Children’s Books
Title: I Don’t Want to Talk About It
Author: Jeanie Franz Ransom
Average price: $8.95
ISBN: 1557987033
Reading level: K-2
Book Description: This book addresses many of the feelings that children experience when their parents divorce, as well as many of the questions that they have. Designed for younger audiences, the child in the book relates her feelings to animals and their actions. This is a good book for children and parents to read together.
How to talk about the book with your child: Reading the book with your child will help them understand that the family will go through changes, but that many things will remain the same. This is a great book to read with all of the children and address their feelings as they come up with the children. In the back of the book there is a detailed description of how to use the book to help children gain a greater understanding of what is occurring in their family.
Title: Mama and Daddy Bear’s Divorce
Author: Cornelia Maude Spelman
Average price: $6.00 used
ISBN: 9780807552223
Reading level: K-2
Book description: This easy to read, beautifully illustrated book helps children understand that even if a parent is not living with them any more, they will still see them and they will still be able to do the things they used to do. For young children, reassurance that they will see each parent regularly is very important.
How to talk about the book with your child: Young children need to be reassured that they will see each parent and this book does well at reinterating that this will happen. Parents reading this book to their children should also help them understand that each parent still loves them and that the divorce was not their fault. Keeping these points in mind while reading this book, will help parents help their children through this time of transitions and changes.
Title: Dinosaurs Divorce
Author: Laurene Krasny Brown and Marc Brown
Average price:
ISBN: 9780316109963
Reading level: K-3
Book Description: Dinosaurs Divorce is a book that talks about the changes that may occur in a family that is going through a divorce. It also addresses the feelings that children may be experiencing and how to deal with those feelings. There is also a section on step-parents and stepsisters and brothers.
How to talk about the book with your child: This book covers many of the feelings and questions that children will have when their parents divorce. Talking about the way that the dinosaurs are feeling when all of this is occurring may help you get some insight into how your child is feeling. Introduce each topic gradually and when you believe your children are ready to talk about it. Some children may not want to discuss what is going on, let them know that they are able to come to you at any time and ask questions that they may have or just to talk about how they are feeling. You may also consider using this book with younger children to help them identify the feelings that they are having through the pictures in the book.
Title: Let’s Talk About It: Divorce
Author: Fred Rogers
Average price: $5.00 used
ISBN: 0698116704
Reading level: K-3
Book Description: The author explores feelings that the child will be experiencing in a way that the children can relate easily to. This book uses real pictures to depict what the author is talking about on each page. Let’s Talk About It: Divorce is a good way to introduce the process of divorce to your children in a way that they will be able to relate to.
How to talk about the book with your child: Suggestions are given in Let’s Talk About It: Divorce on how a child can work through their feelings about their parents’ divorce. Parents should read this book with their children and may want to offer other suggestion on how to deal with their feelings. They may also talk with their child about his or her feelings at that time and reassure them that each parent will continue to be a big part of the child’s life. This is a good book to start with when introducing the divorce to their children because it does not cover step-relationships.
Title: Priscilla Twice
Author: Judith Caseley
Average price: $5.00 used
ISBN: 0688133061
Reading level: K-3
Book Description: Following a little girl who is experiencing her parents’ divorce, this book shows children that their family structure may change, but their parents will always be their parents. Priscilla is a little girl who is having a hard time accepting her parents divorce until she understands that no matter what she does and where she lives, she will always be loved and taken care of by both parents.
How to talk about the book with your child: Children experiencing their parent’s divorce may be able to relate to Priscilla and some of the things that she does to try to get her parents to stay together. Using this book to talk about the divorce with your child will be helpful because they can relate their experiences to Priscilla’s and see how she handled some of the things that went on in her family during the divorce.
Title: Amber Brown is Green with Envy
Author: Paula Danziger
Average price: $9.00 used
ISBN: 0399231811
Reading level: Grades 2-4
Description: Amber Brown is Green with Envy follows a young girl who is experiencing her parents’ divorce. It covers Amber’s sadness over the possibility of moving to a new town, her dad dating, and her mother getting remarried. This is a great book for elementary students to read because it covers many of the same trials and tribulations that children have after their parents divorce.
How to talk about the book with your child: This book covers many topics that children face when their parents divorce. Parents should read the book so that they know what to talk about with the children. When your child is reading the book, try asking them if they have ever felt the way Amber is feeling in the chapter. If the child has had to face some of the same things Amber is facing in the book, ask the child how they managed through it and what they would recommend Amber do.
Title: Sketches from a Spy Tree
Author: Tracie Vaughn Zimmer
Average price: $14.00 used
ISBN: 0618234799
Reading level: Grades 4-7
Book description: Written in poetry form, this book is a great way for children to get an idea of how other children feel. The book is a fiction book, but covers the many life events that the main character, Anne Marie is going through. These events include being a twin, her father leaving and mother remarrying, and the arrival of a baby sister.
How to talk about the book with your child: Poems in the book cover a wide range of topics and can be read one at a time. When your child reads the poems, ask them if they can relate to anything that they read. Suggest that the child try writing something like Anne Marie wrote about their feelings or ask them if there is another way they can think of to express their feelings like Anne Marie did. Don’t pry; just give them options and someone to talk to if they need it.
Title: Help! A Girl’s Guide to Divorce and Stepfamilies
Author: Nancy Holyoke
Average price: $7.00 used
ISBN: 1562477498
Reading level: Grade 3-7
Book description: Help! A Girl’s Guide to Divorce and Stepfamilies walks through the divorce process from a child’s point of view. In a question and answer format, the book addresses many of the questions that children have about what is happening during and after the divorce. The authors also offer simple suggestions on how to deal with the problems or conflicts.
How to talk about the book with your child: There are many topics addressed and your child can pick and choose the topics that they read about. Using the short quizzes in the book as conversation pieces will allow parents the opportunity to explore some of the questions or problems that your children may have about the divorce and the family.
Title: No Easy Answers: A Teen Guide to Why Divorce Happens
Author: Florence Calhoun
Average price: $5.00 used
ISBN: 0823931536
Reading level: Grade 4-8
Book description: This book is one that many young teens will be able to relate to. The author gives a general overview of the grieving process for teens and how it may affect them. They also have case studies of teens who expected the divorce and others who did not. This allows for the reader to have a more comprehensive view of what they and others may be going through.
How to talk about the book with your child: Understanding how your child is feeling is very important and this book allows for a basic exploration of those feelings. As with all the other books on this list, the recommendation is that you, the parent, read the book first and after your teen has finished reading the book, ask them if they can relate to any of the people or stories in the book. Don’t pry for answers from your teen. If possible, provide them with someone to talk to about their feelings, maybe someone outside of the family who they feel will not judge them. This book is a good start to helping your teen understand that they are not alone and how to tell you and others what they feel is wrong..
Title: Why Me? A Teen Guide to Divorce and Your Feelings
Author: Rachel Aydt
Average price: $5.00 used
ISBN: 0823931137
Reading level: 4-8
Book description: In a short, easy to read format, this book begins by addressing some common questions that teens may have about the reasons behind their parents’ divorce. The authors also offer suggestions on how to handle certain situations that may arise during and after the divorce. The last chapter of the book discusses just a little bit about remarriage and stepfamilies.
How to talk about the book with your child: This book gives kids a realistic look at what life after divorce may be like. Read the book before you have them read it because it may not address the situations that your family is in. If your child does read this book, use it as a starting point in your conversations with you’re your child. Listening to your child is key and will help them express their feelings and relate to some of the situations that were mentioned in the book
Title: The Divorce Express
Author: Paula Danziger
Average price: $4.00 used
ISBN: 9780142407127
Reading level: 6-9
Book Description: The Divorce Express chronicles the life of a teenager who has seen her life change quite a bit since her parents have divorced. Even with all of these changes, including changing schools, she is still able to make friends, rally for changes at her new school, and even go on a date. She realizes that her parents’ divorce is not as bad as she thought it was going to be and that she is still able to do the things that are important to her.
How to talk about the book with your child: This is a great book for young teens that are experiencing their parents’ divorce. It shows them that they are not alone and that things will get better, it just takes a little time. Encourage your child or children to talk about the book with you and the parts of the story that they can relate to. Asking your child questions about the book can also be a good way to facilitate a conversation and get their feelings out to you.
For Parents
Title: Helping Your Kids Cope with Divorce: The Sandcastles Way
Authors: M. Gary Neuman and Patricia Romanowski
Average price: $14.00 used
ISBN: 0679778012
Book description: This book covers most of the topics that divorcing/separating parents will face with children. They discuss child reactions to divorce by age level and how to talk about the separation with children. The authors also cover custody and visitation issues as well as the move towards a stepfamily. This is a good book for parents who have specific questions about parenting during a divorce. Parents can read the entire book or specific chapters of the book on how to deal with one or a few situations in the family. The authors also provide activities for parents and children to do together.
Title: The Co-Parenting Survival Guide
Authors: Elizabeth Thayer and Jeffrey Zimmerman
Average price: $13.00 used
ISBN: 1572242450
Book description: In a short, easy to read format, the authors present a practical guide to creating a co-parenting relationship. They acknowledge that not all divorced parents will get along, and with this in mind, recommend several ways that all parents can co-parent with success.
Title: Parenting After Divorce
Author: Philip M. Stahl
Average price: $11.00 used
ISBN: 1886230269
Book description: The author provides a realistic look at conflict and children’s needs throughout the divorce process. It reminds readers that children are not property and that parents should work to co-parent in order to keep the children first.
Title: Divorce & New Beginnings (2nd Edition)
Author: Genevieve Clapp
Average price: $15.00 used
ISBN: 0471326488
Book description: This comprehensive guide for people going through a divorce is easy to read and addresses each topic by chapter; each of which can be read independently of the others. The author addresses many questions that divorcees may have about the process of divorce, co-parenting, emotional adjustment to divorce and many other question and concerns that will arise during the process. There is a strong focus on personal and parenting issues that will occur and the author gives case studies to help the reader relate to what is being discussed in the chapter.
Stepfamily books for children and adolescents
Title: Finding Your Place: A Teen Guide to Life in a Blended Family
Author: Julie Leibowitz
Average price: $10.00 used
ISBN: 0823931145
Book description: In an easy to understand format, Finding Your Place addresses many of the questions and worries that children and teens will have when parents re-partner. Practical questions and concerns are posed and answered for the reader to understand what is going to happen and many of the feelings that will go along with the family changes.
How to talk about the book to your child: As with all other books, reading this before your child/teen does is advised. This is a good book for a child/teen to begin to understand what is going to occur within a period of time. Keeping the lines of communication open with your children is essential and allow them time to talk to you about their concerns and problems when they are ready to do so. Also, finding someone outside of the family to talk with may help your child process how the family is changing.
Title: Let’s Talk About It: Stepfamilies
Author: Fred Rogers
Average price: $4.00 used
ISBN: 140460961X
Reading level: K-3
Book Description: Mister Rogers addresses many of the complex feelings that children can have when they are in stepfamilies. This book talks about both the child’s feeling and the parents’ feelings. It also gives suggestions on how to work out many of the feelings and activities that each person can do help with the changes that are going to occur with the merging of two families.
How to talk about the book with your child: This is a great book to read in order to prepare a child for the changes that may occur when a stepfamily is created. By letting the child know what is going to happen in very important and can help with the transitions or changes that are going to take place. Letting the child know that there is a person to talk to about what is bothering them or going on in the family is also important. Also reassuring the child that by liking the stepparent, they are not being disloyal to the other parent is very important.