November 2016 Newsletter
A huge thank you to all parents who attended our Firework Workshop Sessions. They were a great success and the children and staff really enjoyed them.Thank you to all parents who have returned and completed their ‘Home Link Sheets’, your kind comments are very much appreciated.
Our Topic this Term is ‘Woodlands’, and we are really looking forward to our visits from Dartmoor Zoo.
Christmas Workshops
Monday 5th December 9.30 am-11am
Thursday 8th December 12.30-2pm
Come and join in the Festive Activities.
Parents, Carers, Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles all welcome. / Don’t forget to visit our new website, where you will find up to date information and Newsletters.
Thursday 15th December – Carol Service – Further Details to follow
Friday 16th December – Children’s Christmas Party – Tickets will be available shortly
Last Day of Term – Friday 16th December
Return – Tuesday 3rd January 2017
Parent Committee
Following our recent letter, please feel free to come in for a chat if you are interested. / TOYS
Children are welcome to bring in any comforter to help them settle, but please try and discourage them from bringing in any toys, as we are not responsible for any loss or breakages.
A notice to all new parents and a gentle reminder to our existing parents;
- Please label all coats, bags and lunch bags.
- Please cut all grapes, olives and plum tomatoes in half.
- No dogs beyond the gate.
- Please close to gate at all times.
- Advise a member of staff if someone else is collecting your child and that they are on the registration form and know the password.
- Potty training – if you are currently potty training, please speak to your key worker and ensure you have a sufficient change of clothes in their bag and a spare pair of shoes.
- If you are unsure who your child’s key worker is, please feel free to ask.
- Could you kindly return ours clothes if you have borrowed them, we have a limited supply.
- Please do not distract the person who is on the door, if you need to speak to a member of staff, kindly wait until all children have entered or exited the premises’ thank you.
- Please hang all coats on the bottom row of hooks and the bags on the top row of hooks, this encourages children to access their coats independently.
- Mobile Phones are not permitted in the building, due to Safeguarding of the children
Snack donations
We are a registered charity and rely on the good will of our parents support; we welcome snack donations of fruit, vegetables, cereal, biscuits and crackers. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
A big thank you to those of you who continue to support us by regularly providing snack donations
Lunch Boxes
Whilst is it lovely for your child to have a choice, we are finding some children are bringing in just a little too much and would respectfully suggest maybe limiting their lunch to :
1 x Savoury Item
1 x Yogurt/Pot Dessert/Crisps
1x Piece Fruit/Cake/Biscuit
1x Drink
Please do not include fizzy drinks, chocolate bars or sweets, as they will be returned home.
Please make sure their lunch box is clearly labelled to avoid confusion.