Herefordshire College of Technology

Centre 24150

BTEC National Assessment Front Sheet

Candidate Number:
Assessor: Tom Worgan
Course: BTEC Level 3 National, Information Technology
Unit: 3 Information Systems
Title: SD3A1 How organisations use business information
Internal Verification of assignment: Terry Prosser
Date: 13 September 2013
Outcome and Principal Objective(s):
P1 - explain how organisations use information
P2 - discuss the characteristics of good information
M1 - illustrate the information flow between different functional areas
D1 - explain how an organisation could improve the quality of its business information
Achievement (Fail/Refer/Pass/Merit/Distinction):
Task / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Outcome / P1 / P2 / M1 / D1
Hand out date: 19th September 2014
Due Date / Submitted date / Date met? / Assessor
1 3 October 2014 / Yes / No
R1 / Yes / No
R2 / Yes / No
I certify this is my own work:

Grading Criteria

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: / To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to: / To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:
P1: explain how organisations use information / M1: illustrate the information flow between different functional areas / D1: explain how an organisation could improve the quality of its business information
P2: discuss the characteristics of good information
P3: explain the issues related to the use of information / M2: assess how issues related to the use of information affect an organisation
P4: describe the features and functions of information systems
P5: identify the information systems used in a specified organisation
P6: select information to support a business decision-making process / D2: justify the information selected to support a business decision-making process
P7: use IT tools to produce management information / M3: generate valid, accurate and useful information


You have been employed as a junior publicity and media officer by the local council. Part of your role is to help local businesses operate efficiently and to promote themselves. You are to prepare materials for road shows that will be set-up in shopping malls throughout the country advertising local businesses. You will obtain some information from the businesses featured but you need to explain to them the advantages of good information.


Task 1 (P1)

For P1 and P2, learners should touch on much of the content outlined in the unit content for LO1, presenting the information in a logical sequence, e.g. what is information i.e. types, sources, characteristics (may require some theoretical content), where is it used (functional areas, purposes), how is it communicated (information flow).

Write a leaflet entitled ‘Using Information’ to show how data is transformed into information within organisations, and how that data is used within organisations. You need to give examples of specific functional areas and the information which they produce and ways in which they use it. Your leaflet should describe the different type of information: qualitative, quantitative, primary and secondary.

Task 2 (P2)

Add to your leaflet a description of the characteristics of good information; it should include the terms: valid, reliable, timely, fit for purpose, accessible, cost-effective, accurate, relevant, having the right level of detail, reliable source and understandable by the user. You should give realistic examples for each of the characteristics.

Task 3 (M1)

At least three internal and two external functional areas should be included to provide sufficient complexity.

The addition of a clear, detailed, comprehensive information flow diagram will cover M1.

Prepare a flyer to show how information flows within organisations. Consider data which flows upwards, downwards and across the organisation.

Prepare an example of a flow diagram illustrating the following scenario:

A company manufactures shoes; the purchasing department buys leather from a tannery and cork from a wood company. The operations function forms shapes from the materials and join them together to make the final product, which they also pack in boxes. The sales function receives orders for the finished products and despatches them to retail shops (e.g. Brantano or Clarkes).

Your flow diagram should include arrows showing the direction of flow of the information, rectangles for internal functional areas and ovals for external areas. You should include terms such as invoices and goods received notes.

Task 4(D1)

For D1, learners should demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of good information as outlined in the unit content. Learners should support the theory with appropriate examples.

Prepare a brochure entitled ‘How to Improve the Quality of Business Information’. It should be targeted at small businesses, explaining how to make the best of their information. Include your poster from task 1 as an image and have a section in your brochure relating to each of the sections on your poster. Explain how an appreciation of each of the following can improve the quality of information:

·  Types of information

·  Purposes of information

·  Sources of information.

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