Dear Mental Health Consumer

Flourish was established in 2011 to provide a strong voice for mental health consumers in Tasmania to ensure their views are paramount when mental health policy is developed.

There arecurrently three Regional Advisory Groups (RAGs) in the North West, the North and the South to provide a forum for mental health consumers to have direct input into the way mental health services are developed and delivered across Tasmania. RAG members bring insight and knowledge of their respective experiences; a willingness to share information and a desire to comment on and influence social and health policy, service development and implementation.

Flourish is now establishing a West Coast Regional Advisory Group which will provide support for mental health consumers from the area.

Flourish provides assistance, encouragement and support to the RAGs including training and development opportunities for RAG members to help build their skills base.

There are regular opportunities for members of the RAGs to meet with the Board of Flourish to provide advice and feedback arising from local consumer participation; these meetings and forums are also opportunities for advisory group members to meet with their colleagues from around the State.

If you think this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please complete the application over the page and send it back to us. Alternatively you can access an application form on our website at:

If you would like to discuss the Regional Advisory Groups in more detail, please contact us on 62231952 or at

Thank you for your interest in Flourish.

Harry Wilsdon

Chair, Flourish Board

April 2016

Flourish Regional Advisory Group (RAG)

Membership Application

Name: / Region applying for (North, North West, South, West Coast):
Address: / Town:
Telephone: / Mobile:
Email: / Age Range: (tick one)
18-25; 26-35; 36-45; 46-55; 56+
Preferred method of contact: / Gender: LGBTI:
Cultural heritage:
Please tell us why you would like to be a member of a Flourish Regional Advisory Group:
Please detail the skills and experience you would bring to the Flourish Regional Advisory Group:
Are you a member, or do you participate in any other mental health sector group or forum? If yes, please give us some details.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?