  Menstruation
16.  Cervix
17.  Vagina
18.  Urethra
19.  Menopause
20.  PMS

Notes about Twins

Fraternal Twins

–  Do not share ______genes.

–  Can be the same or different ______.

–  Are like any other ______just born at the same time.

Identical Twins

–  Always the ______gender

–  Have very similar______

–  ______in occurrences

Menstruation Notes

Day 1-13

·  Inside the ______one ______cell matures

·  Inside the ______the ______(the lining of the uterus) starts to ______.

Day 14

·  The hormones ______and ______change to cause the mature egg cell to be released into the ______.

·  The release of the egg cell is called ______.

·  The walls of the ______continue to ______.

Day 15 -20

·  The mature egg cell floats in the ______tube.

·  ______must take place in the ______tube.

·  This means there is about ______days per cycle that a female can become ______.

·  In order for ______to take place; ______cells must be present inside the female’s ______tube at the same time an ______cell is in the ______tube.

Day 21

·  The egg cell reaches the ______

·  If the egg is ______it will attach itself to the wall of the ______and ______begins.

Day 21 – 27

·  If the egg is not ______it will remain in the ______for about______days.

·  After ______days the body realizes that there is not a ______egg present and it does not need all the extra ______and tissue that has built up on the ______.

Day 28

·  Once the body realizes that there is not a ______egg the walls of the ______start to ______off.

·  This is the beginning of ______or period.

Day 28 – Day 5

·  Most women ______on average_____ to _____ days.

·  Some days ______could be ______than other days.

·  At the same time the female is having her ______another ______cell is beginning to mature in the ______.

Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Assignment #3

Problems with the Reproductive Systems

Problem / What Happens / Treatment/Cure
Toxic Shock
Breast Cancer

Breast Exam Notes

Step 1:

·  Begin by looking at your breast in the mirror with your shoulders ______and your ______on your hips.

Step 2:

·  ______arms above ______

Step 3:

•  Use a firm, smooth touch with the pads of your fingers.

•  Keep fingers ______and ______

•  Move in a ______motion

•  Start at the ______, moving in larger and larger circles until you reach outer ______.

•  Use different amounts of ______to feel deeper tissues.

•  Sometimes it is easier to do this step while in the ______r because the skin is more slippery.

Look For:

·  Unusual ______, shape, ______

·  Breast are ______in shape

·  Changes in ______

·  Dimpling, puckering, or ______of skin

·  Any ______coming out of one or both nipples

Care for the Female Body

•  Bath or shower ______

•  Do not wear ______clothing longer than necessary

•  Have regular ______check-ups

•  Report changes such as pain, itching, discharge to ______or ______

•  Abstain from ______before marriage

•  Maintain good ______during menstrual periods

Quick Check

•  The female sex cell is called ______.

•  The two female hormones are called ______and ______.

•  Eggs and hormones are produced in the ______.

•  When an egg is released from the ovary into the ______.

•  The release of the egg is called ______.

•  Fertilization must take place in the ______.

•  The organ that protects the unborn baby during pregnancy is called ______.

•  If a fertilized egg enters the uterus it will attach to the ______and pregnancy will begin.

•  An average menstrual cycle is about ______days.

•  Typically ovulation happens on day ______of the menstrual cycle.

Label the following parts of the female reproductive system.

·  Bladder

·  Cervix

·  Fallopian Tube

·  Ovary

·  Rectum

·  Urethra

·  Uterus

·  Vagina