Dear Hornby Families,
Term three is underway and it is only about 6 weeks until we will find ourselves nearing the end of our 2014-15 school year – hard to believe!
Some of you may have heard that our Principal, Jen Turner, has accepted a Principalship in Alert Bay for next year. Jen has had a home there for some time and although she is very sad to be leaving Hornby/Denman she is thrilled to begin the next chapter of her life in a place she loves very deeply.
I will continue to keep you all informed of any future staffing announcements for next year as we continue with our staffing timeline for the 2015-16 school year.
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) News!
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is supporting an Intermediate class trip to Nanaimo and Vancouver. The baked goods sale and firewood sale over Easter weekend raised approximately $1300.00 to help us get there! Thank you all so much for your contributions of time and funds.PAC is planning one more fundraiser for this event.Each child attending the trip will be asked to bring an item to put into a gift basket that will be raffled off for $5 per ticket. We will sell tickets at the school office as well as families will be asked to help sell tickets at the CoOp on the weekends of May
NEXT MEETING! Wednesday, May 22nd- 3:30pm Library /
Please check out the “Lost and Found” in the front entrance of the school for any items that may belong to your son/daughter. We will put items on display before Spring Break to try and get items reconnected with owners!
If your child is going to be away from school, please contact us to let us know for safety reasons. You can call 250-335-2125 or email -Thank you!
In Other News…
Our Student of the Month!
Our Student of the Month for Februarywas Rosie. Rosie was identified by her peers and school staff as a person who demonstrates the attributes of “kind”which was our attribute of the month. Rosie chose Marin to come with Lix with Alissa for a Hot Chocolate! Congratulations Rosieand thank you for your positive contributions to our school!
March’s Student of the Monthwas Kye. Kye’s consistent ability to find the best in people, stay positive even when he would like something different to happen, include others, and his flexibility to “go with the flow” earned him our “cooperative” student of the month. Kye chose Niam to come with him for a trip to Lix and a treat!
April’s Student of the Month will demonstrate the characteristic of “cleanliness” in recognition of the arrival of Spring – a fresh start and a time for “spring cleaning”! See the definition we will be working from below.
“Cleanliness is keeping yourself and the environment around you clean. Take care of your body with a healthy diet, exercise and hygiene. Pay attention, and contribute to the environment to ensure it is a safe and healthy place to be. Keep your belongings organized and easy to find when you need them.”
Hornby Island Community School Showcase…What are we up to?
Code of Conduct: Our school has continued to work on our code of conduct for behaviour. There is a board with our progress so far in the main hallway of the school with our first draft.We are following a pathway of the more responsible someone is, the more freedom he/she may have within the school. We will continue to keep families informed of the school’s behavioural expectations.We are using a variety of positive behaviour interventions and supports (PBIS) to support students in their social/emotional development. There are great resources available for families, schools and communities at We are going to start working on the “consequences” section of our Code of Conduct. Students will be presented with a variety of scenarios and will create their own. They will then take part in developing possible consequences e.g. “Jesse” enters the classroom and finds his art project has been damaged by “Kerry”. He lets the teacher know. Questions: Is this “tattling or telling”? What do you think the teacher should do? Although some of these scenarios may be based on real life events we will be asking the kids not to name people’s names.
Peanut Allergy:A reminder that our school is a peanut-free area. We have a student at our school with a severe peanut allergy and we request you do not send any food with peanuts in your child(ren)’s lunches.
Tree nuts are okay, you can replace peanut butter with other nut butters. We thank you for your cooperation to help ensure Hornby School is a safe learning environment for all.
April/May CALENDARSun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
26 / 27 / 28 / 29 Art Starts – Love to Groove – Dance Workshops Denman Is. joining us/School Counsellor: Sue Diewert / 30 / May 1 Ticket sales CoOP / 2 Ticket salsCoOp
3 / 4 / 5 Grape Tomatoes and Milk Delivery / 6 PLC: Early Dismissal / 7 / 8 Ticket sales CoOP / 9 Ticket sales CoOP
10 / 11 Intermediate Field Trip / 12 Mustaches and Wigs Day/Intermediate Field Trip / 13 Intermediate Field Trip/School Counsellor: Sue Diewert / 14 / 15 / 16
17 / 18 STAT Holiday: School Closed / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
24 / 25 / 26 Mini Cucumbers and Milk Delivery
Sports Day / 27 PLC: Early Dismissal
School Counsellor: Sue Diewert / 28 / 29 / 30
Lice Check Time!!The times after school breaks are especially important for checking your child’s head for lice and/or nits. Checking your child’s head for lice/nits weekly is a proactive idea. In particular, after school breaks are the times we often see a spike in the number of cases after families have been traveling and in close proximity to others. e.g. sleep overs
If you do find your child has a case of head lice, please let us know. We will keep the information confidential but will issue an alert to the families at the school so they can also check their child(ren)’s head(s) to prevent reinfection.
Use of School Facilities – Summer 2015Application Deadline May 14, 2015
The application process for school facility use now begins for summer 2015. If you are planning on using the school for activities over the summer, please come by the school to complete the Use of School Facilities Form.
You can access the use of school forms outside the office window and place them in the Admin Assistant’s (Andrea) school box located below the office window. Please submit your form not later than May 14th.
Once the use of school form has been reviewed and approved by Alissa, you will receive an email confirming that your activity has been booked.
After May 14th the summer calendar will be posted on the Gym door and emailed to all school facility users. Thank you.
Hornby Island Educational Society (HIES)
Community Programs
Thank you to the Science Afternoon mentors that worked with us! Thank you to Liam, Kevin and JF and to Community Programs for facilitating and coordinating this great opportunity!
Thank you everyone for your support and communication as our year continues!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Alissa Pratt
Vice Principal – Hornby Island Community School