Pupil Premium Evaluation and Impact Report 2016-17
Pupil Premium Funding
Number of Pupils and Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) Received / April 2016 - August 2016 / September 2016 - March 2017 / April 2017 - August 2017Total number of pupils on roll / 416 / 418 / 418
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 55 / 50 / 52
Amount of PPG received per pupil / PPG = £1320
LACG = £1900
SCG = £300 / PPG = £1320
LACG = £1900
SCG = £300 / PPG = £1320
LACG = £1900
SCG = £300
Total amount of PPG received / £32916 (5/12th of academic year) / £42350 (7/12th of academic year) / £28600 (5/12th of academic year)
Academic Year 2016 – 2017 = £70950
Evaluation and Impact of Spending of Pupil Premium Funding 2016-2017
Support Item / Project / Cost / Objective / Research / Success Criteria / Outcome / Evaluation and Impact
Enhancing Experience Support
Financial Assistance
to enable participation in residential and educational visits / after school clubs and ensure full inclusion and any other voluntary contributionseg (EYFS snack) / £5250 / Research: Participation
- Participation can stop feelings of isolation and help develop a more positive attitude to school.
- Approaches to learning can have an impact on confidence and relationships in school.
Evaluation of impact
Pupil responses / Funding has enabled participation in trips and residentials and access to after school clubs, this has enhanced their experiences and enrichment of the curriculum.
Opportunities for performance / £2000 / Kirklees Music School
Research: Arts participation
- Greater effects have been identified for learners of primary school age in terms of impact on cognitive tests.
- Evidence suggests academic impact of programmes developing skills in performance.
Participation in choir and recorder groups
Pupils are given opportunities to perform to a wider audience through musical events / All children have the opportunity to learn and play the violin in Year 3. All KS2 pupils have the opportunity to join choir and recorder groups. Many performed at our open evening, in collective worship and at outside venues, having a positive impact on their confidence and self-esteem.
Academic Achievement Support
Educational Teaching Assistantposts to improve adult ratio and provide focused support
Targeted support from SLT
ETA time
DHT / AHT time / £43,780 / Research: Small group tuition
- A qualified teacher is more likely to achieve progress and raise attainment;
- Intensive tuition in small groups in highly effective;
- ETAs are most effective when leading a specific intervention programme.
- 1:1 tuition is intensive small groups is effective in helping learners to catch up.
- ETAs are highly effective when working closely with class teachers.
- Schools should think carefully about the training and deployment of ETAs.
Additional opportunities for 1:1 focussed reading lead to greater confidence and enjoyment in books.
Booster sessions were held in Year 2 and 6 which support end of Key Stage outcomes.
Intensive phonic support –
Targeted and tracked phonics teaching across Key stage 1
Focused intervention groups in Year 3 to support those not achieving the screening test / Research: Small group tuition
- A qualified teacher is more likely to achieve progress and raise attainment;
- Intensive tuition in small groups in highly effective;
- ETAs are most effective when leading a specific intervention programme.
Focused intervention has supported Year 3 pupils not meeting standard (2 pupils/ 1 PP with SEN needs) and increased their confidence in using phonics to read and write.
Talk Boost / Unfortunately there was no access to training and therefore this provision did not run.
Academic Interventions with a Teaching Assistant- In and out of the school day
- Project Code X
- Success @ Arithmetic
- Basic Maths skills
- Motor skills United
- Precision monitoring
- Success @ writing
- 1st class @ number
- 1:1 tuition in intensive small groups is effective in helping learners to catch up.
- ETAs are highly effective when working closely with class teachers.
- Schools should think carefully about the training and deployment of ETAs.
Evaluation of impact
Pupil responses / Precision monitoring in Year 6 was accessed by 5/6 of PP children and this enabled them to confidently access the GPS and spelling section of this test, which resulted in 80% of this group meeting standard.1:1 and group intervention support was provided for the Y2 PP children for maths, reading and writing, this resulted in 50% achieved standard in WRM combined.
Pupil premium coordinator
Headteacher time x ½ day per half term / £1200 / Research: Leadership
Leadership with direct responsibility provides focused assessment and evaluation of interventions in order to ensure the children get the correct support / Reviews and reports and tracking completed / Evaluations completed throughout the year and discussed/ shared at Pupil progress meetings and reported back to GB.
Social Emotional and Behaviour Support
Pastoral Care Leads
Targeted support – 1:1 to support inclusion and involvement / £1000 / Research: Meta cognition and self-regulation strategies
- Teaching approaches which encourage learners to plan, monitor and evaluate their learning and emotions have a very high potential.
- Targeted interventions for those diagnosed or at risk of emotional or behavioural disorders produce the greatest effects.
Pastoral support and lunchtime social interaction and behaviour improvement
- Talk about sessions to develop understanding of relationships / social interactions and raising self-esteem and confidence.
- Coaching at lunchtime
- Lunchtime club
- Life skills groups
TH lunchtime =2.5 hrs
JC lunchtime =2 hrs
SS lunchtime =2.5 hrs
Coaching sessions for targeted sport = £50 x 35 wks
Research: After school clubs
- Programmes with well qualified staff are more likely to produce academic benefits.
- Focused approaches which support parents in working with their children to improve their learning are beneficial.
- Confidence and self-esteem is improved.
- Improved attitudes to school and learning are demonstrated.
Family support involvement / 15 pupils have accessed pastoral support linked to lunchtime activities and development of social skills. This has supported improving self- esteem and supported access to social activities at lunchtimes, which has had a direct positive impact back in class. All pupils have had the opportunity to access sports coaches over the lunch period which has supported teamwork.
Homework club has been offered to all PP pupils and was effective for those who attended. Supporting their learning and positive attitudes.
Training and Resources Support
Library Resources / £1000 / School librarian available each morning (8.40 - 9.30) to support reading choices and an enjoyment of books.
Access to a wide range of books, promoting a love of reading / Extended range of books across banding system / School librarian was effective in making links with PP pupils and sharing a love of books and enjoyment of reading. Books purchased to support choices.
Reading programme with focused training and diagnostic tools - maintain contract
Accelerated Reader Programme / £1500 / Research: STP outcomes
- High quality class teaching providing teachers with the data and diagnostic tools to target and track learning and plan for individual needs
Data and tracking information / AR reader has continued to support staff in diagnosing areas of need in reading for pupils to ensure effective support.
Maths programme with focused training and diagnostic tools
Accelerated Maths Programme / £2000 / Research: STP outcomes
- High quality class teaching providing teachers with the data and diagnostic tools to target and track learning and plan for individual needs
Data and tracking information / STAR maths purchase has enabled tracking of PP pupil progress half termly in order to identify areas of support needed.
Talk for Writing
- Training and development
- Scheme of work
- Texts and resources
- High quality class teaching providing teachers with the data and diagnostic tools to target and track learning and plan for individual needs