These plans encompass an overview of the Grade 2 curriculum. Timelines are flexible, as is the method ofdeliveryamongst the Grade 2 classes. Curriculum documents are available at

Month and
Trait / September
Respect / October
Responsibility / November
Progress Reports Nov. 10th / December
Kindness and Caring / January
Subject / Progress Term
Language / Writing: Develop and organize content; communicate ideas for a specific purpose; organize ideas in logical sequence; learn and apply writing conventions; e.g., capital letters and punctuation.
Reading: Read a variety of genres; learn and apply reading strategies; practise re-tells and comprehension through reading response, oral and written. Developmental Reading Assessments (DRAs): These one-on-one assessments occur throughout the year.
Oral Communication: Attentive listening skills; following instructions; asking and answering questions; speaking in complete sentences; contributing comments that move the discussion forward.
Media Literacy: Understanding various forms of media texts; making inferences; creating a media message. / Writing: Use form and style in writing; begin to use editing and revision skills; continue to use writing conventions.
Reading: Understand form and style; develop ability to read with fluency and expression.
Oral CommunicationMedia Literacy: Continue from Term 1.
Math / Number Sense & Numeration: Review of Gr. 1 learning.
Data Management & Probability: Sorting and Graphing.
All year: emphasize enquiry and problem solving. / Number Sense & Numeration: Addition and subtraction facts to 20; number-facts families. / Number Sense & Numeration: ongoing; mental math.
Patterning & Algebra: Identifying, extending, and creating patterns. / Number Sense & Numeration: ongoing; mental math.
Data Management &Probability: Probability language and concepts. / Number Sense & Numeration: ongoing; word problems.
Geometry & Spatial Sense: 2D shapes.
Science / Matter & Energy: Solids and Liquids / Solids and Liquids continues. / Solids and Liquids continues. / Solids and Liquids completed.
Structures & Mechanisms: Movement begins. / Movement continues.
Social Studies / Changing Family & Community Traditions: Understand celebrations vs. traditions; begin comparative investigations. Rosh Hashanah. / Thanksgiving, Hallowe’en, and Diwali celebrations and traditions. Compare, contrast, and reflect. / Remembrance Day traditions. / Traditions of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. Compare, contrast, and reflect. / Global Communities: Knowledge of features of the globe and mapping skills
Visual Art / Mental Images in Journals and Poetry; Self Portraits. Yearlong focus: Repetition and rhythm in visual art. / Hallowe’en crafts
Yearlong: open-ended art activities using a variety of media and incorporating all elements of design; discussion and reflection. / As in October; integrated with Social Studies. / Arts & crafts related to holidays and traditions in December. / Continued from October; additionally, identification of primary and secondary colours; creation of secondary colours.
Drama / Learn to move and control one’s body in space and time. Reflect upon, respond to, and analyze dramatic works;Tribes activities. / Role Playing; Tribes activities. / Create and present dramatic play;
Tribes activities.

Rotary teachers provide instruction in Dance, Health and Physical Education, IT, and Music; additionally Gr. 2 teachers integrate these subjects into their programmes. Daily Physical Activity occurs on non-Phys. Ed.



Month and
Trait / February
First Report Card Feb. 9th / March
Honesty / April
Co-operation / May
Integrity / June
Final Report Card June 24th
Language Arts / /
Math / Number Sense & Numeration: Place value; Hundred’s Day.
Measurement: Length, area and perimeter. / Number Sense & Numeration: Place valuecontinues; addition and subtraction beyond 20.
Measurement: Length, area and perimeter completed; mass and capacity. / Number Sense & Numeration: Addition and subtraction with and without regrouping; money to 100¢; making change.
Geometry & Spatial Sense: 3D figures. / Number Sense & Numeration: Fractions. Addition and subtraction with and without regrouping continues. Measurement: Digital and analogue time to the half and quarter hours. / Number Sense & Numeration: Conceptsofmultiplication and division.
Patterning & Algebra: growing patterns; numeric patterns.
Science / Movement completed.
Earth & Space Systems: Air and Water in Our Environment begins. / Air and Water in Our Environment continues. / Air & Water in Our Environment completed. Life Systems: Growth & Changes in Animals begins.In-class enquiry project begins. / Growth & Changes in Animals continues. In-class enquiry project continues. / Growth & Changes in Animals completed.
Social Studies / Globe and mapping continues.
Traditions: Groundhog Day, Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day. / Globe and mapping finishes.
Traditions: St. Patrick’s Day, First day of Spring, Easter / Global Communities:
In-school project comparing children’s lives in Canada with children’s’ lives in another country. / Global Communities:
In-school project completed. / Traditions: Year-end celebrations and traditions.
Visual Art / Continuation of open-ended art activities and reflection thereon. Communicate feelings aroused by art. Positively critique other artists’ work.
Drama / Create and present dramatic play.
Tribes activities / Tableaux
Tribes activities / Tableaux
Tribes activities / Reflect upon, respond to, and analyze dramatic works. Tribes activities. / Reflect upon, respond to, and analyze dramatic works. Tribes activities.

Rotary teachers provide instruction in Dance, Health and Physical Education, IT, and Music; additionally Gr. 2 teachers integrate these subjects into their programmes. Daily Physical Activity occurs on non-Phys. Ed. days.