Minutes of 10th PPG (Patient Participation Group) meeting held on Wednesday 7th November 2012


Caroline Gunn (Secretary)

Don Mackenzie (Chair)

Sue Chambers

Chris Davies

Raymond Lyons

Hla Htay

Eileen Crawford

Ros Barker


Rosemary Hayward

1.  Minutes of the last meeting approved.

2.  Matters Arising
Next of kin – it appears there is something called local person with trust that can be nominated by the patient to help deal with the patients issues – such as dementia
Phlebotomy Service – things are moving forward slowly – but faster than they were. Emails are circulating and now there will be discussions around budgets, service charges and TUPE.
T+C – for review – deferred
Health Passport – a copy was shown – reason patients like them is they can get free scripts
Survey – results were given out – but discussion deferred to next meeting

3.  Practice News – by Henry Mintz
Dr Mintz is going part time from next week -3 sessions per week for 4 weeks and then 5 sessions per week. Dr Bala has now started as a full time assistant, and Dr Kamalarajah has increased her sessions by one. Next year – Dr Wormell may be moving towards retirement and Dr Brown may reduce her commitment.
With regards to the Masterplan – we have been asked to specify our requirements in the new health centre with the aid of architects. It all depends on Westminster Council. Also ownership of this building is currently with the PCT and will change to PROPCO – who are managing the estates and buildings for the NHS from April.
We still have no lease – started negotiating with Westminster PCT – then INWL and now NHS London are in charge – we must have a lease by March 2013 – and may end up as a commercial lease which is not good news.
The Masterplan is currently out to vote.

4.  Carers Network – PowerPoint presentation to follow – but we need to be able to define carers. We at the practice should be signposting carers for help at local services. It is a case of culture and attitude – supplemented by charitable services. Lots of discussions over payment for carers – or help for carers – how proactive is the carer and the need for the practice to be able to identify current and new carers. Item in the news letter asking for carers to inform the practice.
There is an integrated system for palliative patients which contains all details of carers and local person with trust that can be access by DN’s, Macmillan Nurses 111, ambulance and out of hours.

5.  News letter update – handout was given with the progress and Dr Kamalarajah was nominated to provide the News from the practice section.

6.  Finance – a £500 float has been given to the PPG and the decision was that this float would remain at the practice and invoices submitted for access to it. A spreadsheet would be created by Caroline.

7.  Looking to create a Virtual Reference Group – email addresses – advertised in the newsletter for Questions and answers- NAPP are very keen on this.

8.  AOB – inform reception of using Desk B when there are long queues at Desk A

9.  Date of next Meeting –Wednesday 16th January 2013 at 6pm, followed by dinner