Daphne project: 2000-017
English Summary
The 2 years project "Pour une meilleure assistance et protection des victimes de la traite des êtres humains" was carried under the co-ordination of the Comité Contre l’Esclavage Moderne(CCEM) from France, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (Regional Liaison and Co-ordination Office to the European Union, Brussels) and the non-governmental organisations Pag-Asa and Payoke from Belgium, and Differenza Donna, Associazione On the Road and l’Ufficio Pastorale Migranti from Italy.
The main objective of this pilot-project was to promote the best practices in the field of protection and assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings, through improving the exchange of information and reinforcing the collaboration between non-governmental organisations, international organisations and public authorities involved in counter-trafficking. In particular, the project focused on the assistance schemes implemented in view of the victims’ integration in host countries and their return to and reintegration into their countries of origin.
In this general framework, the project included the collection, analysis and dissemination of information on best practices implemented in the field of protection and assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings in six European Union Member States (Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy and Greece).
During the first year of the project, the project partners visited Austria, France, Germany and Greece, in order to meet the representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations dealing with counter-trafficking activities, in particular, with the victims assistance schemes, as well as with the representatives of women rights organisations, International Organisations, Ministries, National Parliaments and judicial and police authorities.
The above study visits contributed to improving the exchange of information concerning various experiences and approaches towards protection and assistance to victims of trafficking; to awareness raising among the partners and interlocutors on the necessity of providing specific protection and assistance to victims of this new form of modern slavery; and to promote the EU policies and legal instruments enhancing protection of victims, thus strengthening and setting up the networks of relevant counter-trafficking organisations and institutions.
During the second year of implementation, two study visits were organised in Belgium and in Italy. These activities involved the delegations from Austria, France, Germany and Greece, consisting in representatives of non-governmental organisations, relevant Ministries and law-enforcement agencies, as well as IOM Missions in Austria, France, Germany and Greece, who were involved in the first year of the project.
During the above study visits, the delegations, accompanied by the representatives of the CCEM and the national partner organisations, met the relevant non-governmental organisations involved in counter-trafficking activities and assistance to victims, as well as the representatives of the relevant Ministries, National Parliaments, local authorities, judicial and police authorities, as well as the representatives of the European Parliament. .
In the framework of the project, a brochure «Traite des êtres humains: phénomène –législation – assistance» (in French, English and Italian) and the guide «Traite des êtres humains - Comment assister une victime?» (in French, English, Italian and German) were published. In addition, an Internet site < was created, set up and updated. Furthermore, a video on the methods of assistance to victims was produced in English, with the French sub-title. The awareness raising activities were carried out targeting the members of the European Parliament and National Parliaments, headed for harmonisation of the relevant legislation.
Ongoing monitoring of the activities was ensured by the implementing partners throughout the project implementation, while the final evaluation was carried out by an external expert.