Transition Plan from Year 9 onwards

(This form must be completed electronically)

Name: / Date of birth:
The views of the young person /
1.  What education or training do I want to do after 16?
2.  What education or training do I want to do after 18 or 19?
3.  Where would I like to learn?
4.  What work would I like to do when I leave education?
5.  Will I need help arranging independent travel as an adult?
6.  Will I need any special health care?
7.  Will I need any special help with personal care?
8.  What other support might I need?
9.  Which adult helpers do I want to keep in touch with?
10.  Where would I like to live when I am an adult?
The views of the parents or carers /
11.  What do I want my child to do at 16?
12.  What do I want my child to do at 18 or 19?
13.  How can I help them to do this?
14.  How can I help my child to move towards independence in adult life?
15.  How can I help my child develop new roles within the family?
16.  How can I help my child to take part in our local community?
17.  What help would I like to do any of the above?
18.  What agencies do I think should be involved?

Service responses to meeting the needs and wants in sections 1 and 2

What will the school need to do and plan for?
This section must make clear the actions, timescales and responsibilities. It must cover transition from school to further learning, and from child to adult services. /
How can the school help the pupil:
19.  … become more independent?
20.  …be active in the school community?
21.  … take on new roles?
22.  …develop skills, knowledge and experience to be able to achieve their ambitions?
23.  What subject options should be available at Key Stage 4 and beyond?
24.  What must be done to make the curriculum accessible to the young person at Key Stage 4 and beyond?
25.  What special arrangements, or concessions, will the young person need for external educational examinations?
26.  Which agencies should be involved in the future (especially during transition from school to college, work-based learning, or from child to adult services)?
What will agencies need to do and plan for?
This section must make clear the actions, timescales and responsibilities. It must cover transition from school to further learning, and from child to adult services. /
27.  Which agencies and professionals should be involved from now?
28.  Which new agencies should be involved at important points in the future eg, transition from school to college, work-based learning; or from child to adult services, etc?
29. What actions need to be taken to make the following services as accessible as possible for this young person?
§  Universal Health Services: eg GP, dental, family planning, screening, optician etc…?
§  Specialist Health Services: eg speech and language, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, mental health etc…?
§  Technological support: eg, software, equipment, communication aids etc?
§  Further education, training and work: through, for example Connexions, Jobcentre Plus, Information Advice and Guidance Service etc?
§  Additional support for learning and work: eg, learning mentor, job coach, learning support services in Further Education colleges etc?
§  …will be able to access social care services: eg, home care support and short term breaks etc?
§  … benefits?
§  … housing and adaptation needs?
§  Community, leisure and voluntary services: eg, MENCAP, Scope, Northampton Society for Autism etc?
Actions to be taken following the meeting
/ Completion date
Who is leading on monitoring the above action points?
Expected school leaving date?
If the young person is living out of Northamptonshire (eg, at residential college, school or elsewhere) who are the named people, with contact details, who should work together to assist future return to the county?
Is the young person ‘disabled’ in terms of the Disabled Persons Act 1986? / Yes / No

People involved in Transition Planning Meetings

Name / Role / invited / attended / provided report or comment form / will take action

Dates of subsequent meetings

(insert name and date of birth of pupil)
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