DiscoveryBibleStudy:InaNutshell Version
Here are some helpful notes from those of us who have actually been using DBS in a WholyFit classes:
FORMAT TO DISCOVER God’s Word together:
3 part study in equal parts:
- Share
- Discover
- Respond
Goal: Add 30 minutes to WF class to engage participants inBible study immediately following WholyFit workout:
- Call it “Afterglow” or “Fellowship Time”
- Easy to invite non-Christians, non-intrusive
- NOT an in-depth study: no Masters degree in Biblical studies required! (:
- 30 minutes = 10/10/10
- 10 minutes sharing
- 10 minutes discovering
- 10 minutes responding
>IMPORTANT NOTE:Right out of restorationhave participants physically roll right into their group- to those closest to them -without standing up, with no break. Each group facilitatortakes a couple people closest to them and have Bibles ready - or lead WholyFit teacher, before class, writes out verse on a white board for all to see.
WholyFit Classes of more than 3 people:
Best in small groups.Break down large groups into small groups of 3 people in a group with 1 facilitator within each group (no more than 4 total due to time constraints).
- Lead WholyFit teacher
- actsas the main facilitator
- will not participate
- directs the study
- keeps things flowing and timed
- keeps group facilitators on track
- The in-group facilitators
- can be anyone in the class
- is publically directed by the main facilitator
- will participate personally within the group
THE THREE PARTS = 1. Share 2. Discover 3. Respond
10 minutes to SHARE:
You can do this during class time!
- Tell what was great this week and tell what stresses you out. (= actual praise report & prayer requestin non-intrusive format for nonbelievers.) You can do this during class time if you want to.
- Idea: Ask each person what they are thankful for during the class while holding postures during cycles II-IV)
- Idea: During restoration ask each person to think of one stress and pray about it. Visualize it and see yourself putting at the foot of the cross.
- You can do this during class time while holding postures in cycles II-IV.
- Ideas: Give one word affirmative description of God.
- There are many other ways to add praise and worship into your actual class time.
10 minutes to DISCOVER
- Focus is on one Scripture.
- You can follow the original handbook, or choose your own - such as Scripture from your WholyFit class, or what your pastor has taught on that week - and create your own questions, using the handbook as a guideline.
- Take turns reading out loud 3x. You can read the Scripture during Restoration to save time and make a nice transition into the afterglow.
- Rephrase it using ONLY what you just read.It’s best to pretend here you know nothing about the Bible! Think of it as looking at Scripture as a child, for for the very first time.
- Idea: in Sunday school, we read it once, then when we re-read it, we pause to let the kids yell out the missing word before continuing.
- Once in your sit down group time answer a couple questions from the booklet.
- These may differ each week as the Spirit leads
- Choose only what you have time for (1- 3 questions)
- You may only have time for one volunteer to answer each question.
- Example 1:What captured your attention? Say what you liked.
- Example 2: What did you learn about God? What did you learn about people?
10 minutes to RESPOND:
Thisthe most important part: : DON"T SKIP THIS PART. It does us no good to simply read and know God’s Word. We MUST OBEY IT, PRACTICE IT,PUT FEET ON IT!
Luke 6:
46“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? 47Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: 48he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built. 49But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great.” - Jesus
- Direct group to silently, think, pray about & write down one of the following. This is called an “I will” statement:
- How will I respond to this coming week? (I will...)
- Is there someone who would benefit from hearing this? (I
- will...)
- Who could I share my story and God’s story with this week? (I
- will...)
- Each group now prays for each other’s ‘I will...’ statements.Pray for success and empowerment by the Holy Spirit of the “I wills” to be done this week.
- In the next week’s session you will keep each other accountable for their decisions and ask, “How did you do on your I WILL?” If they say, “not so good” just encourage them to do it the next week and so on.