Chapters 12&13 Review Sheet

1.This is a strategic planning technique that analyzes a company’s internal strengths and weaknesses. ______

2.Sales promotion involves the use of ______to promote sales.

3.Both your preopening and ongoing plans can be organized around a(n) ______of related activities.

4.Timing is an important factor in your ______plan, because it lets people know you are opening for business.

5.______is the leader in national advertising.

6.Many businesses include a mix of print and ______media promotions in their plans.

7.Advertisements sent directly to the home ______.

8.Whether salespeople are new or experienced, entrepreneurs must provide ______

9.The series of mental steps that a customer goes through when making a purchase.

10.The final step in managing a sales operation is to evaluate

11.A salesperson who suggests additional items to go with a product once the sale has been made is using

12.This selling process entails looking for new customers.

13.Personal selling staff and sales training should not be included in the ______budget, but are a part of the operating expenses.

14.Nearly all television and national magazine ads are produced by professional ______.

15.Companies that can handle all phases of advertising ______

16.A series of related promotional activities with a similar theme ______

17.The completion of a sale to a customer who has sought out a product ______

18.Selling that involves seeking out buyers and giving them a well-organized presentation ______

19.An estimate of sales for a specified period ______

20.Feelings the buyer associates with the product ______

21.In the United States, all businesses spend about one fourth of their advertising dollars on ______ads.

22.Sales training must include a variety of ______.

23.Sales planning begins with determining the ______potential and making sales forecasts.

24.The salesperson’s first contact with a customer is the ______when he or she can establish a professional and friendly relationship.

25.Anything of value that a customer receives in addition to the good or service purchased ______.

26.A promotion that returns part of the purchase price to the customer.

27.When revising your promotional mix, look at your recent short-term decisions, previous plans, and ______.

28.A form of advertising where the suppliers or manufacturers of goods that a business sells agree to share that business's advertising costs ______

29.A sales manager must be able to supervise and motivate salespeople, compensate them adequately, handle sales expenses and transportation issues, and maintain ______

30.A market share estimate is based on a ______

31.There are three types of payment for salespeople: straight salary, straight commission, or ______.

32.Revisions to the promotional plan should be consistent with other marketing objectives and ______.

33.Sales promotions in the form of games. ______

34.Oral presentations to one or more potential buyers with the intent of making a sale.

35.Evaluating the entire company's ______as well as the performance of individual salespeople is critical to the future success of the business.

36.When starting a new business, entrepreneurs must rely on market analysis and industry information for ______.

37.What is order-getting? ______

38.The group of employees who are responsible for the selling process are your ______.

39.The advantages or personal satisfaction that customers will get from a product ______

40.The oral presentation made by a salesperson to a customer to make a sale ______

41.Conscious decisions for making a purchase ______

42.Document that provides a means of monitoring and evaluating an outside sales rep's activities ______

43.Influencing potential customers to buy before contact is actually made ______

44.Items such as pens, caps, and T-shirts imprinted with a company's name and used for advertising purposes ______

45.Procedure in which a panel of consumers evaluates an ad before it runs ______

46.The impressions that people have of a business ______

47.Standard used to compare costs ______

48.Activities designed to create goodwill toward a business ______


49.Describe the specific factors addressed in the post-evaluation of an ad.

50.Define the buying process. Describe the four steps on the stages of selling (AIDA).