Appendix 1. List of the species* analysed for SIA. The status of the species (Lessepsian-LES vs. native-MED), the first Mediterranean record (FMR), the abundance rank (Ab. rank) according to three levels as detailed in the text, abbreviations used in further analyses (code), total (TL, in cm ± Standard Deviation, SD) and standard (SL, in cm ± SD) lengths, the number of specimens analysed for SIA (N), the place of capture off Lebanon coasts and trophic group identity (TG), according to Table 2, are also indicated for each fish species.

Species / Status / FMR / Ab. rank / code / TL / SL / N / Place of Capture / TG
Ostorhinchusfasciatus / LES / 2008 / 3 / Afas / 9.99(0.41) / 8.19(0.40) / 7 / Beirut [Dora] / PL
Apogonqueketti / LES / 2005 / 1 / Aque / 9.90(0.10) / 8.00(0.10) / 3 / Beirut [Dora] / PL
Apogonsmithi / LES / 2007 / 2 / Asmi / 11.44(0.38) / 9.16(0.34) / 5 / Beirut [Dora] / PL
Atherinomorusforskali / LES / 1902 / 3 / Alac / 10.30(0.87) / 8.72(0.87) / 5 / Beirut [Dora] / PL
Callyonimusfilamentosus / LES / before 1953 / 3 / Cfil / 14.97(2.05) / 10.6(1.25) / 3 / Tripoli [Mina] / BC
Champsodonvorax / LES / 2010 / 1 / Cvor / 12.90(0.09) / 10.40(0.1) / 3 / Beirut [Dora] / GC
Equulitesklunzingeri / LES / 1931 / 3 / Eklu / 9.48(0.81) / 7.67(0.06) / 5 / Beirut / BC
Fistulariacommersonii / LES / 2000 / 3 / Fcom / 59.40(4.77) / - / 5 / Tripoli [Mina] / PI
Hemiramphus far / LES / 1927 / 3 / Hfar / 32.93(1.97) / 28.03(1.71) / 6 / Beirut [Ouzai] / PL
Heniochusintermedium / LES / 2002 / 1 / Hint / 13.50(0.7) / 12.00(0.6) / 3 / Tripoli [Palm Islands] / BC
Lagocephalussceleratus / LES / 2003 / 3 / Lsce / 47.85(1.34) / 41.68(1.57) / 5 / Batroun / BC
Lagocephalusspadiceus / LES / 1950 / 3 / Lspa / 15.93(1.05) / 12.57(0.75) / 3 / Batroun / BC
Lagocephalussuezensis / LES / 1977 / 3 / Lsue / 16.60(0.71) / 14.05(0.78) / 4 / Tripoli [Mina]/Batroun / BC
Liza carinata / LES / 1924 / 2 / Lcar / 21.43(0.93) / - / 3 / Beirut / O
Nemipterusrandalli / LES / 2005 / 3 / Nran / 14.63(0.06) / 11.37(0.06) / 5 / Beirut [Dora] / BC
Oxyurichthyspetersi / LES / 1982 / 3 / Opet / 18.57(0.06) / 13.53(0.06) / 3 / Beirut [Dora] / BC
Pempherisrhomboidea / LES / 1978 / 3 / Pvan / 15.40(0.68) / 12.08(0.63) / 5 / Beirut [Dora] / PL
Platicephalusindicus / LES / 1953 / 1 / Pind / 37.07(11.55) / 32.47(9.99) / 3 / Beirut [Dora] / GC
Plotosuslineatus / LES / 2001 / 3 / Plin / 19.5(0.56) / 18.10(0.85) / 3 / Beirut [Dora] / BC
Pomadasysstridens / LES / 1969 / 2 / Pstr / 14.17(1.07) / 11.53(0.93) / 3 / Tripoli [Mina]/Batroun / BC
Sargocentronrubrum / LES / 1945 / 3 / Srub / 18.23(0.15) / 15.30(0.10) / 3 / Tripoli [Mina] / GC
Sauridamacrolepis / LES / 1952 / 3 / Sund / 21.57(1.38) / 18.37(1.36) / 3 / Tripoli [Mina] / GC
Siganusluridus / LES / 1955 / 3 / Slur / 13.47(0.38) / 10.67(0.47) / 4 / Tripoli [Palm Islands] / H
Siganusrivulatus / LES / 1927 / 3 / Sriv / 16.07(0.50) / 12.57(0.40) / 6 / Tripoli [Mina] / H
Sillagosuezensis / LES / 1977 / 3 / Ssih / 16.13(0.12) / 13.67(0.15) / 3 / Tripoli [Mina] / BC
Sphyraenachrysotaenia / LES / before 1931 / 3 / Schr / 23.50(0.00) / - / 5 / Beirut [Dora] / PI
Stephanolepisdiaspros / LES / 1927 / 3 / Sdia / 17.47(0.64) / 13.3(0.66) / 3 / Tripoli [Mina] / BC
Terapon puta / LES / 1973 / 1 / Tput / 13.63(0.31) / 11.43(0.21) / 3 / Beirut [Dora] / GC
Torquigenerflavimaculosus / LES / 1987 / 2 / Tfla / 13.53(1.79) / 10.83(1.29) / 4 / Tripoli [Mina]/Batroun / BC
Upeneusmoluccensis / LES / before 1946 / 3 / Umol / 11.27(1.00) / 9.1(0.43) / 4 / Tripoli [Mina] / BC
Upeneus pori / LES / 1942 / 3 / Upor / 12.60(0.87) / 9.77(0.72) / 5 / Tripoli [Mina] / BC
Apogonimberbis / MED / 3 / Aimb / 9.38(0.62) / 7.33 (0.57) / 5 / Batroun / PL
Boopsboops / MED / 3 / Bboo / 17.06(1.00) / 13.46(0.55) / 3 / Tripoli [Mina] / PL
Chromischromis / MED / 3 / Cchr / 13.20(1.4) / 9.80(1.10) / 3 / Batroun / PL
Diplodussargus / MED / 3 / Dsar / 16.50(0.44) / 12.4(0.36) / 4 / Tripoli [Mina] / GC
Epinephelusmarginatus / MED / 2 / Emar / 29.50(0.71) / - / 5 / Tripoli / PI
Mullusbarbatus / MED / 2 / Mbar / 15.85(1.91) / 12.60(1.62) / 5 / Beirut [Dora] / BC
Mullussurmuletus / MED / 2 / Msur / 14.80(0.85) / 11.57(0.70) / 4 / Beirut [Dora] / BC
Mycteroperca rubra / MED / 3 / Mrub / 23.20(2.25) / 18.60(1.98) / 5 / Selaata / PI
Oedalechiluslabeo / MED / 3 / Olab / 13.50(0.4) / - / 4 / Beirut [Dora] / O
Sarpa salpa / MED / 1 / Ssal / 27.10(0.46) / 21.50(0.44) / 5 / Tripoli [Mina] / H
Sciaena umbra / MED / 1 / Sumb / 21.67(2.04) / 17.30(1.59) / 3 / Tripoli [Palm Islands] / BC
Scorpaenaporcus / MED / 1 / Spor / 17.87(0.45) / 13.73(0.50) / 4 / Tripoli [Mina] / GC
Serranuscabrilla / MED / 3 / Scab / 14.30(0.17) / 11.87(0.25) / 4 / Tripoli [Palm Islands] / GC
Serranus scriba / MED / 3 / Sscr / 15.60(0.89) / 12.80(0.72) / 3 / Tripoli [Palm Islands]/Beirut [Dora] / GC
Sparisoma cretense / MED / 3 / Scre / 16.43(1.02) / 13.33(0.92) / 5 / Tripoli [Mina] / H
Symphodus tinca / MED / 2 / Stin / 19.07(2.87) / 15.33(2.59) / 4 / Tripoli [Mina] / BC
Thalassomapavo / MED / 3 / Tpav / 10.53(0.21) / 8.73(0.15) / 3 / Beirut [Dora]/Batroun / BC

*Species names were revised according to recent taxonomic updates. These include the following Lessepsian species: Sauridamacrolepis (see Inoue & Nakabo 2006; GolaniBogorodsky 2010), reported as Sauridaundosquamis in previous studies; Sillagosuezensis (see Tikochinski et al, 2013; Golani et al., 2014), reported as Sillagosihamain previous studies;Pempheris rhomboideareported as Pempheris vanicolensis in previous studies. Note that here we followed Randall et al. (2013). Instead Koeda et al (2014) would identify it as P. mangula.


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Golani D, Fricke R, Tikochinski Y (2014) Sillagosuezensis, a new whiting from the northern Red Sea, and status of Sillagoerythraea Cuvier (Teleostei: Sillaginidae). J Nat Hist48(7-8): 413-428

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Tikochinski Y, Shainin I, Hyams Y, Motro U, Golani D (2013) Genetic evidence for an undescribed species previously considered as Sillagosihama from the northern Red Sea. Mar Biol Res 9(3): 309-315