HCANH Board Meeting


March 11, 2015

Via Teleconference

Present: John Albert, Elaine Bussey, Jim Culhane, Diana Dedousis, Mary DeVeau, David Emberly, Chandra Engelbert, Rebecca Hutchinson, Karen Michel, Margo Sullivan, Sandy Ruka, Gina Balkus

Absent: Sandra Poleatewich,

Consent Agenda:

·  Minutes, February 11, 2015 Board Meeting

·  February 2015 Financial Reports

·  Motion: to approve the consent agenda. (m/s/p HutchinsonBussey)

Finance Committee Report

·  Gina reported that the Finance Committee met on March 5th and accepted Hession & Pare’s audit report on the 2014 consolidated financial statements. The audit report is included in the Board packet.

·  The Board discussed the recommendation for an email policy. It was suggested that HCANH retain copies of email votes. These votes are also “ratified” at next Board Meeting.

·  Motion: to accept the 2014 audit report and financial statements (m/s/p Hutchinson/Ruka)

Group Purchasing Discussion

·  The Board reviewed a summary of group purchasing discounts from Provista.

·  This group purchasing organization may provide discounts to members beyond their current contracts, along with some revenue to HCANH

·  It was agreed to invite Kirk McGonigle to the 4/8/15 Board Meeting to discuss further.

Board Sharing

·  Rebecca commented that the recent HCANH meeting with Well Sense MCO, regarding Step 2 Medicaid Managed Care, was a good meeting.

·  Diana asked if agencies currently contracted with MCOs will need a new contract regarding CFI. Gina will follow-up with the plans.

·  The Board discussed recent Medicare surveys. Issues reported were the requirement to add the LTC Ombudsman contact to admission packets, medical record security, patient complaint logs, and unusual occurrences for hospices.

·  Diana asked about HCANH involvement in a DHHS waiver advisory committee. Gina believes this is related only to DHHS response to new federal “LTC setttings” rules. She will follow- up with Jeff Meyers at DHHS.

The meeting adjourned at 12:30pm.

Next Meeting: April 8, 2015, after the Membership Meeting, NHHA, Concord.