SEDIMENTARY ROCKS are classified by the types of sediments that make up the rock

What are sediments? / Def: small, solid pieces of material that come from rocks or other living things (may include shells, bones, leaves, stems, etc
Processes / How sediments form into sedimentary rock: Write the steps in order w/descriptions
(wash away) / Forces – running water, wind, or ice loosen & carry away fragments of rock
(drop down) / Sediments settle out of the water or wind carrying them & they sink to the bottom of the lake or ocean
(smashed together) / Process that presses sediments together. Thick layers of sediment build up over time & weigh down the layers compacting the sediments.
(glued together) / Process in which dissolved minerals crystallize & glue particles of sediment together, dissolved minerals seep into the spaces between particles & then harden
Types / (Define each type: / Give details about how each type forms:
Clastic Rock / Def: Made from rock fragments that are squeezed together. / Shale - forms from tiny particles of clay
Sandstone - forms from sand on beaches, ocean floor, river beds, etc.
Conglomerate - forms from rounded sediment.
Breccia - forms from larger, sharp fragments of sediments.
Organic Rock / Def: Forms where the remains of plants & animals are deposited in thick layers / Coal – forms from swamp plants buried in water for millions of years.
Limestone – forms in the ocean from hard shells with calcite from seashells, coral, clams & oysters or skeletons that pile up on the ocean floor for millions of years slowly changing the sediment to limestone
Chemical Rock / Def: Forms when minerals that are dissolved in a solution crystallize / Limestone – forms from calcite in dissolved seas, lakes & underground caves.
Rock Salt – forms from halite by evaporation
Uses / What things have been made from sedimentary rocks?
Building Materials
And Tools: / Flint – Arrowheads
Sandstone – The White House
Limestone - used as blocks & slabs for buildings, making cement & steel