Meeting of March 8, 2017

North Campus Building, 1stFloor Public Meeting Room, Suite 125E

1106 Clayton Lane - Austin, Texas

Summary of Minutes

Presiding Officer,David Logan, called the meeting to order at 9:01a.m.

Presiding Officer, David Logan, called roll - Board Members present were David Logan, Dolores Compean, Trebor Brown, David Yelovich, Neal Baker, Patrick Kiley, and Michael D. Rosenberg. Board member David Morris was absent. A roll callverified that a quorum was present. Presiding Officer, David Logan excused the absence of David Morris.

Presiding Officer, David Logan, moved to agenda item C., Approval of Minutes ofOctober 25, 2016. Board Member,Patrick Kiley, seconded by Dolores Compean, made a motion to approve the minutes of October 25, 2016 as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Presiding Officer,David Logan, moved to agenda item D., Public Comments., There was no public comments.

Presiding Officer,David Logan, moved to agenda item E., Staff Reports.George Ferrie, Compliance Division Director presented the Executive Office Reportfollowed by: John Lain, Program Specialist with the Compliance Division report; Ray Pizarro, Division Director with the Education and Examination Division report; Trevor Theilen,Prosecutor with theEnforcement Divisionreport; and Lisa Houdek, Program Manager withthe Licensing Division report.

Presiding Officer, David Logan, moved to agenda itemF.,Discussion and possible recommendation regarding the proposed rule amendments to 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 75, §§75.10, 75.25, 75.30, 75.70 and 75.110 and the public comments received. The proposed amendments add definitions, clarify license exemptions, require verification of on-the-job experience, and update outdated portions of rules. Doug Jennings, Assistant General Counsel, presented the proposed rule amendments and answered questions from the board. Board Member,Michael Rosenberg, seconded by Patrick Kiley,made a motion to recommendthe Commission approve the rules as presented with an effective date of May 15, 2017. The motion passed unanimously.

Presiding Officer,David Logan, moved to agenda itemG., Discussion and possible workgroup recommendations regarding adoption of the 2015 versions of the Uniform Mechanical Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fuel Gas Code, and International Residential Code, with a suggested effective date of September 1, 2017. Doug Jennings, Assistant General Counsel, presented the workgroup efforts and the proposed rules. Presiding Officer, David Logan, thanked the workgroup for taking the time in meeting.

Presiding Officer, David Logan, moved to agenda item I., Discussion and possible workgroup recommendations regarding the State Energy Conservation Office’s adoption of the statewide energy codes. Doug Jennings, Assistant General Counsel, presented the workgroup report for the State Energy Code and thanked David Gonzales and TDLR staff members for getting the workgroup meetings together.

Presiding Officer,David Logan, moved to agenda itemH.,Discussion and possible recommendation regarding a proposed rule amendment to 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 75, §75.110. The proposed amendment would update the applicable codes for the ACR program to the 2015 versions of the Uniform Mechanical Code, International Mechanical Code, International Residential Code, and other applicable codes, effective September 1, 2017. Doug Jennings, Assistant General Counsel presented the revised proposed rule amendments and answered questions from the Board. Board Member, Dolores Compean, seconded by Dave Yelovich made a motion to approve the proposed rules as drafted, to publish rules for comment and proposed that the Commission adopt the rules. Motion passed unanimously.

Presiding Officer,David Logan, moved to agenda itemJ., Discussion and possible appointment of workgroup regarding licensure requirements for persons performing Manual J load calculations. Doug Jennings, Assistant General Counsel and Trevor Theilen, Prosecutor for the Enforcement Division, made a presentation regarding licensure requirements for persons performing Manual J load calculations. Trevor Theileninformed the Board that there were only 2 cases in the Enforcement Division that involved Manual J load calculations. Doug Jennings, Assistant General Counsel, asked that the Board appoint a workgroup to discuss the Manual J load calculations.

Public Comment received from Mr. Andy Pell, owner of Fresh Air HVAC Sizing in Austin, Texas regarding the Manual J load calculations and unlicensed individuals.

Presiding Officer, David Logan, appointed the following members to the Manual J Load Calculations workgroup: Michael Rosenberg, Dave Yelovich, Trebor Brown and Dolores Compean. TDLR Staff are: Doug Jennings, David Gonzales, John Lain and Trevor Theilen.

Presiding Officer,David Logan, moved to agenda item K., Recommendations for agenda items for next Board meeting. The board requested a discussion on licensure requirements for persons performing Manual J load calculations and public comments; and special remarks from the Chairman.

Presiding Officer, David Logan, informs the public that this is Mr. Rosenberg’s last meeting and thanked him for serving on the board.

Presiding Officer,David Logan, moved to agenda item L., Discussion of date, time and location of next Board meeting. The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.

Presiding Officer,David Logan, moved to agenda itemM., Adjournment. The meetingadjourned at10:14a.m.


Dolores Compean, Presiding Officer

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration ContractorsAdvisory Board

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