PSO Leader Trip Planning Check List

Trip Proposal and Planning Done!
1 / Plan up trip idea, talk with other leader, find co-leader
What is the trip about (objective/theme…gourmet cooking, ? Who is it aimed at? What are the risks involved?
Complete trip proposal: email for one
Pre-Trip meeting with the Program Contact – Libby Orrick, Laura Richardson, or Justin Canny) Done!
2 / Please schedule this meeting Thursday - Tuesday before the Wednesday Trip meeting.
q  Meet with coordinator(s) and review trip proposal and discuss what come up
q  Discuss questions and concerns
q  Discuss current weather and relevant trip conditions
q  Discuss leaders skills and strengths including: first aid, van driving,
q  Trail maps – 2 sets per group
q  Complete Trip information form to go to Security- including driving directions and copy driving directions for leaders
q  Tentative Vehicle plan :
§  van #______
§  how to and where to pickup/drop off key
§  Taking out van seat
§  Filling fuel up
§  Cleaning of van
q  Trip Folder review and check out
q  Expenditure form and trip packet with gas card, expy key and Forest Service permit if needed:
Bev at Stu Dev before 4:30pm daily

Information Meeting
3 / Purpose: To inform, to get people comfortable, familiar and excited about the trip.
·  Introduce yourselves
·  Find out who is signed up and who needs to sign up and pay still
·  Find out others names and fun fact/ice breaker question (especially if you know a lot of the participants. This can be helpful to make it seem like less of a click).
·  Who, What, When, Where and Why:
o  What is the purpose/objective of the trip?
o  Where is it going?
o  Who is it for (previous skills and exertion level)?
o  When and where is the trip leaving from?
o  When is the trip returning?
o  What equipment will they need?
It is important to review the equipment list and to bring the leaders
o  Individual Equipment check – Friday equipment as an example for beginning trips and for overnight trips.
o  When is the next meeting?
§  Day trips the next meeting will be when the trip starts
§  Overnight trips:
·  Friday then do all of this on Thursday
·  Leaving on Saturday
o  Purchase food – meet with leader(s) and some of participants on Thursday.
o  Group equipment check- Friday
o  Repackage food – Friday
·  Review the risks inherent in the trip and how you plan to reduce
·  Have participants fill out Participant form for Security
·  Acknowledgment of Risk and Liability Forms – after introducing risks, have participants read, sign and witness others signatures.
·  Health Forms - Participants must fill out the FRONT and the BACK!!!
If they do not have insurance info with them, make sure they bring it to the next meeting.
·  Copy trip form after meeting for your use to call or email participants.
Final Pre-Trip Logistics – On Thursday for Overnight trips and on Friday for day trips
4 / q  Individual equipment checked for overnight trips
q  Group Equipment OR Day trip box signed out and checked out from the Expeditionary
q  Final trip conditions check: driving, trail, road, snow, water
q  Food purchase and repackaged
q  Permits in trip folder
q  Verify return time and # to call Program contact at one of us and we will text the others.
Libby: 415-823-4524 Laura: 612-607-2403 Justin: 253-230-7901
Post trip!
5 / q  Fill Gas tank on the way back at any gas station in Tacoma
q  Put group equipment (no individual rental equipment) in the Expy Kitchen
-Clean Pots and Pans
-Road kill food goes in the road kill box in the fridge
-Leave any wet tents or tarps stuffed- hang them up Monday w/ expy staff
q  Clean and sweep van of trash and debris
Return van keys to security
q  Call YOUR Coordinator, tell us that you are back :)
Libby: 415-823-4524 Laura: 612-607-2403 Justin: 253-230-7901
On Monday:
q  Clean and check equipment in with the Expy staff
q  Return $, all receipts and completed expenditures form to Bev or Justin in Student Development
q  Final trip summary meeting with Program Coordinator - see Trip Summary sheet in this packet

Puget Sound Outdoors - Trip Information

Leave 1 copy of this page with Security prior to departure

Name of Trip Destination: ______

Trail head: Land owner:

Departure Date & Time: __ Return Date & Time: ______

Leader Cell # cell carrier

Leader Cell # cell carrier

Driving Information:

Driver: Driver’s License # / State

Driver: Driver’s License # / State

Vehicles (circle): UPS ASUPS minivan Personal Rental: Enterprise or Budget

Make/Color:______License # :______

Make/Color:______License # :______

ROUTE: Write detailed driving directions and trailhead information

PSO Coordinator Signature:______

Security Staff – Once trips date has passed…usually on Monday - Please return this form to Justin Canny at CMB# 1003

Leave 1 copy of this page with Security prior to departure

Name of Trip:______

Participant Names / LOCAL ADDRESS or Hall & room # / PHONE NUMBER
All day hikes and backpack trips have a maximum of 9 participants and 2 leader OR 11 total. There are other trips that are larger.