1.  The Club shall be named “THE AYIOS NIKOLAOS GOLF CLUB,” hereafter referred to as “the Golf Club.”

2.  The aim of the Golf Club is to promote, encourage and provide suitable facilities for Golf for the British Service personnel, UKBC’s and families within Ayios Nikolaos Station allowing to the integration and community elements of the Unit vision and strategy.

3.  The Golf Club is affiliated to the Cyprus Golf Federation and abides by their rulings of the game.


4.  President. The President of the Golf Club is the Commanding Officer JSSU (Cyp), or a senior officer agreed by him.


5. Golf Club Chairman. The Chairman of the Golf Club shall be a serving Military Officer, or Warrant Officer who is appointed by the President. Terms of Reference at ANNEX A.

6. Captain. The post of Captain is normally filled by the Vice-Captain from the previous season and is endorsed by the members at the AGM, they can be either Entitled or Society Members. He shall hold the post for one year and is not normally eligible for re-election. Terms of Reference at ANNEX B.

7. Vice-Captain. The post of Vice-Captain is filled by nomination. Proposed and Seconded by individual members, the proposal is voted upon at the AGM, they can be either Entitled or Society Members. The Vice-Captain generally becomes Captain for the next season. Terms of Reference at ANNEX C.

8. Lady Captain. The post of Lady Captain is normally filled by the Vice-Captain from the previous season. She shall hold the post for one year and is not normally eligible for re-election. Terms of Reference at ANNEX D.

9. Lady Vice-Captain. The post of Lady Vice is filled by nomination. Proposed and seconded by individual members, the proposal is voted upon at the AGM. The Lady Vice-Captain generally becomes Captain for the next season. Terms of Reference at ANNEX E.

10. Fund Manager. The post of Fund Manager is appointed by the Senior Fund Manager and is to be a serving Officer. The Chairman can however take on the post of Fund Manager, if he is of an appropriate rank and position. Terms of Reference at ANNEX F.

11. Golf Club Committee. The Committee is responsible for the management and running of the Golf Club. Members of the Committee, with the exception of the Chairman, Fund Manager and Treasurer, shall be elected at the AGM and will hold office for one year, they can be either Entitled or part of the 15% Non Entitled Members . They shall be eligible for re-election.

12. The Committee shall consist of the following:

a. Chairman i. Publicity Member

b. Captain j. Grounds Member

c. Vice-Captain k. Entertainment Member

d. Lady Captain l. Bar Manager

e. Lady Vice-Captain m. Handicap Secretary

f. Secretary n. House Member

g. Treasurer/Property o. Competition Secretary

13. The Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies until the next AGM. It should meet at least once a month during the playing season, or more frequently as is deemed necessary by the Chairman, to discharge the business of the Club.

14. Eligibility for Election. Members of the Committee are to be Full Members of the Golf Club. Persons are to be elected at the AGM and will normally hold office for one year. They shall be eligible for re-election.

15. Election Procedures. A list of nominations for election to the Committee is to be posted on the notice board within the Golf Club, four weeks prior to the AGM. The nominees, together with the names of proposers and seconders, shall be entered on the list. When a candidate is proposed and seconded, the nominee must append their signature. The list shall be closed and taken down one week prior to the AGM.

16. A secret ballot shall be taken if necessary at the AGM. To avoid embarrassment, the number of votes cast for each nominee will not be announced. All Full Members (Men & Ladies) have voting rights for the election of the Golf Club Committee. Other Members will have their opinion balloted using the same form as for full members at the AGM.

17. Powers of the Committee. At all meetings, the Chairman, or in his absence, the Captain or Vice-Captain shall chair the meeting. The Chairman shall have the casting vote at any meeting; the President has the right to veto.

18. Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

19. In the Committee shall be vested the sole right to engage or dismiss Golf Club servants.

20. The Chairman may authorise expenditure up to €250.00 per month for the good and benefit of the Golf Club and all its members, but a majority vote of the Committee will be necessary to authorise expenditure over €250.00.

a. The Committee have the powers to spend Club Money to the value of €5000 for the general upkeep of the Club and Course. Any money spent is to voted on by the Committee and must have a majority vote. The Chairman can veto any expenditure that does not conform to current regulations.

21. The Chairman, Captain, Vice-Captain or Lady Captain, singularly or collectively, may authorise drinks for Golf Club members who provide valuable assistance to the golf club during competitions. The sum is not to exceed €100.00 per month.

22. The Captain or Vice-Captain may authorise the expenditure of €100.00 for legitimate expenses to defray the cost of home and away Inter-Golf Club fixtures/competitions.

23. The Captain, Vice-Captain or Lady Captain may authorise “Captain’s Drinks.” However, the sum must not exceed €100.00 per month and must be cleared with the Chairman beforehand.

24. The “Grounds Member” is authorised to hold a float of €100.00 for the purchase of minor items to assist in the grounds maintenance. The float should be available for audit at all times and must not exceed a total spend of €100.00 per calendar month.

25. Seven clear days notice of all Committee Meetings of the Club shall be given to each Committee member.

26. Executive Committee. The Committee will consist of the Chairman, Captain, Vice Captain and Lady Captain and will be responsible for disciplinary matters. It will also oversee the processing of all Membership Applications. The Secretary may be invited to the meeting for the purpose of minute taking, but will have no say in the proceedings.


27. Competition Fees. The Captain and Lady Captain shall have the entry fees for competitions at other clubs reimbursed when officially representing ANGC.

28. Transport Costs. Transport will be subsidised for the under mentioned competitions when funds are available and the groups are representing ANGC:

a.  Military Interclub’s - (JSGCE/IGCN – Full Subsidy).

b.  Friendly Interclub’s - (50% subsidy) – CMC & CGF Cup Korineum).

c.  Youth Academy – One Full or 2 x 50% subsidies per season. For transport to and from Aphrodite Hills, either petrol money or mini bus costings will be subsidised by the club to the sum of 100 Euros per trip.

d.  Ladies Trip to Korineum - One Full or 2 x 50% subsidies per season.

e.  Seniors -- One Full or 2 x 50% subsidies per season.

f.  Summer and Xmas Functions – 2 x 50% subsidies.

29. Repayment of annual subscriptions, or part thereof, will not be made, except in the case of members’ leaving Cyprus. Members requesting such repayments are to submit their claims to the Treasurer, who is authorised to refund at the rate of 1/12th of the full membership subscription for each full non-expired month that the fee was paid.

30. Sponsorship. All sponsorship must go through the committee for authorisation prior to the sponsor being accepted. Funds from the sponsor are to be received into the Club General Purpose Fund and will then be distributed accordingly.

31. Club Merchandise. All ANGC merchandise purchased for use by club members/groups must be sold through the Club Shop. This allows the percentage profit directive from the Station Commander to be met.

32. ANGC Logo. The ANGC Logo is owned by the Club and committee authority must be sought prior to its use by any member of the club.


33. The AGM of the Golf Club shall, where possible, be held in June/July of each year. At such AGMs, the Membership present shall elect a Committee. At least 15 full members of the Golf Club shall be present to constitute a quorum and every proposition before the meeting shall be decided by the majority vote of the members, Society Members will have their opinion balloted using the same form as for full members at the AGM.

34. All items for discussion at the AGM are to be submitted to the Secretary 14 days prior to the AGM. No business will be accepted from the floor during the AGM, but statements can be made steering discussion at the next AGM.

35. The Committee shall submit a financial statement and a balance sheet for the year for consideration and approval. The Fund Manager, in Consultation with the Treasurer and Accountant, should produce this as soon as possible.


36. The Committee may direct the Secretary to call a Special General Meeting of the Golf Club at any time.

37. The Secretary shall also call such a meeting at the written request of 15, or more, full members of the Golf Club. Such a written request must state the purpose of the meeting. At such a meeting the specified subject, or subjects, shall be discussed. The Secretary shall call any such meeting within 21 days of receiving a request.

38. At all Special General Meetings a majority of two thirds of Full members present shall be required to pass a resolution on any subject debated. Any subject debated, whether passed or not, CANNOT be made the subject of another Special General Meeting for at least 12 months, the President has the power of veto.


39. The Golf Club offers the following Categories of Membership:

40. Full Individual Membership. Available to all UK service personnel, UN Forces in Cyprus, government employed UK based civilians, their dependants and their spouses. Full individual membership applies only to the named individual. Each Member is required to play at least 20% of Club “Qualifying” Competitions throughout the course of the year. Where a Club Members Handicap is lost due to lack of attendance, the associated CGF fees will be refunded by the member back to the club prior to the new season.

41. Family Membership. Family Membership is offered to Husband and Wife who both wish to join the Club. There will be a discount for such membership decided at the AGM depending on what type of membership is requested.

42. Junior Membership. Junior Membership is extended to entitled dependants under the age of 18 yrs, who wish to play golf. They have no vote at Annual or Special General Meetings.

43. Social Membership. Social Membership is offered to all members, their spouses and dependants. It is also available to those who are Full Individual Members of JSGC(D) under the 5 day agreement. They have no vote at the AGM, although they may attend.

44. Pay and Play Membership. Available to any individual who does not qualify for Full Individual Membership. Although the Pay and Play would indicate that you turn up and pay on the day of play, the ANGC are keen to attract and retain customers so can offer full golf play throughout the year for a 1-off Pay and Play payment each year. This 1-off payment will be set at the AGM.

45. Country Society Membership. Is available to any full playing member of a recognised off island golf club and where that playing member is not resident in Cyprus for more than 6 continuous months in any 12 month period.

a.  They are eligible to play in all Club Competitions, except the Club Championships and Competitions which run over several months.

46. Honorary Life Membership. Honorary Life Membership is available to those members, either full individual or society, who are deemed to have made a lasting contribution to the Club. Life Membership enables the individual to have full membership of the Club at no cost for the duration of their lifetime. This applies to the individual only and not to any partner or spouse, who will have to apply annually as normal. Individuals are to be nominated in time for the AGM, where a secret vote will be held. The individual may not be present during the vote. A majority vote will decide.


47. Anyone wishing to become a member of the Golf Club is to apply on the application form available in the Club Room. Applications must be accompanied by the subscription covering their period of membership. Pay and Play Members should not submit any payment until their membership has been approved. New Members shall have their acceptance notified with a receipt for subscription incorporating a Bag Tag. Each Member shall be bound by the rules of the Golf Club and Local Rules made from time to time by the Committee.

48. Subscription fees, Locker fees and Green fees shall be decided by the Chairman of ANGC following an annual review with the Fund Manager, the Station Auditor and the Treasurer.

49. A monthly course fee (Green fee) subscription is available to entitled personnel, dependants and houseguests who are on a short stay or visit to Cyprus.

50. Repayment of annual subscriptions, or part thereof, will not be made, except in the case of members’ unexpected posting. Members requesting such repayments are to submit their claims to the Treasurer, who is authorised to refund at the rate of 1/12th of the full membership subscription for each non-expired month that the fee was paid.