This assignment is designed to help you have a successful learning experience in your team. The assignment is worth 20 project points. The point value of each question is in parentheses in front of it.

Your team will create a Team Working Agreement (TWA) in Question 8 (below). This will be a written contract that your team creates to describe what individual responsibilities will be and how your team will handle problems. Problems should be handled primarily in your team. As a last resort, you may choose to go to someone else for help. Recognize that points will be taken away from the entire team total for going to an external mediation source. Your TWA should specify when you would do that. Complete the following activities individually:

(2) 1.Think about teams you have been on in all areas of your life: sports, clubs, music, drama, church, family, school courses, etc. Name one of these teams that you think was successful. Name one team that you think was unsuccessful. What differences do you see between the successful and unsuccessful teams? Report on you felt on each of the teams as well as the reasons you think the teams were successful or unsuccessful.

(2) 2.Throughout the semester in this course you will be working in a project team. Imagine that this team is an ideal team. What characteristics will it possess?

(2) 3.What thoughts do you have about working on teams?

Share your responses to Questions 1-3 with your teammates in order to begin to get to know each other. Compile your results. Then work through the dilemmas below with your team.

Dilemma One:

You are working in a team of three or four people. Responsibilities have been assigned and agreed upon by all. At your next meeting everyone is prepared but Stephanie.

(2) 4.a.What will you say to Stephanie?

b.Stephanie explains to the team that she was not feeling well the night before and was unable to complete her responsibility. What is your response?

c.What does your team do to continue progress on your project?

The next day Stephanie comes prepared and the team progresses well. A week later on the day your team was going to put together your project, Michael forgets to bring the materials he agreed to bring.

d.How does your team respond?

e.How will you make the progress you need to make?

The next day Michael brings his materials, but Stephanie is absent. Your project is due the next day.

f.How does your team respond?

g.What can you do as a team to plan for delays?

Dilemma Two:

Suppose you have worked in many teams before and you seem to always be the one who does all the work.

(2) 5.a.How can you assure that others do their share?

b.What needs to happen before you go to someone else for help with your dilemma?

c.Under what circumstances will you choose to leave the team and work on your own or with a subset of the original team?

Dilemma Three:

You are working in a team with John. He always wants to tell everyone what to do. He doesn’t listen to other people’s suggestions, or he puts others suggestions down.

(2) 6.a.How will you work with John in the team?

b.What will happen before you ask someone else for help?

c.Under what circumstances will you choose to leave the team and work on your own or with a subset of the original team?

(2) 7.Team Goals Statement

Create a statement of your team’s goals in this course.

(6) 8.Team Working Agreement

In light of your responses to the previous questions, write a TWA that enhances the chances that your team will achieve its mission. Be sure your TWA addresses the concerns each of you has about working on a team, incorporates your strategies for dealing with the dilemmas, and specifies the circumstances under which each of you will leave the team and work on your own or with a subset of the original team.

Answer the following questions in your TWA:

A. What times in the week can you get together as a team?

B. How will you contact each other about meetings?

C. How much advance notice will you give before meetings?

D. Will you allow future amendments to your TWA? If so, how will this be done?

E. What do you expect each other to contribute to your team?

F. What behaviors are acceptable in team meetings?

G. How will team members deal with disagreements?

H. How will the team deal with absences?

I. Under what conditions will your team choose to go to someone else for help?

J. What other policies will you establish to address situations similar to the dilemmas above?

Suppose that, in spite of all your planning, worse comes to worse and it appears that one or more members of the team are not doing their jobs.

  1. Under what conditions will you leave the team and choose to work either with a subset of the original team?
  2. What warnings will you give?

Include the names of the team members. Have everyone sign the agreement. Indicate who the team leader is on your TWA.

Select your team leader carefully. This person leads the team toward its goals, submits work, receives the graded work, and is the contact if there are questions about your project.

If you choose to leave the team, this action is not official until you give me a written description of your action. All work completed by the team prior to your giving me this description is to be available. Your teaching assistant will try to make reasonable accommodations.