Welcome to the VI Intercontinental Psychology Convention Hominis 2013!
"For the integration of a psychology at the service and welfare society"

The Cuban Society of Psychology has been historically linked to these events since 1999, with a continuity maintained for a decade. The society announces Hominis 2013, which aims to provide a contemporary view consistent with the agendas and demands of Cuban Psychology, consistent with the dynamics of our social project with its achievements, perspectives and challenges.

These arguments sustain the call for this event to encourage a space for reflection, exchange of scientific and professional commitment to the dilemmas of the century we are representatives of a science that gains in maturity and experience, at a time of changing circumstances, reorganization and adjustments to the task of working for human betterment.

For this important event we invite you to participate in the analysis and discussion of a range of topics, from 2nd to 6th of December, 2013. The venue will be the Conference Center, located in the CUBANACAN community, west of Havana, Cuba.

Colleagues, we are convinced that the presence of us all in Havana-Cuba will stimulate pathways to success during this new meeting for our science and profession, and that the Cubans with their hospitality and joy, will multiply the rich discussions and exchanges that we hope to enjoy on the occasion of this event.

Dr. Alexis Lorenzo Ruiz. Ph.D.

President of the Organizing Committee

Presidentof the Organizing Committee

Cuban Society of Psychology

Cuba's Palace of Conventions

Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba
Ministry of Public Health of Cuba
Ministry of Education of Cuba
Ministry of Culture of Cuba
University of Havana
Cuban Society of Health Psychology
Cuban Multidisciplinary Society for the Study of Sexuality
Evangelical Theological Seminary in Matanzas, Cuba


Latin American Union of Organizations of Psychology (ULAPSI)

American Association for Training and Teaching of Psychology (ALFEPSI)

Mexican Association for Alternatives in Psychology (AMAPSI)

Russian Society of Psychology

Private University "Antonio Guillermo Urrelo", Cajamarca, Peru.

Society for Risk Analysis, Latin American Regional Group (SRALA).
"Academicians of Community and Environmental Psychology" at the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, Mexico
American Network for the Promotion of Comprehensive Work Security
(RIPSIT),the CYTED (Ibero-American Science
and Technology for Development).

Latin American Network of Emergency and Disaster Psychology.

Work net for productive dialogues

International Association for the Psychotherapy of Group and Processes (IAGP)

Representation of the Pan American Health Organization (PHO / WHO) in Cuba
Representation of United Nations Population Fund in Cuba
Representation UNICEF in Cuba

Dr. Rodolfo Alarcón Ortiz
Minister of Higher Education of Cuba
Dr. Roberto Morales Ojeda
Minister of Public Health of Cuba
Dra. Ena Elsa Velazquez
Minister of Education of Cuba
Dr. Rafael Bernal Alemañy
Minister of Culture
Dr. Gustavo Suarez Cobreiro
Rector of the University of Havana
Dr. Alexis Lorenzo Ruiz. Ph.D.
International Relations
Dr. Manuel Valdes-Fauly Calviño. Ph.D.
President Latin American Union of Organizations of Psychology (ULAPSI)
Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Dr. Roberto Corral Ruso. Ph.D.
Preconference Courses
MSc. Zas Barbara Ros
Executive Secretary
Ms. Rita Norma Guillard Limonta


Dra. Basilia Collazo Delgado Ph.D.

Dra. Beatriz Torres Rodríguez Ph.D.

Dr. Dionisio Zaldívar Pérez Ph.D.

MSc. Georgina Fariñas García

Dra. Lucía Alba Pérez Ph.D.
MSc. María Del Pilar Soteras del Toro

Lic. María Esther Ortiz Quesada

MSc. Marta Martínez Rodríguez

MSc. María Teresa Abreu García

MSc. María Teresa Orosa Fraiz

MSc. María Teresa Rodríguez Wong

MSc. Mario Rodríguez-Mena García

MSc. Nancy Nepomuceno Padilla

Dra. Osana Molerio Pérez Ph.D.

Dr. Ovidio D´Ángelo Hernández Ph.D.

Dra. Patricia Arés Muzio Ph.D.

Dr. Pedro Fernández Olazabal Ph.D.

MSc. Rafael Armas Moya

Dra. Rosa María Reyes Bravo Ph.D.

Dra. Yamila Roque Doval Ph.D.

Central themes

•Human development andsubjectivity.

•Identityand Diversity:Society, Family, Gender, Elderly.

•AppliedPsychologies: Health, Education, Culture, Sports, Organizations, Communications, SocialInstitutions, Disasters.

•Psychological theoriesand their relationship toother sciences.

•Education and professionofpsychologists/as.

Eventsto be held inthe framework of the


  1. National congress of the Cuban Society of Psychology

2. XXI International Seminar of Psicoballet

3. XII International Symposium (XIII National) Leadership and the Directive Processes in the Organizational Development

4. IX Congress of Counseling of the America

5. II International Encounter of Psychological Orientation

6. VIInternational Conference onthe legacyof theCultural-Historical Approach

7. IV International Day of Psychology in Emergencies and Disasters

8. II Congress of Psycho diagnosticof Rorschach and other Rorschachand otherProjective Techniques

9. II Cuban Encounter of Psychodramaand Group Processes Meet

10.I Symposium Psychology and gender, couple and family

11.I Symposium International Psychology, subjectivity and aging

12.I National Encounter of Social and Community Psychology

13.I Cuban Symposium of Environmental Psychology

14.Symposium International Clinical Psychology and of the Health

15.Symposium International Psychology and Addictive Behaviors

16.Symposium International Psychology and Organizational Development

17.Symposium International formation of the psychologist

18.Symposium International Psychology and disability

19.Symposium International Psychology of the Sport

20.Symposium International Psychoanalysis

21.Symposium International Psychology and sexuality. Focus current

22.V International Encounter of the Net of Work for Productive Dialogues and Third Meeting of the International Graduate of Learning and Practical

23.First Regional Congress of the Caribbean of the International Association for the Psychotherapy of Group and Processes IAGP


2 Dec. / Tusday
3 Dec. / Wednesday
4 Dec. / Thursday
5 Dec. / Friday
6 Dec.
Morning / AccreditationConference Center PreconferenceWorkshops / AccreditationConference CenterPreconferenceWorkshops / Official OpeningPlenary Session / Plenary Session / Plenary Session
Noon / AccreditationConference Center
PreconferenceWorkshops / AccreditationConference Center
PreconferenceWorkshops / Plenary Session / Plenary Session / Plenary Session Formal closure
Night / Welcome Cocktail / Farewell dinner

Includes lectures that will be given by internationally renowned personalities, special lectures, panel discussions, symposia and oral presentation of free themes, static (posters), and dynamic (videos and electronic signs).

Renowned Cuban foreign professors will present pre and post-congress workshops, which will be announced in a later edition.


• Principal Conferences, 30 minutes

• Roundtables, 90 minutes

• Symposia 120 minutes

• Free themes:

Oral free themes: are presented in thematic sessions. Researchers will have five minutes for presentation and five minutes for questions and answers.

Posters (poster)

There will be a designated area for the presentation of posters. The size of the presentation will be of 0.82 cm (width) and 120 cm (length). Each presentation will be assigned the day and time of submission within the scientific program.

The author will be present at the appointed time to answer possible questions.

Electronic signs

Comply with the requirements of the media.

They will last up to 20 minutes. Additionally presenters will have 5 minutes for questions and answers. Must be submitted in DVD or VCD format.

The presenter may request the mode of presentation (oral, poster or video), however, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine the form and inform the author.

Abstract submission date: from February 1st to September 5th, 2013.
(Answer on acceptance: in a span of 30 days)
Deadline for submission of abstracts: September 5th, 2013.
Send submissions to:

Dr. Roberto Corral Ruso.Ph.D.
Faculty of Psychology. University of Havana
Board Vice President of the Cuban Society of Psychology
San Rafael Street No.1168. e/ Mazon and Basarrate. Vedado. Plaza. Havana. Cuba
Phone: (537) 8704923, 8704617. Fax: (537) 8 73 59 (60)

Rules for submission of abstracts of papers:
• Arial 12 point, single-spaced format 8.5 x 11 sheet.
• Made in Word processor, version 6.0 or higher.
• Extension up to 250 words.
• It should include the following information:
• Title (at the top and in uppercase letters)
• To specify the Number (No. of the 1 at the 23) of the thematic Events in which aspires to present their proposal.

  • Name and surname of the author, with postal and email addresses
  • Name and surname of the coauthors
    • Name, Province and Country of Institution
    • Summary structured in: introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions

Characteristic complete Works for the scientific publication of the event

After their revision and to have the approval of the scientific Committee for the presentation in the event, it will be requested each Autor(a) the complete work as well as the additional materials used in the presentation for their publication in the Memoirs of the Congress in a CD with ISSN. This document will have a maximum up to twenty (20) sheets in the same format of the Summary, and it will be elaborated following the Norms of publication of the APA.

It dates it collides of shipment of complete Works: October 5 the 2013.

They will also be organizedPreconferenceWorkshops (during the days 2 and 3 of December 2013) on the part of experienced Cuban and international professionals with a duration of 4 to 8 hours, at a cost of 25.00 CUC.

OFFICIAL LANGUAGES Meeting in Palace of Congress Havana

Spanish, English and French

The simultaneous translation service will be offered in the opening and closing sessions, and those working sessions decided by the Scientific Committee.

• Data and video projector
• Computer
The media required for the presentations should be requested in advance to the Scientific Committee.
The CD, DVD and mass storage units accompanying papers will be delivered by the speakers at the Audio-visual Reception Office, 24 hours in advance of its presentation in the room.
Digital presentations must meet the following requirements:
• Windows operating systems
• Power Point Presentations
• Presentations on CD, DVD, mass storage drives
• Compressed presentations with the following applications:
- WinZip version 8.0 (or lower)
- Winrar version 2.5 (or lower)
- Arj


Before September 30 / After September 30
Delegate / 200.00 CUC / 230.CUC
Student* / 130.00 CUC / 130.00 CUC
Companion / 60.00 CUC / 70.00 CUC

Registration fees include:

Delegate and student (undergraduate): Credential with access to all the working sessions of the event, documentation (includes summaries book and program-CD containing the memories of the Conference), participation in social activities, participant and author certificates.

Companion: Credential, souvenirs, participation in social activities, the opening and closing of the Conference. They will not have access to the working sessions.

Interested persons will have the following options to register and pay the registration fee:

• On line via the website:

• Directly on the Registration and Accreditation Center of the Palace of Conventions in Havana, venue, at the time of accreditation, in Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC), the official currency in the country.

• Through International Sales of the Convention Center, booking one of the packages specially tailored to the Conference, which includes the registration fee. By paying online, and with a single transaction, you will ensure your registration, access to all activities of the official program, stay at the Hotel Palco (venue), transfer in and out andpersonalized assistance. Those interested can contact:

The Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC) is the official currency in the country. It can be obtained on arrival in Cuba in airports, hotels, convention centers, banks and exchange offices. The change to this currency can be done from euros, U.S. and Canadian dollars, British pounds, Swiss francs, Mexican pesos, according to the exchange rate and fees applicable at the time.

In Cuba, the following credit cards are accepted: Visa, Master and Cabal Cards as long as the main house is not an American bank.

Lic. Idania Vega Fernandez
Commercial Specialist. International Sales. Palace of Conventions in Havana
Phone (537) 208 4398, Fax: (537) 202 8382
E-mail: ,


Hotels / Simple room / Double room
Hotel Meliá Habana ***** / 128.00 / 93.00
Hotel Palco **** / 70.00 / 57.00
Hotel Acuario*** / 71.00 / 60.00
Hotel Neptuno*** / 56.00 / 49.00

This offer includes:

  • Greeting in the International Airport José Martí
  • I transfer from the International Airport José Martí of City from Havana to selected hotel.
  • Lodging in selected Hotel, with included breakfast. In the case of the Hotel Aquarius the lodging includes in its feeding plan the breakfast, it has dinner, (less the lunch) eaten slight and national liquids 24hrs.
  • I transfer collective Hotel-headquarters-hotel in bus communities during the days of sessions of the event 3 at December 6
  • I transfer from their Hotel in Havana to the International Airport José Martí of Havana
  • Attendance in the airport
  • Service of specialized guide.


Dr. Alexis Lorenzo Ruiz.Ph.D. - President Organizing Committee

Phone: (537) 8704617, 8704923. Fax: (537) 8 73 59 60



Lic. Alicia García González

Professional organizer of Congresses Palace of Conventions of Havana

Phone: (537) 208-5199

E-mail: Web:

Lic. Niurka Remedios Ballesteros

Commercial specialist,Branch Events and Incentives Travel Agency Cubanacán S.A.

Address Not Remains silent 13. 18001 corner 5ta Avenue, Municipality Beach. Havana.

Phone: (53-7) 2737744 Email:

COPA Airlines y/o surrounds Aero Republiclike official airline of the event. Airlines surrounds, under their product Surrounds Conventions: