Quarter 4

Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex High School: A College Preparatory High School

Course Name: Biochemistry

Instructor: Mr. DiBiasio Classroom: 204 Email:

Teacher Website:


Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium

Course Description:

This course will build upon Introduction to Biotechnology (Intro & 1) by delving deeper into two major branches: Agriculture and Forensics. The class will examine lab techniques that are industry standards in order to appreciate the significant role that biotechnology has expanded our understanding of the living part of our world. Emerging technology have ethical ramifications, and the class will examine their impacts on our society.


•.  Develop a clear understand of how to work in a lab environment

•.  Maintain a lab notebook, chronicling classroom investigations in order to become effective lab technicians

•.  Use lab work to augment the content being covered

•.  Understand the biological principles as they relate to agriculture and forensics

•.  Describe the impact of biotechnology and its products on society

•.  Analyze the general framework of biotechnology as an industry, with an emphasis on the processes involved in producing a biopharmaceutical product

•.  Evaluate ethical considerations related to the processes and outcomes of biotechnology.

•.  Identify careers and about the educational pathways that can lead to a position in the field of biotechnology


•.  Biotechnology, Science for the New Millennium

•.  Introduction to Biotechnology An Argicultural Revolution

•.  Various lab equipment and apparati

•.  Library Website/resources

Classroom Expectations:

·  I will respect you and provide you with every opportunity to learn, and will help you in any way that I can.

·  In return, I expect you will work hard, do your best and ensure that your behavior is always respectful of yourself and others.

·  Everyone deserves the best possible learning environment and together we will seek to provide just that.

Late Work/Make-up:

All assignments will be submitted on time. All projects and major assignments submitted late will receive 5 points deduction per day for five school days. Projects and major assignments submitted after that will not be eligible to receive any credit. Test and quizzes can be made up only if you have an excused absence and the teacher will determine the make-up time. No homework will be accepted late.

Grading System:

Summative Assessments (60%) Formative Assessments (40%)

Tests and Quizzes Homework

Projects and Major Assignments Do Now/ Science Notebook

Lab Experience/Report Daily Classwork

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