ITIS 5160 Applied Databases

Fall 2012


F9:30am—12:15pmWoodward Hall 120

Professor Weichao Wang
Office: Woodward Hall 333C (from Sep5th)
Office hour:W1:30pm—2:30pm or by appointment
E-mail: (please prefix the subject of your message with ITIS5160)


ITIS Applied Database (3)

Identification of business database needs; requirements specification; relational database model; SQL; E-R modeling; database design, implementation, and verification; distributed databases; databases replication; object-oriented databases; data warehouses; OLAP; data mining; security of databases; vendor selection; DBMS product comparison; database project management; tools for database development, integration, and transaction control.


  1. R. Ramakrishnan and J. Gehrke, Database Management Systems, 3rd edition,McGraw Hill, 2003

Class Webpage:


Grades are based on onemidterm 25%,term paper/project 40%, final exam 30%, and 5% class participation. Class attendance is mandatory.

Scale:Based on curves.

Midterm: Oct 12th, in class


Students have the responsibility to know and observe the requirements of The UNC Charlotte Code of Student Academic Integrity (Catalog p. 375). This code forbids cheating, fabrication, or falsification of information, multiple submission of academic work, plagiarism, abuse of academic materials, and complicity in academic dishonesty. There are no special requirements regarding academic integrity in this course. The code will be strictly enforced and is binding on the students. Grade and academic evaluations in this course include a judgment that the student's work is free from academic dishonesty of any type; and grades in this course therefore should be and will be adversely affected by academic dishonesty. Students who violate the code can be expelled from UNC Charlotte. In almost all cases the course grade is reduced to an F. Copies of the Code can be obtained from the Dean of Students Office. Standards of academic integrity will be enforced in this course. Students are expected to report cases of academic dishonesty to the instructor immediately.