Grendon Parish Council

The Minutes of the Meeting ofGrendon Parish Council

held at 7.18pm on Tuesday 8th July 2014

In the Community Centre, BootHill, Grendon.

Present: D.B. Cox P.SwiftI. BatesM.Hammersley

Also present: Two members of the public R.Young, Clerk to the Council


Barbara Bisseker and Jules Winckles informed the Parish Council of their concerns regarding the closure of Merevale Lane as outlined by Borough Councillor John Moore.
The chairman agreed to investigate this matter

Also outlined problems experienced at the ‘Best One’ shop on Boot Hill.

It was agreed this matter would be mentioned to A.Abhi who may be able to resolve the issues raised

J.Winckles commented she hand considered organising a residents association.
The Chairman, D.Cox said the Parish Council would fully support the proposal.


Apologises for absence were received from councillor P.Swift and A.Abhi.


Declarations to be made when relevant item discussed.


It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10thJune 2014 be approved as a true and correct record.

That the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 10th June 2014 be approved as a true and correct record.


a)Election of Parish Council Vice-Chairman

This matter was ongoing

b)Provision of Grit Bins

This item is ongoing

c)Yew Tree House Farm – development Issues

This planning issue was ongoing.


The Chairman reported they had not received a reply from Jaget at W.C.C regarding Mr and Mrs Mitchell’s refurbished barn.
D.Cox to contact Jaget again.

e)Kier Development Site, Grendon

D.Cox commented that Kier will appeal regarding N.W.B.C’s refusal to agree to a variation in the distance between properties.

f)World War One

Reverend Roger Chamberlain has requested parishioners to make available World War One memorabilia.

g)Parking – Boot Hill

I.Bates reported on the Meeting with Graham Stanley from W.C.C mentioning the following:

Proposed improvements would cost £12,000. Agreed not to progress

G.Stanley to produce a revised proposal.

h)Damaged Bench – End of Spon Lane

This matter was ongoing.


a)Planning Application Received


Land to the rear of 20a Spon Lane, Grendon

Approval of reserved matters of PAP/2013/0465 related to the erection of two dwellings covering appearance and scale

b)Planning permissions granted


95, Walting Street,Grendon
Two-storey and single-storey rear extension

Planning Permission Granted

Other Planning Matters

Licence notification – Atherstone PCP006 Jeff Brown (N.W.B.C) confirmed by email details of the installation of Openreach equipment cabinet near to 178, Watling Street, Grendon


N.W.B.C – North Warwickshire Care Strategy main modifications consultation. Comments by 5.00pm on 21st August 2014.

N.W.B.C – Site Allocations – Preferred options consultation – comments by 5.00pm on Thursday 21st August 2014.

North Warwickshire Neighbourhood watch Association 10th July 2014 meeting, agenda and minutes.

N.W.Volunteer Centre – White Hart Tea Room’s Lunch Club poster

W.C.C – Temporary closure – Atherstone Road, Hurley 24th July 2014 for three days

WCAVA – Local Events and updates in North Warwickshire

W.C.C- Temporary Traffic Order – temporary closure Grendon Road, Grendon, 600 metres from Smithy Lane to County Boundary. To be completed by 5th August 2014

WCAVA – ‘Lights Out’ 1.00pm – 11.00pm on the 4th August 2014

Dan Byles M.P – Letter dated 9th June 2014 regarding campaigning in the Parish

Jeff Brown (N.W.B.C) damaged bench on end of Spon Lane, by Parish Council owns land no planning permission is required for replacement bench.

Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council – Statement of Community involvement consultation draft

Belelectric – Proposed Solar Farm near Grendon

All Saints Church – Letter of thanks for £500 donation from D.Price, Honorary Treasurer to All Saints PCC.

Woodside C of E Primary School – Thank you letter from year 6/ 2014 for donation.


Site allocations – D.Cox drafted reply for Parish Council

Burning of Rubbish/Waste Material in the Boot Hill area – N.W.B.C monitoring

D. Cox
