Title of the presentation(bolded and centred in Times New Roman, 13pt)

F. Author1a, S. Author2 and T.H. Author2

apresenting.author@edu.centre (Times New Roman, 9 pt., centred)

1Laboratory, Institute, City, Country

2 All author names and affiliations in Times New Roman, 9pt., centred, italic

Keywords: first, second, third (max 3 keywords, Times New Roman, 9pt., flush left)

This instruction is formatted in accordance with the style requirements. All abstracts must be written in English. Only Word(.doc or .docx)or open format (.odt) files are accepted.

Each abstract should consist of maximal two pages. The left and right margins should be 18 mm, the top margin – 20 mm and bottom margin – 15 mm. The title of presentation, author list and presenting author e-mail should be centred. The affiliations should be aligned left. Text, acknowledgments and referencesshould be justified. The abstract should contain text, formulas, tables and figures (only in gray scale, 300 dpi). References are referred to as [1] in the text and should be listedat the very end.

Leave a blank line (10 pt.)between the title and the author list, between the author list and the e-mail of the presenting author, between the keywords and the first line of the textand between text and references. Leave a blank line (9 pt.) between the e-mail of the presenting authorand affiliations andbetween the affiliations and the keywords.

The text should be written in Times New Roman, 10pt. at single line spacing. Formulas and special characters can be used, but special care should be taken that these do not change the line spacing.

Do not use chapter headings and do not leave a line between different paragraphs, but use an indentation of 5 mm at the beginning of each new paragraph.

References should be written in Times New Roman, 9pt., and listed in sequence of appearance [2,3].

[1]First reference enters here in the style given in [2,3].

[2]F. Author, S. Author and T.H. Author, Journal volume (year), p. 1.

[3]F. Author in “Introduction to abstract writing”, ed. D. Writers, (Print-all-books, City, Country) (year), p. 1-10.