NCC Pediatric Housestaff Meeting Minutes
11 January 2010
Information only:
1. Additions to the online scutdog: NNMC and WRAMC alert rosters and RRT criteria
2. DCO accounts for view morning report and the lectures online (both audio and video);
a. Go to our space at and connect! You can always enter as a guest and watch real-time.
b. Remember you can find the link on the nccpeds website under the “Calendar” drop down menu under “NCCPeds Web Conference.”
3. WRAMC Call room move: still investigating temporary call room spaces. Please move all of your personal items out of the call room by Friday (this week).
4. The 2nd Joint National Capital Regional Military Research Competition (NCRMRC) nomination packets due by 15 JAN.
5. Intern sponsors and welcome packet: sign-up sheet will be sent out later this week. We need at least one resident per PL1. Please send MAJ Darling any ideas regarding what you think the new interns might what to know.
6. Booking patients in the N-Cl: remember to correctly schedule patients into the N-Cl based on the appointment type in CHCS. If you are scheduling a MICC or NICU follow up then this needs to be scheduled into a WELL spot, not an ACUT appt. The clinic has worked very hard to separate WELL and ACUTE clinics. If you can’t find an appointment for a patient then call the clinic triage nurse.
7. NNMC Parking: the new garage is open up to the 3rd floor
8. Graduation: 18 JUN at the Strathmore (practice on WED 16 JUN). Uniform: Navy (summer dress whites), AF (service dress), Army (new blue service dress).
9. Continuity clinic numbers/averages: see Attch 1.
10. Master Continuity clinic schedule: see Attch 2.
11. Myevaluations Duty Hours automatic email reminder: This function will be turned back on. Please note the program’s default (which cannot be changed) sends out an email reminder every Monday to all users (even if they have already submitted their duty-hours). The frequency of these reminders cannot be changed.
12. 2010 NCC Peds Class: Please sign up to be a sponsor for our incoming intern class and new PL2. Send MAJ Darling an email. We will roll out a “Welcome” plan in the upcoming weeks.
a. ARMY:
i. Tanyatorin Ghanjanasak--Touro Univ. COM
ii. Milissa Carter--Univ of Rochester SOM
iii. Laela Hajiamohsheni—USUHS
iv. Joon Choi--New England COM
v. Luis Lozada--National Med. Univ. of Cuba
b. NAVY:
i. Kari Meersman--Wake Forest SOM
ii. John McDonnell--Univ of Toledo SOM
iii. Kathryn Buikema--Western Univ. SOM
iv. Jennifer Jaskiewicz--Touro Univ. COM
v. Janie Zuber (PL2)
i. Emily McElvane--Brown Univ. SOM
ii. Matthew Royal--USUHS
iii. Cortney Wilson--Wake Forest SOM
13. Mandatory Travel Card Training: If you have a government travel card then TRAVEL CARD 101 must be completed on the DTMO website by 29 Jan. Send your completed certificate to Emily Hunter in the Peds Dept.
a. Army: using electronic the AKO PureEdge form. HOWEVER, do not route the forms through AKO. Instead, save a copy then send it by email attachment (your electronically signed DA31) to Dr. Yu. All leave forms will be signed by Dr. Yu.
i. Requirements:
1. An electronically signed DA31
2. Your FMR page from AKO
3. Your DMHRSi must be up-to-date (does not apply to residents; this applies to fellows and staff)
4. Up-to-date HIPAA certificate
5. Documentation of your available leave days (LES)
6. An online TRIPS request submitted to Dr. Yu
7. Completed all myevaluations evals
8. Updated your duty hours on myevaluations
9. All AHLTA notes and AHLTA telcons are complete
10. Procedure log is up to date
11. Sign out any pending labs on your continuity patients to another resident (CHCS surrogate)
12. Make sure your continuity clinics are cancelled
13. Send an email to your rotation supervisor, Dr. Darling and Dr. Yu regarding your leave dates. All must approve your leave dates.
14. Double check the call schedule and make sure you are not on-call or on back-up call
15. After Dr. Yu signs your request, you will turn it to one of the department NCOs (Sanders/Jury/Osoria) for tracking purposes, then it will be forwarded to the company.
ii. All leave requests must be submitted to the company 14 days in advance.
b. NAVY: Follow steps 7-15 above and have Dr. Yu/Gorman/Darling sign your leave form.
c. AF: Follow steps 7-15 above and send your leaveweb request to LtCol Giscombe and include her and Laurie Creel on your email. Remember you cannot submit a leaveweb request earlier than 30 days prior to your leave.
15. CNMC PICU Work Hours Policy: The following instructions have been given by the CNMC PICU Director and CNMC Peds Chief Resident.
a. All residents are ordered to stop all patient care and duty related tasks no later than 1100 hours on days they are post-call
b. Rounding in the PICU is not authorized prior to 0500 hours
c. The post call resident's patients should be rounded on first (if possible) by the PICU team
d. PICU daily notes are to be written before rounds
e. PICU orders are to be completed during rounds
f. Rounds will function as the “official” sign out process for the post call resident's patients to other PICU team members. Closed loop communication is the standard when the patient's care plan is summarized. No further sign out after rounds should be normally required. Don’t stick around and sign out again.
g. A daily "goals" sheet is completed and given to the nurse during rounds (by the fellow).
h. Each resident is empowered to help enforce these standards and remains accountable for identifying potential duty hour violations.
16. Laptops: If you log onto your laptop and use VPN (check AHLTA, Essentris, WRAMC Outlook account), Ms. Brown has confirmed with DOIM that you will not be locked out of your computer. Do this once a week and you should not have to have your computer re-imaged and VPN reloaded!!
17. USUHS Pediatric Student Club: Please let MAJ Darling know if you are interested in becoming involved with interested med students.
Upcoming events:
1. 12 Jan: Journal club (Deluca/Rohena)
2. 13 Jan: CPC (Koss/Gordon)
3. 14 Jan: Grand Rounds
4. 15 Jan: PL3/PL2 switch day
5. 18 Jan: MLK holiday (weekend call hours)
6. 19 Jan: PL1 switch day
7. 24 Jan: Creamer’s retirement party at Lauriol Plaza (RSVP to Dr. Burklow, Dr. Yu and Paulett)
a. Call is not being covered for this event. If you want to attend please let MAJ Darling know.
b. Please re-RSVP to Paulett () with your meal selection(s) and confirm payment (assuming you already paid to attend the Christmas party)
8. 25 Jan: Education Mtg (Regimental Dining room)
9. 5 Feb: P&C meeting
10. 18-22 Feb: PL3 TDY to the Miami board review course
11. 23 Feb: Training day at WR and NNMC (no continuity clinics)
12. 6-10 Mar: USPS in San Diego
13. 12 Mar: RRC site visit
PD Comments :
1. PL3 TDY confirmed for Miami, 18-22 FEB. DTS to be handled by Emily Hunter in the WR Peds Dept.
2. PL3 make sure you give your input to your Peds specialty leaders about future assignments (wish lists). Recommend contacting some of our program graduates regarding operational vs. peds billets.
3. CNM C Work hours policy reviewed as above.
4. CR for AY 2010-2011 to be announced soon. Awaiting final service approval.
Open items:
1. Ward equipment(POC: Maj Darling): equipment/budget request has been submitted for replacement otoscope/ophthalmoscope and pediatric manual BP cuffs on Ward 51
2. NICU resident work room (POC: Maj Darling): second phone requested, awaiting DOIM work order.
ECD: 15 JAN 10
Closed items:
1. NPI numbers: all residents have NPI numbers.
a. Feedback has been given to NCC GME suggesting that all incoming interns apply for an NPI during orientation when in-processing through NNMC and WRAMC credentials.
2. Department Christmas Party Planning Committee: event was cancelled due to inclement weather.
3. Resident Admin Time: proposal for regularly scheduled administrative time for each resident as a single four hour period during each rotation block. Plan: continue to schedule needed time off on an individual, case by case basis, with the senior resident on service and the chief resident.
Attch 1:
Attch 2: