Subject / National Curriculum links / Outcomes/focusScience / NO SCIENCE
History / Develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of a British, local and world history
Understand how our knowledge of the past in constructed from a range of sources
Note connections, contrasts and trends over time and develop the appropriate use of historical terms.
Address historically valid questions about change, /
- To find out what happened in the stone age
- To look at different homes from the Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Mesolithic times
- To find out what the people ate and how their diet changed
- To develop a chronologically secure knowledge of events
- To find out what we know about Skara Brae
- Consider life in the Stone Age and how it compares to today.
Geography / Understanding the spread of migrants in the Bronze age.
Looking at cave art, and their locations.
Art / To create pictures in the style of cave paintings
Clay pots / foil pots – Bronze age art
Music / NO MUSIC
ICT / Programming Graphics /
- I can design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals.
- I can solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts.
- I can use sequence, selection and repetition in programs
- I can use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work.
- I can detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.
Lesson / Subject / LO / Success Criteria / Activity (including differentiation)Trip / History / Trip to DoverMuseum to see the Bronze Age boat and other artefacts.
1 / HISTORY / TBAT To find out about the Stone Age.
SMSC: what would it have been like to live in those times? How did people feel? / I can tell you what I already know
I can tell you what I’d like to find out / INPUT:
What do we already know about the Stone Age? Use enlarged Stone Age mind map blank to gather ideas. Note down..
mind map existing knowledge and ideas
What do we want to find out?
Share Stone Age powerpoint with the class, stopping to address misconceptions etc.
Ch to complete KWL style introduction page.
Share ideas on visualiser
2 / HISTORY / TBAT compare different homes from the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic times.
SMSC: what would stone age people make of our homes today? / I can understand basic human need of shelter
I can compare different types of dwellings / INPUT:
Houses today - what do they look like? How do they differ around the world? Why? Compare typical houses in cold climates with those in warmer climates. What is important when it comes to building a house?
Share stone age homes ppt
Stone age homes worksheet – comparing and labelling the homes from the paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras.
Talk to your neighbour about how it would be to live then. Share ideas with the class.
3 / ART: / TBAT To create pictures in the style of cave paintings.
SMSC: why was cave art important to prehistoric people? / I can create art in the style of cave paintings
I can describe what cave art was like / INPUT:
Powerpoint – Cave painting. Discuss what we see, talk about location, techniques, materials. What is the subject matter? Why?
Large-scale hand painting in the style of cave art. Large paper pinned up outside and ch to take turns in small groups decorating the paper in the style of cave painting. Class activity – write up about what we did
Display the painting and invite other classes to come and view it.
4 / HISTORY / TBAT find out what people ate in the Stone Age and how their diet changed.
SMSC: what would stone age people make of our homes today? / I can understand how stone age people obtained their food
I can compare differences / INPUT:
Powerpoint – Stone Age food
Use Purple Mash to create comparison shopping lists – today v Stone Age times
Food tasting – have some examples of stone age food – berries, fruit, veg, meat (as appropriate). Ch to try the foods. Discuss how it would be to not have any modern food. Would it be more or less healthy?
Take a vote on the diet – modern v stone age.
5 / HISTORY / TBAT find out what we know about Skara Brae.
Imagine you find a lost village… / I can learn about a settlement
I can answer comprehension questions / INPUT:
Show short video about Skara Brae.
Where and what is Skara Brae? What do we know about it?
Use the Skara Brae powerpoint to learn about the settlement. Keep questioning the children.
Skara Brae differentiated comprehension questions.
Skara Brae quiz
6 / HISTORY / TBAT develop a chronologically secure knowledge of events in the Stone Age. / I can begin to have an understanding of the historical passage of time / INPUT:
What’s the earliest thing you can remember? What is the earliest event in history you know about? Draw a timeline and add any events the children are aware of. Add familiar events going back in time (Queen Victoria, Henry VIII etc)
Ch to order Stone Age – modern times timeline pictures.
Remove cards from class timeline and ask ch to put them back.
7 / HISTORY / TBAT consider life in the Stone Age and how it compares to life to today.
SMSC: what would stone age people make of our lives today? Are our lives better or worse? How? / I can understand the differences between the stone age and now
I can discuss a subject / INPUT:
What are the main differences between life today and in the Stone Age? Use a then-and-now powerpoint to contrast life in Stone Age and now.
Give the children Stone Age Challenge Cards to prompt discussion in pairs. Children can then
Post-its – write what was easy / hard about this activity
8 / ART / TBAT understand how life transitioned to the Bronze Age
SMSC: feeling of pride in objects you have created. Why should we care for things that people have made? How does it make them feel when we don’t? / I can understand how life changed after the discovery of making metal objects
I can create similar items / INPUT:
Watch video about transition to bronze age and items that were made out of metal. Look at and discuss designs and shapes. Use Art books to make sketches.
Ch to use picture guides to create metal bowls, tools and jewellery out of tin foil.
Create a museum corner to display our items. Instil a sense of pride and importance in their objects.
9 / HISTORY / TBAT understand how life transitioned to the Iron Age
SMSC: what progress had people made by the iron age? Were their lives any better? / I can understand the idea of tribal life
I can assess my learning this term. / INPUT:
Iron Age ppt from Purple Mash.
Talk about how farming changed the way people lived.
Ch to investigate the Purple Mash Iron age activities.
Complete the Iron Age Tribes activity.
Complete the KWL L for this topic, after a discussion about what I have learned.
10 / ICT / TBAT design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals. /
- I can solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts.
- I can use sequence, selection and repetition in programmes
- I can use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work.
- I can detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.