The purpose of this activity is to explore the relationship between gender and communication. Your challenge is to locate as many of the following items as you can before the class due date. There are 50 total points available for this assignment. The points for each item on the scavenger hunt are listed.

  1. A recent court case involving gender as a crucial issue (“ripped from the headlines”!)

5 points for proof –copy/paste article or link to it (if link, tell why applicable)

  1. The lyrics of a popular song that sends a gender communication message.

 8 points for proof – relevant lyrics written or typed out, along with song title and musician

  1. A comic strip that displays specific gender role traits in the characters.

5 points for proof – copy/paste comic or link is fine - make sure to note title of strip, date, and writer, if possible

  1. 4 examples of TV advertisements featuring female voice-overs.

4 points for proof – list the products being marketed

  1. An example of gender discrimination in the work place.

5 points for proof – either describe a personal experience or true story in detail or link to an article

  1. An example of an androgynous personality trait and its possible effect on others when communicating.

5 points for proof – describebriefly in writing what the trait is, give an example of the trait when you’ve seen it, and explain how people tend to interact when they encounter this trait

  1. Two male students’ and 2 female students’ responses to the following question: “What do you like most about your own gender?”

8 points total for proof – record their answers, tell who they are (pseudonyms are fine), and how you know/met them

  1. For the final 10 points, write a reflective paragraph analyzing the results of what you found, the implications of it all for communication, etc.