Table E-106. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, healthy caregiver child relationship outcomes

First Author, Year / Comparison Groups / Measures / Caregiver-Child Relationship / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 2) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 3) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 4)
Cohen, 200450Cohen, 200450 / G1: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
G2: Child Centered Therapy for Treating PTSD / Parenting Practices Questionnaire (PPQ): self report / [Parenting Practices Questionnaire (PPQ)]
Baseline score mean (SD)
G1: 135.60 (15.20)
G2: 136.44 (15.80)
Endpoint score mean (SD)
G1: 144.38 (15.55)
G2: 139.19 (13.61)
Change score mean (SD)
Between group, p<0.001 / NA / NA / NA

Table E-106. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, healthy caregiver child relationship outcomes (continued)

First Author, Year / Comparison Groups / Measures / Caregiver-Child Relationship / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 2) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 3) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 4)
Deblinger,200151 / G1: Supportive Therapy
G2: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy / SCL-90-R Post-Traumatic Stress Subscale [SCL-90-R] (mother)
Impact of Events-Intrusive Thoughts (mother)
Impact of Events-Avoidance of Thoughts (mother)
Parenting Practices Questionnaire (PPQ): self report / [SCL-90-R PTS Subscale]
Baseline score mean (SD)
G1: 18.17 (18.04)
G2: 25.33 (16.07)
Posttest score mean (SD)
G1: 12.35 (11.67)
G2: 14.67 (20.28)
Within group change score mean
G1: -5.82 (d = .34)
G2:10.66 (d = .62)
Follow up score mean (SD)
G1: 12.91 (12.19)
G2: 11.48 (14.59)
Within group pretest-follow up change score mean
G1: -5.26
G2: -11.48
Between group MANOVA (pooled SD across groups)
TimexGroup: F = 2.92, p = NS (NR)
Within group MANOVA (pooled SD across groups)
Time: F = 9.97, p<.0.001 / [PPQ]
Baseline score mean (SD)
G1: 147.00 (13.15)
G2: 144.95 (12.41)
Posttest score mean (SD)
G1: 146.74 (12.93)
G2: 149.48 (15.81)
Within group change score mean
G1: -1.26 (d = .02)
G2: +4.48 (d = -.36)
Follow up score mean (SD)
G1: 148.39 (13.35)
G2: 151.05 (15.16)
Within group pretest-follow up change score mean
G1: +1.39
G2: +6.10
Between group MANOVA (pooled SD across groups)
TimexGroup: 1.38, p = NS (NR)
Within group MANOVA (pooled SD across groups)
Time: F = 3.54, p<0.05 / Impact of Events-Intrusive Thoughts
Baseline score mean (SD)
G1: 12.26 (9.63)
G2: 18.19 9.92)
Posttest score mean (SD)
G1: 9.26 (9.88)
G2: 10.00 (10.49)
Within group change score mean
G1: -3.00 (d = .30)
G2:-8.19 (d = .81)
Follow up score mean (SD)
G1: 8.65 (10.09)
G2: 8.95 (9.49)
Within group pretest-follow up change score mean
G1: -3.61
G2: -9.14
Between group MANOVA (pooled SD across groups)
TimexGroup: F 3.23, p<.05
Within group Time: F = 16.17, p<0.001
Within group MANOVA (pooled SD across groups)
Time: F = 16.17, p<0.001 / Impact of Events-Avoidance of Thoughts
Baseline score mean (SD)
G1: 13.91 (10.48)
G2: 15.95 (8.13)
Posttest score mean (SD)
G1: 11.91 (9.85)
G2: 10.90 (9.55)
Within group change score mean
G1: -2.00 (d = .21)
G2: -5.05 (d = .54)
Follow up score mean (SD)
G1: 10.65 (10.02)
G2: 8.90 (8.52)
Within group pretest-follow up change score mean
G1: -3.26
G2: -7.05
Between group MANOVA (pooled SD across groups)
TimexGroup: F = 1.22, p = NS (NR)
Within group MANOVA (pooled SD across groups)
Time: F = 8.17, p < 0.001
