Thursday, July 28, 2016
Meeting ItemsItem
Call to OrderRoll Call
Reading of the Minutes
Treasurer Report
Communication Report
New Business
Old Business
Upcoming meetings
Item I: Call to Order
Elaine Kramer called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.
Item II: Roll Call
Faculty Senate members present: Stephen Ackerman, Peris Carr, Stephanie Davenport, Rebecca Gehringer, Lynnar Hamilton, Mike Holik, Daniel Kopsas, Elaine Kramer, Tara Lacio, Kay Murnan, Dana Price, Sandra Sanford, Larry Scharnberg, Kathy Shade, Nikki Wallen, Melissa Wittmer.
Members absent: Susan Griffitts, Jon Herbert, Kirsten Markley, Dana Price, Dana Sherman, Chris Young.
Item III: Reading of the Minutes
Tara Lacio presented the minutes from the Senate meeting on May 28. Minutes motioned and approved with correction to Roll Call.
Item IV: Treasurer Report
Larry Scharnberg, treasurer, presented the budget. Faculty Senate has $2,427 currently. Money was spent on flags.
Item V: Communication Report
Item VI: New Business
Changes to various articles of the constitution were presented. Much discussion ensued. Motion was made to continue working on revisions and submit them to Elaine Kramer by August 12. These will be emailed out prior to the next Faculty Senate meeting where further discussion and voting will take place.
Adjunct Representation at Orientation-Saturday, August 13
Larry Scharnberg, Tara Lacio, and Elain Kramer will represent Faculty Senate at Adjunct Orientation.
Faculty Senate Introductions during Faculty Orientation-Thursday, August 18
Discussion took place about having a luncheon for faculty during the Faculty Orientation. It was decided that the luncheon will instead take place during the semester due to multiple departments holding their own luncheons.
Open Forum Meetings
Time did not permit discussion.
Faculty Senate Blackboard Site
Time did not permit discussion.
Item VII: Old Business
Replacing Senate Members
Several members have needed to resign from Faculty Senate for various reasons. Discussion took place about replacing the missing members. Motion to proceed with the current 20 members and wait to replace members at a future date. Motion approved.
Item VIII: Upcoming Meetings
August 13-Adjunct Faculty Orientation
August 18-Full Time Faculty Orientation
August 25, 3:00pm-Faculty Senate Meeting
September 22, 3:00pm-Faculty Senate Meeting
October 27-3:00pm-Faculty Senate Meeting
November 17, 3:00pm-Faculty Senate Meeting
No meeting in December
Meeting invites will be sent out.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.
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Faculty Senate Meeting 7.28.16