
Field Name /


Title / Professional Practice Mental Health Nursing Year 2
Code / NI518
Level / 5
Credit rating / 40
Pre-requisites / Meets Progression Requirements to Year 2 of the Course
Type of module / Extensive over year 2
Aims / To provide students with the opportunity to meet the NMC competencies for progression from year 2 to year 3 and to integrate learning from year 2 modules to nursing practice
Learning outcomes/objectives / On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to work more independently with less direct supervision in a safe and increasingly confident way to extend their knowledge, skills, attitudes and values for progression to year 3 (NMC 2010)
Demonstrate achievement of the NMC competencies for progression from year 2 to year 3 (NMC 2010) in the following domains:
Domain 1 Professional values
Domain 2 Communication and interpersonal skills
Domain 3 Nursing practice and decision making
Domain 4 Leadership, management and teamwork
Content / In addition to meeting the generic competencies, the module addresses Mental Health Field Specific Competencies. These areas are broadly:
Domain 1:
Value based practice, working with Mental Health Legislation, power relationships, mental health and relationships with inequality and discrimination, self awareness,
Domain 2:
Developing therapeutic relationships, therapeutic group facilitation, working with abuse and trauma, well-being, use of self, enabling relationships,
Domain 3:
Application of psycho-social approaches, promoting physical and mental well-being, mental health and potentially marginalised groups/high risk groups, application of psychosocial and physiological care with a care management process, enabling informed choices of care, care in crisis and acute distress, promoting self determination and recovery within individuals, families and groups.
Domain 4:
Clinical supervision and reflection, multi-professional and multi-agency work, management of mental health care environments, risk and safety.
On-line maternity care package
Biological science teaching to support skill development
Related pathophysiology
Supervised clinical practice in a range of settings, including team work with other professionals and agencies, service users and carers.
Teaching and learning strategies / Supported and virtual learning environment, simulation, lectures, experiential learning, group work, guided study, EBL.
Lectures (SNM staff and clinical practitioners/specialists)
Student Central material, clinicalskills.net
Relevant websites and CD Rom material
Service user engagement
Lecture hours 60
Simulation hours 60
Practice learning and mentor feedback throughout second year
Learning support / Students will be provided with support through their contact with lecturing staff, clinical staff, mentors and personal tutors
Indicative Reading
Barker, P. 2003. Psychiatric and mental health nursing: the craft of caring. London: Arnold
Barker, P. (ed). 2009. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing-The craft of caring (2nd edition). London: Arnold.
Callaghan, P., J. Playle, and L. Cooper. 2009. Mental Health Nursing Skills. Oxford University Press. Oxford
Ci Ci, S. 2006. Assessment, supervision and support in clinical practice : a guide for nurses, midwives and other health professionals. 2nd ed. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone.
Clarke, V. and A. Walsh. 2009. Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
DeVito, J. A. 2007. The interpersonal communication book. 11th ed. London: Pearson Allyn and Bacon
Egan, G. 2002. The skilled helper : a problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping. 7th ed. Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole.

Gray, P. 2006. The Madness of Our Lives. Experiences of Mental Breakdown and Recovery. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Healy, D. 2009. Psychiatric Drugs Explained. Edinburgh ; New York : Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier.
Johns, C. 2000. Becoming a reflective practitioner: a reflective and holistic approach to clinical nursing, practice development and clinical supervision. Oxford : Blackwell Science.
Kinsella, C, and C. Cinsella. 2006. Introducing Mental Health: A Practical Guide. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Kirby, S., G. Mitchell, D. Cross, D. Hart, 2004. Mental Health Nursing: Competencies for Practice, Palgrave Macmillan.
McIntosh, P. 2010. Action research and reflective practice : creative and visual methods to facilitate reflection and learning. London : Routledge
McGill, I. and A. Brockbank. 2004. The action learning handbook : powerful techniques for education, professional development and training. London : Routledge.
Moon, J. A. 2004. A handbook of reflective and experiential learning : theory and practice. London: Routledge.
Nelson-Jones, R. 2006. Human relationship skills : coaching and self-coaching. 4th ed. Hove : Routledge.
Norman, I and Ryrie, I. 2004. The Art and Science of Mental Health Nursing. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Ryan, T and J. Pritchard. 2004. Good Practice in Adult Mental Health. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Scaife, J. 2009. Supervision in clinical practice : a practitioner's guide. London : Routledge
Sloan, G. 2006. Clinical supervision in mental health nursing. Chichester : Wiley.
Stahl, S.M. 2008. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical applications. Cambridge Cambridge University Press
Stringer, S. et al. 2009. Psychiatry PRN: Principles, Reality, Next Steps. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
Talbot, P., G. Astbury, T. Mason. 2010. Key concepts in learning disabilities . London: SAGE.
Taylor, B. J. 2006. Reflective practice : a guide for nurses and midwives. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Van Emden J, and L. Becker. 2004. Presentation skills for students. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Van Ooijen, E. 2003. Clinical supervision made easy : the 3-step method. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone.
Williams, C. and C.M. Davis. 2004. Therapeutic interaction in nursing. Thorofare, N.J. : Slack
Sites about Reflective Practice
Sites about Clinical Supervision
Sites about Mentorship and being Mentored.
Royal College of Nursing. 2005. Guidance for mentors of student nurses and midwives: an RCN toolkit.
Available at http://www.rcn.org.uk/publications/pdf/guidance_for_mentors.pdf
Royal College of Nursing. 2002. Helping students get the best from their practice placements.
Available at: http://www.rcn.org.uk/publications/pdf/helpingstudents.pdf
The library stocks a range of journals and electronic journals relating to mental health.
Useful Web Sites
Assessment tasks / By the end of the second year the student is required to complete an assessment of practice document which includes:
·  Providing evidence of satisfactory completion of NMC competencies for Year 2 (NMC 2010). NMC competencies will be summatively assessed in practice by the mentor in accordance with current NMC Standards (SLAIP 2008).
·  Completing all mandatory skills and the required number of optional skills.
·  Passing identified Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) assessed by simulation.
·  Passing an online assessment of numeracy related to medication management.
·  Passing an online maternity care package
·  Self declaration of good health and conduct.
All elements must be passed.
100% weighting
Brief description of module content and/or aims / This module comprises learning opportunities related to achievement of NMC competencies, clinical practice and assessment of practice. This module will provide the student nurse with the knowledge and experience that is fundamental to nursing in a range of services and settings.
Area examination board to which module relates / BSc (Hons) Nursing
Module team/authors/coordinator / Penny Dodds (Module Leader) Jamie Auld, Bill McGowan. Stevan Monkley-Poole
Semester offered, where appropriate / Semester 1, 2 and 3
Year 2, Trimester 1, 2 and 3
Site where delivered / Brighton
Date of first approval / 6th April 2011
Date of last revision / Not applicable
Date of approval of this version / 6th April 2011
Version number / 1
Replacement for previous module / N/A
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Nursing – Mental Health
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / BSc (Hons) Nursing – Mental Health
School home / School of Nursing & Midwifery
External examiner / Nicola Evans

Modules Year 2 Optional



Title / Introduction to Global Health
Code / NI504
Level / 5
Credit rating / 10
Pre-requisites / Meets Progression Requirements to Year 2 of the Course
Type of module / Extensive on-line
Aims / This module intends to give students an increased understanding of global health issues and their affect on nursing and health care. In addition to appraising globalised and cultural dimensions of health.
Learning outcomes/objectives / By the end of this module students will be able to;
·  Explain globalisation in the context of health and epidemiology
·  Review global health principles and social inequalities
·  Analyse a minimum of one global health issue in depth using an appropriate theoretical framework and current research
·  Explore the impact of culture on global health and nursing
Content / The module will begin with an introductory session using student central to orientate students to the units and expectations. Thereafter the content will be presented as distinct on line units:
Unit 1 : Introduction to global health studies, globalization and principles of culture and anthropology.
Unit 2: Contemporary issues in global health and health care
Unit 3: Exploration of one key issue though on line debate: for example:
`The WHO contributes to the development of health globally`
Unit 4: Intercultural competencies – to include: diversity, communication and their application in a range of forms of difference.
Some applied content may vary dependent on the current issues and trends. Potential topics may be;
·  Migration in nursing and health care delivery
·  Poverty and disease
·  Health inequalities
·  International health promotion
·  Conflict, migration and health
·  Refugee and asylum seeker health
Teaching and learning strategies / Keynote embedded lectures using a range of media, delivered by experts in the field.
Personal learning plans agreed with online facilitator.
On line debate and action learning set discussions on line.
Students will be expected to participate in 3 participative student activities;
12 hours taught
30 hours of practical work
38 hours independent learning
20 hours assessment
TOTAL: 100 hours
Learning support / Online facilitator; selected from a member of module team to engage with student for a minimum of 3 times during module.
Action learning and debate sets co-ordinated by module team
Technical support from technical advisor
Students will be guided towards specific reading by the online facilitator or invited guest lecturer and encouraged to identify International journals
Indicative readingGorton, V. 2009. Nursing as a global health activity Chap 5 IN Hall, C. Ritchie, D. 2009 What is Nursing. Exeter, Learning matters.
Helman, G. 2007. Culture, Health and Illness 5th ed. London.Hodder Arnold
Kawachi, I and Wamala, S. 2007. Globalization and Health. Oxford. University Press
Labonte, R. 2008. Global Health Policy in public policy: finding the right frame. Critical Public Health. 119, 467 - 482
Spector, R. 2004. Cultural diversity in Health and Illness (6th Ed) NJ. Person/Prentice Hall.
Library Journals (for UK based students)
Critical Public health
International Journal of Health Services
Internet SourcesBMC International health and Human Rights
European Centre for Disease control and Prevention
Global Health Council
Global Health Watch
PolicyMaker Analysis Tools
Rcn Transcultural resources
United Nations Education and Scientific Cultural Organization
World Health Organization 2000 Women’s Mental Health an Evidenced Based Review, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Geneva: WHO
The World Bank Group
Assessment tasks / A 1500 word essay analyzing one global health topic giving a clear rationale with relevant trends highlighted. This is to be negotiated and agreed with an on line facilitator.
This essay should address cultural interpretations and the impact the health topic has on nursing.
100% weighting
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module develops knowledge of global health concepts and their related impact on health care and nursing. Cultural theory, knowledge, skills, experience and sensitivity will be explored and students will gain an increased understanding of global influences and organizations such as the WHO, UNESCO and international professional bodies
Area examination board to which module relates / BSc (Hons) Nursing
Module team/authors/ coordinator / Nita Muir, Kate Law, Laetitia Zeeman, Patrick Saintas, Jill Durrant, Rosemary Gaudoin
Semester offered, where appropriate / Semesters 2 and 3
Second year trimesters 2 and 3
Site where delivered / Not applicable as on line
Date of first approval / 6th April 2011
Date of last revision / N/A
Date of approval of this version / 6th April 2011
Version number / 1
Replacement for previous module / N/A
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Nursing – adult, mental health, child health
Optional mandatory
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in course / BSc (Hons) Nursing – adult , mental health child health
Optional mandatory
School home / SNM
External examiner / Chrysi Leliopoulou


Field name

/ Comments/notes
Title / International Nursing Elective
Code / NI505
Level / 5
Credit rating / 10
Pre-requisites / Meets Progression Requirements to Year 2 of the Course
The ability to travel abroad, clear self written learning outcomes and recommendation from personal tutor
Type of module / Intensive
Aims / To develop the students understanding of how global, wider professional and cultural issues affect nursing, health and health care. To develop an awareness of their own culture and respect for the culture of others.
Learning outcomes/objectives / By the end of the module the students should be able to:
·  Appreciate and explore the concepts associated with global health
·  Understand and analyse concepts of culture and how culture can affect health, welfare and professional nursing
·  Explore the value of sharing multi-cultural knowledge and experience;
·  Reflect on values and attitudes relating to nursing and health care.
·  Gain an understanding for the experience of being a stranger through analysis of the experience.
Content /

This will be divided into 3 distinct phase over 4 weeks

Week 1 is the preparatory phase which will include the following content: Notions of cultures, introduction to global health issues, a review of the provision of health and welfare in their exchange country and an understanding of the position of professional nursing.

Preparation for travel and being `a stranger`
Review of reflective practice and review of own views/beliefs
Refresh skills to design poster

Week 2 and 3 Exchange Phase

Two weeks exchange with current partner where there is an established agreement, including 1 day orientation to host institution and health care setting. 8 days observational experience based in health care settings. Reflection through e-learning.

Week 4 Debriefing