Project GLAD
Newhall Elementary School District
(Level 5)
I. UNIT THEME – Systems and Interactions: Systems of the Human Body
· Body systems transport material
· Systems work together to maintain the organism
· Nutrition & exercise facilitate maximum efficiency of body systems
· Read Aloud – Magic School Bus in the Human Body
· Inquiry charts-
· What do you know about the human body?
· What do you what to know about the human body
· Songs – “Free to Be…You and Me” by Stephen Lawrence and Bruce Hart and “When we Grow Up” by Stephen Lawrence and Shelly Miller
· Cognitive Content Dictionary with signal word
· Shared reading: Big Book
· Field trip to hospital, doctor’s office or gym
· Guest speaker: doctor, dietician, athlete
· Awards
· Observation charts
· Creation of picture card files by the students of images related to health and exercise
· Video –The Human Machine by Eye Witness
· “What’s in the Sack?” by Shel Silverstein
· Processing all chart
· Home-school connection
· Evaluate week/ portfolio
· Student generated test
· Team explorations
- Create a big book for the human body
- Human body pictorial input
· Evaluation of Compare/Contrast essay
· Letter to parents
· Tasting various types of raw vegetables
IV. CONCEPTS (Science Standards)
Life Sciences
2. Plants and animals have structures for respiration, digestion, waste disposal, and transport of materials:
2a. Students know many multicellular organisms have specialized
structures to support the transport of materials.
2b. Students know how blood circulates through the heart chambers,
lungs, and body and how carbon dioxide & oxygen are exchanged in
the lungs and tissues.
2c. Students know the sequential steps of digestion and the roles of teeth
and mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and
colon in the function of the digestive system.
2d. Students know the role of the kidney in removing cellular waste from
blood and converting it into urine, which is stored in the bladder.
Investigation and Experimentation
6. Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in the other three strands, students should develop their own questions and perform investigations. Students will:
6a. Classify objects (e.g., rocks, plants, leaves) in accordance with appropriate criteria.
6b. Develop a testable question.
6c. Plan and conduct a simple investigation based on a student-developed question and write instructions others can follow to carry out the procedure.
6d. Identify the dependent and controlled variables in an investigation.
6e. Identify a single independent variable in a scientific investigation and explain how this variable can be used to collect information to answer a question about the results of the experiment.
6f. Select appropriate tools (e.g., thermometers, meter sticks, balances, and graduated cylinders) and make quantitative observations.
6g. Record data by using appropriate graphic representations (including charts, graphs, and labeled diagrams) and make inferences based on those data.
6h. Draw conclusions from scientific evidence and indicate whether further information is needed to support a specific conclusion.
6i. Write a report of an investigation that includes conducting tests, collecting data or examining evidence, and drawing conclusions.
cell tissue
organ capillaries
alveoli system
villi nephrons
salivary glands esophagus
liver gallbladder
stomach pancreas
small intestine large intestine
blood heart
veins arteries
kidneys excretory system
circulatory system digestive system
respiratory system skeletal system
muscular system bone marrow
joints tendons
ligaments neuron
receptors nervous system
Listening & Speaking
1.0 Listening & Speaking Strategies
1.1 Ask questions that seek information not already discussed.
1.2 Interpret a speaker’s verbal and nonverbal messages, purposes, and perspectives.
1.3 Make inferences or draw conclusions based on an oral report.
Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication
1.4 Select a focus, organization structure, and point of view for an oral presentation.
1.5 Clarify and support spoken ideas with evidence and examples.
1.6 Engage the audience with appropriate verbal cues, facial expressions, & gestures.
Analysis and Evaluation of Oral and Media Communications
1.7 Identify analyze & critique persuasive techniques; identify logical fallacies used in oral presentations and media messages.
1.8 Analyze media as sources for information, entertainment, persuasion, interpretation of events, and transmission of culture.
2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres & Their Characteristics)
2.1 Deliver narrative presentations.
2.2 Deliver informative presentations about an important idea, issue, or event.
2.3 Deliver oral responses to literature.
(Grades 3-5 ELD Standards) Listening & Speaking
B: Speak with few words/sentences
Answer simple questions with one/two word responses
Retell familiar stories/participate in short conversations/using
EI: Ask/answer questions using phrases/simple sentences
Restate/execute multi step oral directions
I: Ask/ answer question using support elements
Identify key details from stories/information
EA: Identify main points/support details from content areas
A: Identify main points/support details from stories & subject areas
Respond to & use idiomatic expressions appropriately
Comprehension, Organization & Delivery of Oral Communication
B: Uses common social greetings
EI: Identify main points of simple conversations/stories (read aloud)
Communicate basic needs
Recite rhymes/songs/simple stories
I: Speak with standard English grammatical forms/sounds
Participate in social conversations by asking/answering questions
Retell stories/share school activities using vocabulary, descriptive
EA: Retell stories including characters, setting, plot, summary, analysis
Use standard English grammatical forms/sounds/intonation/pitch
Initiate social conversations by asking & answering
questions/restating & soliciting information
Appropriate speaking based on purpose, audience, subject matter
Ask/answer instructional questions
Use figurative language & idiomatic expressions
A: Question/restate/paraphrase in social conversations
Speak/write based on purpose, audience, & subject matter
Identify main idea, point of view, & fact/fiction in broadcast &
print media
Use standard English grammatical forms/sounds/intonation/pitch
1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency & Systematic Vocabulary Development
Word Recognition
1.1 Read narrative and expository text aloud with grade-appropriate fluency and accuracy and with appropriate spacing, intonation, and expression.
Vocabulary and Concept Development
1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine the meaning of words &
1.3 Use Knowledge of root words to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
1.4 Know common roots and affixes from Greek & Latin & use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words.
1.5 Understand & explain the figurative and metaphorical use of
words in context.
2.0 Students read and understand grade-level appropriate material. They draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed.
Structural Features of Informal Materials
2.1 Identify structural patterns found in informational text.
2.2 Analyze text that is organized in sequential or chronological order.
Comprehension & Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
2.3 Discern main ideas & concepts presented in texts, identifying
& assessing evidence that supports those ideas.
2.4 Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge.
2.5 Distinguish facts, supported inferences, and opinions in text.
2.0 Literary Responses & Analysis:
Structural Features in Literature
3.1 Identify & analyze the characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction, & non-fiction and explain the appropriateness of the literary forms chosen by an author for a specific purpose.
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
3.2 Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot & explain how it is resolved.
3.3 Contrast the actions, motives, & appearances of characters in a work of fiction and discuss the importance of the contrasts to the plot or theme.
3.4 Understand that theme refers to the meaning or moral of a selection and recognize themes in sample works.
3.5 Describe the function and effect of common literary devices.
Literary Criticism
3.6 Evaluate the meaning of archetypal patterns & symbols that are found in myth and tradition by using literature from different eras & cultures.
3.7 Evaluate the author’s use of various techniques to influence reader’s perspective.
(Grades 3-5 ELD Standards) Reading
Word Analysis
Concepts about Print, Phonemic Awareness, Decoding & Word
B: Recognize familiar phonemes
Recognize sound/symbol relationships in own writing
EI: Read orally recognizing/producing phonemes not in primary
Recognize morphemes in phrases/simple sentences
I: Read aloud with correct pronunciation of most phonemes
Use common morphemes in oral & silent reading
EA: Use knowledge of morphemes to derive meaning from
literature/texts in content areas
A: Use root & affixes to derive meaning
Fluency & Systematic Vocabulary Development
Vocabulary & Concept Development
B: Read aloud simple words in stories/games
Respond to social & academic interactions (simple ques./ans.)
Demonstrate comprehension of simple voc. with action
Retell simple stories with drawings, words, phrases
Uses phrases/single word to communicate basic needs
EI: Use content vocabulary in discussions/reading
Read simple vocabulary, phrases & sentences independently
Use morphemes, phonics, syntax to decode & comprehend words
Recognize & correct grammar, usage, word choice in speaking or
reading aloud
Read own narrative & expository text aloud with pacing,
intonation, expression
I: Create dictionary of frequently used words
Decode/comprehend meaning of unfamiliar words in text
Recognize & correct grammar, usage, word choice in speaking or
reading aloud
Read grade level narrative/expository text aloud with pacing,
intonation, expression
Use content vocabulary in discussions/reading
Recognize common roots affixes
EA: Use morphemes, phonics, syntax to decode/comprehend words
Recognize multiple meaning words in content literature & texts
Use common roots & affixes
Use standard dictionary to find meanings
Recognize analogies & metaphors in content literature & texts
Use skills/knowledge to achieve independent reading
Use idioms in discussions & reading
Read complex narrative & expository texts aloud with pacing,
intonation, expression
A: Apply common roots & affixes knowledge to vocabulary
Recognize multiple meaning words
Apply academic & social vocabulary to achieve independent
Use idioms, analogies & metaphors in discussion & reading
Use standard dictionary to find meanings
Read narrative & expository text aloud with pacing, intonation
Reading Comprehension
B: Answer fact questions using one/two word response
Connect simple text read aloud to personal experience
Understand & follow one-step direction
Sequence events from stories read aloud using key words /phrases
Identify main idea using key words/phrases
Identify text features: title/table of contents/chapter headings
EI: Use simple sentences to give details from simple stories
Connect text to personal experience
Follow simple two-step directions
Identify sequence of text using simple sentences
Read & identify main ideas to draw inferences
Identify text features: title, table of contents, chapter headings
Identify fact/opinion in grade level text read aloud to students
I: Orally respond to comprehension questions about written text
Read text features: title, table of contents, chapter headings,
diagrams, charts, glossaries, indexes
Identify main idea to make predictions & support details
Orally describe connections between text & personal experience
Follow multi-step directions for classroom activities
Identify examples of fact/opinion & cause/effect in
literature/content text
EA: Give main idea with supporting detail from grade level text
Generate & respond to text-related comprehension questions
Describe relationships between text & personal
Identify function of text features: format/diagrams/charts/
Draw conclusions & make inferences using text resources
Find examples of fact, opinion, inference, & cause/effect in text
Identify organizational patterns in text: sequence, chronology
A: Make inferences/generalizations, draw conclusions from grade
level text resources
Describe main ideas with support detail from text
Identify patterns in text: compare/contrast, sequence, cause/effect
Reading Literacy Response & Analysis
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level Appropriate Text
B: One/two word oral responses to factual comprehension questions
Word/phrase oral response identifying characters and settings
Distinguish between fiction & non-fiction
Identify fairy tales, folk tales, myth, legend using lists,
charts, tables
EI: Orally answer factual questions using simple sentences
Orally identify main events in plot
Recite simple poems
Orally describe setting of literature piece
Orally distinguish among poetry, drama, short story
Orally describe character of a selection
I: Paraphrase response to text using expanded vocabulary
Apply knowledge of language to derive meaning from text
EA: Describe figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification)
Distinguish literary connotations from culture to culture
Identify motives of characters
Describe themes stated directly
Identify speaker/narrator in text
Identify main problem of plot and how it is resolved
Recognize first & third person in literary text
A: Describe characters of poetry, drama, fiction & non-fiction
Evaluate author’s use of techniques to influence reader
Describe directly stated & implied themes
Compare & contrast motives of characters in work of fiction
1.0 Writing Strategies
Organization & Focus
1.1 Create multiple-paragraph narrative composition.
1.2 Create multiple-paragraph expository compositions.
1.3 Use organizational features of printed text to locate relevant information.
1.4 Create simple documents by using electronic media & employing organizational features.
1.5 Use a thesaurus to identify alternative word choices and meanings.
1.6 Edit & revise manuscripts to improve the meaning & focus of writing by adding, deleting, consolidating, clarifying, and rearranging words & sentences.
2.0 Writing Applications (Genres & Their Characteristics)
2.1 Write narratives
2.2 Write responses to literature.
2.3 Write research reports about important ideas, issues, of events.
2.4 Write persuasive letters or compositions.
Written & Oral English Language Conventions
1.0 Written & Oral English Language Conventions
Sentence Structure
1.1 Identify & correctly use prepositional phrases, appositives, & independent & dependent clauses; use transitions & conjunctions to connect ideas.
1.2 Identify and correctly use verbs that are often misused, modifiers, and pronouns.
1.3 Use a colon to separate hours and minutes and to introduce a list; use quotation marks around exact words of a speaker and titles of poems, songs, short stories, & so forth.
1.4 Use correct capitalization.
1.5 Spell roots, suffixes, prefixes, contractions, and syllable constructions correctly.
(Grades 3-5 ELD Standards) Writing Strategies & Applications
Penmanship, Organization & Focus
B: Write alphabet
Label key parts of common object
Create simple sentences/phrases
Write brief narratives/stories using few standard grammatical
EI: Write narratives that include setting and character
Respond to literature using simple sentences, drawings, lists, charts
Write paragraphs of at least four sentences
Write words/simple sentences in content area
Write friendly letter
Produce independent writing
I: Narrate sequence of events
Produce independent writing
Use a variety of genres in writing