1. Name Andrea Cravinho

2. Date and place of birth 3rd October, 1965 – Lisbon, Portugal

3. Nationality Dual – Portuguese and British

4. Address Rua Pereira Palha 6, r/c esq

1495-741 Cruz Quebrada-Dafundo, Portugal

Tel/fax: +351-309908127, Mobile: +351-912103779


5.  Education

M.Sc. Agricultural Economics – Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University (1989)

B.Sc. Agricultural Economics – Wye College, London University (1987)

6. Language skills

Portuguese and English mother tongue (passive, spoken and written)

French and Spanish good overall working knowledge

7. Computer literacy Word processing, data spread sheets and analysis, Powerpoint

8. Present Position Translator and consultant

9. Professional experience 20 years

10. Key qualifications

·  Food security

·  Project and programme design, monitoring and evaluation

·  Disaster relief / humanitarian assistance

·  Refugee and IDP management

·  Integrated development

·  HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention programmes

·  Survey design and analysis

·  Research

11.  Specific professional experience in non EU countries by date of employment

Angola 2002, 2001, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1990

Botswana 1990

Gambia 1991

Georgia 2001

Ghana 1997, 1991

Guiné Bissau 1991

Israel 1986, 1984

Lesotho 1992

Mali 1991

Mozambique 2002, 1997, 1992, 1991, 1990

Russia 1996

Somalia 1989

Tajikistan 1997

Ukraine 1996

USA 2002, 2001, 2000

Zimbabwe 1997
Professional experience

Portugal (2003 to date). Writing and Technical translation (English-Portuguese-French-Spanish) for A. Titterington – Traduçoes Unipessoal Lda. See pages 4 – 6 for details.

Mozambique (Nov 2002 – Mar 2003). Specialist in rural NGO food security programmes and projects for DG Development of the European Commission. Evaluation of the European Commission´s Food Security Programme for Mozambique (1997 to 2001).

Angola (Jan 2002 – Mar 2002). Economist for EuronAid. Design of the proposal presented to the European Commission on behalf of 20 European NGOs for relief and development grants in the sector of food security valued at 20 million euros.

Washington D.C., USA (Feb 2000 – Dec 2002). Principal Researcher for Hobe Corporation on the analysis of HIV/AID awareness and prevention programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa with special focus on the Ethiopian demobilisation efforts for UNAIDS and initiatives in the workplace by oil multinationals in Angola.

Abkhazia, Georgia (Oct 2001 – Dec 2001). Economist for the International Committee of the Red Cross. Evaluation of the ICRC Food Security Programme in Abkhazia.

Angola (Jul 2001 – Sep 2001). Economist for DG Development of the European Commission. Preparation of a policy document for food security in view of recent economic liberalisation in Angola.

Somalia (Sep 1998 – Jan 1999). Economist for the World Food Programme, UN. Preparation of a WFP strategy document for a 3 year Protracted Relief and Recovery Programme in Somalia, focusing on exit strategies and environmental protection.

Tajikistan (Aug 1997 – Oct 1997). Economist for the World Food Programme, UN. Evaluation of the WFP country programme from 1994 to 1997 and future policy.

Ghana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Angola (Feb 1997 – Apr 1997). Economist for DG Development of the European Commission. Mid-term Evaluation of the Return of Qualified African Nationals Project (Phase III 1995 - 1998) funded by the EC and implemented by the International Organisation for Migration.

Russia and Ukraine (Feb 1997 – Apr 1997). Economist for DG1A of the European Commission. Appraisal of the contract performance of the Tacis Monitoring and Evaluation Programme funded by DG1A of the EC.

Angola (Mar 1996 – Jun 1996). Economist for International Finance for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Project Identification in the artesanal fisheries sector. Field work, research, preparation of working papers on macro-economics, credit and international aid.

Angola (Oct 1995 – Dec 1995). Economist for ECHO of the European Commission. Evaluation of emergency humanitarian aid funded by ECHO to Angola through NGOs (1992-1995).

Brussels, Belgium (Apr 1994 – Aug 1995). Member of a Bonifica Technical Assistance Unit to Tacis and Phare, DG1A of the European Commission managing the Partnership Programmes between institutions of the EU, Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

Antwerp, Belgium (Feb 1993 – Mar 1994). Country Editor for Portugal at ITT – Thomas Publishing nv. Survey implementation, data analysis and updating on Portugal´s exports. Construction of a data base for commercial purposes.

Brussels, Belgium (Sep 1992 – Jan 1993). Economist at Earth nv for DG Development of the European Commission. Analysis of a socio-economic survey of the Kivu Valley (Burundi, Rwanda, Zaire). Monitoring and evaluation of an irrigation project in Zaire.

Mozambique (Sep 1991 – Sep 1992). Principal Researcher for USAID. Headed a research team for a field study on the economic and financial viability of the credit markets of the province of Maputo. Survey, team management and data collection of the portfolio of the National Development Bank and World Bank SME credit lines.

Mozambique (Jun 1990 – Sep 1990). University lecturer, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo) financed by the World Bank/UNICEF, on the micro and macro economics of food security and assistance to students on thesis preparation.

Botswana, Gambia, Ghana, Guiné Bissau, Lesotho, Mali, Mozambique (1990 – 1992). Economist for Eurostat, European Commission. Research and organisation of surveys on the cost of living for Commission staff.

Angola (Oct 1990 – Nov 1990). Researcher for Swedish Aid (ASDI). Project identification mission for an agricultural survey followed by a sector aid programme: considered non-operational due to the severe constraints imposed by the war and economic isolation.

Oxford, UK (Sep 1989 – Aug 1992). Research Officer at the Centre for the Study of African Economies, Institute of Economics and Social Studies, Oxford University. Research on Angola and Mozambique post 1970 - funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. J.P. Azam, P. Collier and A. Cravinho, Agricultural Supplies, Shortages and Peasant Portfolio Behaviour: an Analysis of Angola in Journal of Development Studies, vol 30, nº 2, January 1996

Lisbon, Portugal (Sep 1987 – Mar 1989). Researcher, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisbon on the economic and financial viability of Portuguese agricultural marketing cooperatives post 1974 in light of accession to the EC and the cooperatives´debts to the government. Data collection and analysis of debt management.

Portugal (Jun 1987 – Sep 1987). Agricultural Economist, Cooperativa Agrícola de Vila Nova de Cerveira. Provision of members with technical assistance on new legislation and procedures due to accession of the EC: subsidies, restructuring & legal requirements.

Israel and Portugal (Dec 1985 - Jan 1986). Research financed by Wye College, University of London on comparative developments in the citrus sectors in Israel and Portugal, focusing on marketing and extension. A.Cravinho, The Portuguese orange market: an econometric estimation in Revista de Ciências Agrárias, Lisbon, August 1988

Portugal (Jul 1985 – Sep 1985). Assistant Economist for GTZ and the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture. Research on the cost structure of the Algarvian horticultural sector: data processing and analysis.

Israel (Jan 1994 – Aug 1994). Volunteer at Kibbutz Gonen: manual work in agriculture and industry.


Art, carpets and numismatics

Economics and Marketing

Electronics and Engineering

Environment and Energy

Information Technology and Communications


Law (private and public) and Patents

Medicine, Pharmaceutics and Health


Languages: Target English; Portuguese

Source Portuguese; Spanish; French; English

·  Portuguese → English: Summary Decree-Law on car insurance; Documents related to Almada Court cases; Commercial Certificates – Banif; Management Regulation: Orey (Citigroup) – Closed Real Estate Investment Fund; REN and the environment; Scripts for anti-HIV medication; Letters (Farmindústria); Olá advertising; Report on Approval of Accounts (AMYLOID); Various Documents (Reader’s Digest Selections); Contract (Organisation, Operation and Guarantee of Subscriptions related to the Issue of Variable Interest Rate Bonds by the BPI and Société Générale); Evaluation Report on Nissan Vehicle Repair; Personal Computer Policy (Banco Mais); Technical Curriculum Vitae; Various Documents on Tourism in Portugal; Various Expert Opinion Reports (Accident at Lidl; Accident in the Pousada Saramagos Shop; Fire at the Galp Matosinhos Refinary); Adverbum – Serviços de Tradução e Interpretação, Lda, 2006/4.

·  Spanish → English: Documents from Reader’s Digest Selections; Adverbum – Serviços de Tradução e Interpretação, Lda,2005.

·  French → English: Reaching the French Market (Tourism); Adverbum – Serviços de Tradução e Interpretação, Lda, 2005.

·  Portuguese → English: Evaluation report on EU Statistical Support Programme to the PALOP; Menus and hotel information for the Real Palácio Group; Various IFARMED legal cases and reports on patents; Various marketing studies on consumer products and retail outlets; Questionnaire on Portugal and Consulmark results for the Gallup Polls; Back-translation in the labour area; Anapharm; Boston Scientific advertisement; Various legal cases; Setúbal Peninsula Wine Route; Medical interviews on diabetes and arthritis; Questionnaire on HIV/Aids; RAM Electronic Transmission (INFARMED); Market study of Sonasol PH Neutral; Procedures Manual (BP Oil Spain); Professional Ethics Code – Deontology (University of Beira Interior); Oriflame market study; Proposal Report on the Marketing of the New Clio (ACNielson); Technical Curriculum Vitae; Series of Reports on the Socio-Economic Activities of the ConVidas Project; Various Minutes and Letters (Barclays Bank); Study proposal (on the media and gender); Series of interviews in Porto and Lisbon (Vodofone); Interviews (on the sale of tobacco at petrol stations); Normative Order n.º 17/2005 (on bar codes on the labelling of medication packaging), Centro de Estudos Norte Americanos, Lda, 2007/5.

·  English → Portuguese: Informative pamphlets and indications for use of various new medications (Infarmed); European Norms on surgical masks and uniforms; various legal texts; Expertise Journal on Sterilisation; Centro de Estudos Norte Americanos, Lda 2007/5.

·  Portuguese → English: Labour Code; Ibersol WC Smart Promotion; Environmental Impact Study; Proposal: Aeolian Park; Various company contracts; Various Revisions; Commercial Registrations (Mister and Zucotech); Multibanco File Transfer Manual (Sociedade Inter-bancária de Serviços); Accounts Report (AMRP Handels AG); Proposal and Supply Contract (Card Protection Plan: Lithoformas); Base Factual Material and Investigation Base (Lisbon Labour Court); Doubleyou Translations, 2006/5.

·  Portuguese → English: Technical proposal for a Steelworks Plant in Brazil; Numerous company contract alterations, registrations and certificates; Siemens Insurance (Banking, Boat, Pharmaceutics, Health, Industry, Logistics, Parking, Petrol, Retail markets and Shops); Technical proposal for an Aeolian Park in Portugal; CCP Card protection plan; Marketing studies; Bank guarantees; Labour code and cases in court; Doubleyou Translations, 2007/5.

·  Portuguese → English: Report on East Timor for UNMIT; Various notifications for the Caixa Geral de Depósitos; HCR – Informática e Traduções, Lda, 2006.

·  Portuguese → English: Multinational company employee questionnaire results; Employment Prospects; Regional Employment Plan - Madeira; Airplay Lisbon Airport; Hotkey - Traduções, Lda, 2007/6.

·  Portuguese → English: Numerous cultural programmes and events (music, art, folklore, sports, cinema, etc.) for regional governments in Algarve (Câmara Municipal de Loulé and Portimão); Information content on an Internet page for Algarve; Descriptions of facilities and places of interest in Algarve (books, CDs); articles on wastewater treatment and fresh water supplies in Algarve; Contracts and regulations on housing, urbanisation and construction; CVs; Various letters, etc.; Inkopulis – Tradução e Eventos, Lda, 2007.

·  Portuguese → English: Sponsorship of the Lisbon ICANN Meeting; Contract for the supply of electro-hydraulic umbilicals for the production of gas from Mexilhão field; Lionbridge Liox Tecnologias, Lda, 2007/6.

·  Portuguese → English: Advertising campaign for cinema at a retail outlet; Contents of the Internet site of the Portuguese Parliament; Lusoscript, Lda, 2007.

·  Portuguese → English: Portuguese Court of Auditors: activity and accounts report 2006; Court case involving football clubs; Certificates; Programmes on Tourism and Hotel training courses; “Das Rheingold” opera summary and biography of Richard Wagner; Entrecampos Construction Planning; Insolvency Plan; Neoplano: Activity Context; Various exerts from the Diário da República on concession in permanent casino zones; Valor Ambiente – Residual Water Treatment Station; Expo Tower Lisbon – Preliminary Report; Séculis – Serviços, Cultura e Línguas, Lda, 2007/5.

·  Portuguese → English: Appeal to a corporate ombudsman; Technical notes on the Portuguese sailing team for the 2007 ISAF Olympic Class World Championship; CVs; Interview with immigrants in Portugal; Management report; Privacy policy; Sanofi-Aventis procedures manual; Company introduction; Labour Code; TV Script – interview on herpes; Sintagma - Traduções, Lda, 2007/6.

·  Spanish → Portuguese: Part of an Encyclopaedia on Art Literature; Sintagma - Traduções, Lda, 2006.

·  Portuguese → English: Rapid Assault Launch technical specifications for the Portuguese Ministry of Defence; Analysis of company annual accounts; Tradupolis – Traduções Técnicas, Lda, 2007/6.

·  Portuguese → English: 1996 Annual Reports for Banco Millennium in Mozambique and Angola; Book on the Bank of Portugal’s Coin Collection; Computer programme and user manual for Primavera management software; Corporate human resources and management report; 1995 Millennium BCP Annual Report in Portugal; Verbis Ibéria – Tecnologias de Informação; Lda, 2007/6.

·  English → Portuguese: Ministry of Justice – Main functionalities of the new criminal identification system; Information on advertising in Allrural; Current approaches to the measurement of functioning, deficiency and health; Various articles on oriental carpets, such as Oriental Carpets: Artistic inter-exchanges in the peninsula in the XVI century; Various Private Clients (2007/4).

·  French → English: Various internal documents for VECO (Belgian Humanitarian Aid NGO), Brussels, 1996-2002.

·  English → Portuguese: Proposal for a Project in the Artesanal Fisheries Sector in Angola, IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development, Roma, 1996.

·  English → Portuguese: Manual for the Study of the Micro and Macroeconomics of Food Security, Food Studies Group, University of Oxford, Oxford, 1990.