Hollesley Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting at Hollesley Village Hall, 6thJune2013 1930hrs


Police – PCSO Krista Robertson and colleague
Verbal report given. To contact for non-emergencies call 101 and ask for 3199 Robertson (extension 3462)
County Councillor – Andrew Reid
No report submitted
District Councillor – Jane Marson
No report submitted

Those Present

Dennis Driver (Chairman), Chris Walker, Tony Barnard,Roger Dawson, Jenny Friend, Alan Shelcott, Cyril Stammers
Gillian Whiffin (Clerk & RFO)
Julie Griffiths from Suffolk Coastal District Council Housing Department – by invitation to answer concerns regarding affordable housing in the village – see minute 5/13/12
2 Members of the public were present
5/13/1Apologies for Absence

Received from Cllr Richard Coles

5/13/2Declarations of Interest


5/13/3Minutes of the Previous Meeting – (9th May 2013)

Accepted as a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman

5/13/4Matters Arising

The response from Alderton Health Centre to the letter sent regarding opening hours at Hollesley Surgery was not thought to address the issues raised.

5/13/5Clerk’s Report
  • Vacancy notice has been raised and distributed in respect of the resignations of two Councillors
  • Annual Accounts Ready to be compiled for internal audit and auditor contacted
  • Another allotment let
  • Approximately 26 hours spent on PC business since last meeting

The approval of the Clerk’s contract of employment was deferred until the next meeting.

  • E-mail from Linda Deabill at Alderton Health Centre detailing revised opening hours for Hollesley Surgery which does little more than compensate for the closure of Sutton Surgery and does not really help Hollesley residents very much as patients from Sutton might take those appointments available.

ACTION – Clerk to write again

  • Letter from RH & R Paul regarding an application made to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to enclose some of the upper part of Lower Hollesley Common – an informal first communication for information only although any comments are invited. The next stage will be a formal notification in the EADT to which all will be able to respond.
  • Letter from Suffolk Constabulary advising changes to the vehicle to be used to provide the Mobile Police Station service – new vehicle in use from 1st June 2013.
  • E-mail from Cllr Chris Clement tendering his resignation from the Parish Council .
a)Payments for Approval – Schedule appended to minutes


b)Receipts – Schedule appended to minutes


a)Applications for consideration

C13/0888 Kericho, Fox Hill, Hollesley – Proposed single-storey rear and front porch, replacement garage, pent roofs


C13/0918 Poplar Park – New Planning Permission for two-storey extension


b)Planning Permission Granted by Suffolk Coastal DC

C13/0630 Dumb Boy Cottage, Shingle Street, Hollesley – Retain building and use as holiday let or annexe

C13/0466 Land south of Grove Farm – Lowering of land by 20cm

C13/0367 Sink Farm at Hollesley Bay Colony – Retention of residential caravan

C130419 Blandford House, Alderton Road, Hollesley – Demolition and replacement of dwelling



a)There are currently two vacant plots in the allotment gardens

b)The condition report and proposed actions to be taken were deferred until the next meeting


a)The first draft of the plan is now complete and under review, this will now be compared with the list of graves.

b)Additional quotes are still being sought for the provision of the cemetery gates.


Nothing to report – forward to next meeting

5/13/12Affordable Housing

The parish Council is concerned about the lack of communication from the District Council with regard to the provision and allocation of affordable homes in Hollesley. Ms Griffiths explained the process and basis of allocation and distributed leaflets detailing the procedures and stressing the need for those who wish to occupy affordable homes and social housing in Hollesley to register with Gateway to Homechoice as early as possible. Ms Griffiths also promised to take back the Parish Council’s concerns and find out why there was so little information given as to the allocation of the homes in Swallows Close in order that those to be provided in the Mallard Way development are better communicated locally.

The Parish Council wishes to congratulate Mrs Helen MacLeod on her recent charity cycle ride having completed 391 miles from Suffolk to Looe in aid of the Lin Berwick Trust

Date(s) and Time(s) of Forthcoming Meetings

4thJuly2013 – 7.30pm - Hollesley Village Hall


Minutes of a meeting of Hollesley Parish Council – Clerk and RFO Gillian Whiffin

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