Ian Tombleson and Dave Adamson

(GLSW and Surrey County Hill walkingAdvisors)

2 October 2014


Do you enjoy the hills, the views and spending time with like minded people?

Perhaps you wish to become authorised to take parties out yourself - we can help!

We can offer you great hill walking skills and training weekends in 2015!

Early season skills weekend:
Friday 6 February (travelling) to Sunday 8February; premeet Sunday 1 February, time to be finalised (location Purley, Surrey)
Summer season skills weekend:
Friday 15 May (travelling) to Sunday 17May, premeet Sun 10 May, 2:30 to 17:30

These weekends arerun by GLSW and Surrey Scout Counties, and are open to all Scout Association members over the age of 18 - they are run from the Scout Activity Centre (Yr Hen Neuadd) in Bethesda in the beautiful Snowdonia National Park, North Wales.

The training team have been working together for a number of years and most have professional qualifications and large amounts of experience in training leaders.

The programme structure is flexible and will depend upon the skills/training required by participants; this will be discussed fully with participants and covered at the pre-meet (please ensure that the relevant form section is fully completed to let us know what you wish to achieve from the weekend). The pre-meet will be in Purley, Surrey and more details of its location and timing closer to the event.

Mountain skills covered over the weekends include some or all of the following depending on course participants’ objectives:

  • A general and practical introduction to the many aspects of mountain walking, with the weekend providing training for all the basic personal skills required.
  • Leader responsibilities, when taking young people into the hills; awareness and understanding of group management and the additional technical skills leadership requires.
  • Route planning and navigation, techniques required to navigate safely off main paths, and in wild country; additional navigation skills under poor conditions and during the winter months.
  • How to move safely with a group over steep or mixed ground.
  • Group supervision and monitoring.
  • Training and guidance for those wishing to make a start on the Walking Group Leader or Mountain Leader Awards.
  • Building experience/log book by acting as assistant leader, using skills previously gained, or exploring unfamiliar routes.
  • For those who have previous experience,assessment for the scout authorisation scheme may also be taken over the weekend (terrains one or two). (Notification must be given when the application form is returned please).

The pre-meet will cover navigation techniques, equipment, risk assessment and other areas that participants may wish advice on. The Scout Association’s hill walking authorisation scheme will also be covered. Route plans will be completed for the weekends and transport to Bethesda will be agreed.

The cost per weekend is £60(including all food and accommodation – note this does not include fuel costs)-cheques should be made payable to G.L.S.W. Scout Training Account. Transport will be arranged between participants and fuel costs apportioned through car sharing. Applicants are advised to enquire to their group or D.C. regarding the availability of grant aid payment which may be dependent upon submitting an application prior to the weekend.

Applications should be made on the attached form; places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Please note that weekends in the mountains can be physically demanding and participants should be fit enough to sustain and enjoy a full programme. This would be particularly relevant to the February weekend.These weekends are always very popular and I would encourage you to send in your application as soon as possible.Please contact me if you have any questions, or if you want to have a general chat about Hillwalkingtraining.

Many thanks

Ian Tombleson and Dave Adamson

GLSW & Surrey County Hill walking Advisors

Ian Tombleson - 07789 886634
