CEFNS College Curriculum Committee

December 3, 2012

Attending: Jennifer Claesgens (CSTL); David Cole (P&A); Eck Doerry (EE/CS); Heidi Feigenbaum (ME); Matt Gage (CHM, committee chair); Ching-Hsun Huang (FOR); Erik Nielsen (SESES); Peggy Pollak (BIO); Amy Rushall (MAT); Kathleen Corak (Student Services); Scott Galland (Curriculum); Pauline Entin (Associate Dean-AA)

Guests: James Allen (FOR); Erin Saunders (FOR); Nashelly Meneses (BIO)

Curricular Items


1. BIO 567 Island Demography and Dynamics Fall 2013 New Course, Co convene

Support Link: BIO 467/567 Syllabi

2. BIO 568 Conservation and Management of Imperiled Species Fall 2013 New Course, Co convene

Support Link: BIO 468/568 Syllabi

OUTCOME: Tabled by CCC until January. Recommendation that the differences between the grad courses and the co-convened undergraduate courses be better explained and highlighted.


1. CHM 338L Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab Fall 2013 New Course

2. Chemistry; B.S. Fall 2013 Admission Requirements, SubplanReqmts-Course(s)

Chemistry; B.S. Added, SubplanReqmts-Unit Change

Biochemistry ACS Emphasis

Chemistry ACS Emphasis

8 Term Plan: Chemistry; B.S. 8 Term

OUTCOME: Unanimous approval by committee.


1. FOR 220 Fall 2013 New Course

FOR 220 2 Introduction to Forest and Range Plants

2. FOR 225 Fall 2013 New Course

FOR 225 2 GIS Tools in Forestry

3. FOR 319 Fall 2013 New Course

FOR 319 2 Forest Operations

4. FOR 315 Fall 2013 Catalog Descr, Coreqs,

FOR 315 3 Silviculture Principles Course Title, Prereqs

5. FOR 411 Fall 2013 New Course

FOR 411 1 Forestry Capstone Preparation

6. FOR 412 Fall 2013 New Course

FOR 412 3 Silviculture II

7. FOR 422 Fall 2013 New Course

FOR 422 3 Forest Planning

8. FOR 483 Fall 2013 New Course

FOR 483 3 Forestry in the Wildland-Urban Interface

9. FOR 423C Fall 2013 Catalog Descr, Coreqs,

FOR 423C 3 Forest Ecosystem Planning I Course Title, Prereqs

10. FOR 323W Fall 2013 Prereqs, Units

FOR 323W 3 Forest Management I

11. FOR 324W Fall 2013 Catalog Descr, Number, Prereqs

FOR 324W 3 Forest Management II

12. FOR 325W Fall 2013 Catalog Descr, Prereqs, Units

FOR 325W3 Forest Management III

13. FOR 413C Fall 2013 Prereqs

FOR 413C 3 Forest Ecosystem Assessment I

14. FOR 316 Spring 2014 Delete Course

FOR 316 3 Silviculture Applications

15. FOR 326W Spring 2014 Delete Course

FOR 326W 4 Forest Management IV

16. FOR 414C Spring 2014 Delete Course

FOR 414C 3 Forest Ecosystem AssessmentII

17. FOR 424C Spring 2014 Delete Course

FOR 424C 3 Forest EcosystemPlanningII

18. .Forestry; B.S.F. Fall 2013 Admission Requirements, Major Reqmts-Course(s)

Forestry; B.S.F. Added, Major Reqmts-Course(s) Deleted, Major

8 Term Plan: Forestry; B.S.F. 8 Term Reqmts-Unit Change

19. Fire Ecology and Management; Undergraduate Certificate Fall 2013 Certificate Reqmts-Course(s) Added,

Fire Ecology and Management; Undergraduate Certificate CertificateReqmts-Course(s) Deleted

20. .Forest Health and Ecological Restoration; Undergraduate Certificate Fall 2013 Certificate Reqmts-Course(s) Added,

Forest Health and Ecological Restoration; Undergraduate Certificate CertificateReqmts-Course(s) Deleted

21. .Human Dimensions of Forest Management; Undergraduate Certificate Fall 2013 Certificate Reqmts-Course(s) Added,

Human Dimensions of Forest Management; Undergraduate Certificate CertificateReqmts-Course(s) Deleted

22. .International Forestry and Conservation; Undergraduate Certificate Fall 2013 Certificate Reqmts-Course(s) Added,

International Forestry and Conservation; Undergraduate Certificate CertificateReqmts-Course(s) Deleted

23. Wildlife Ecology and Management; Undergraduate Certificate Fall 2013 Certificate Reqmts-Course(s) Added,

Wildlife Ecology and Management; Undergraduate Certificate CertificateReqmts-Course(s) Deleted

OUTCOME: Unanimous approval of package by committee.


1. ME 476C Fall 2013 Prereqs, Units

ME 476C 3 Mechanica Engineering Design I

2. Mechanical Engineering; B.S.E. Fall 2013 Major Reqmts-Unit Change

Mechanical Engineering; B.S.E.

8 Term Plan: Mechanical Engineering; B.S.E. 8 Term

OUTCOME: Unanimous approval, with recommendation that ME notify Liberal Studies of the change.