Saturday October 17 – Business Meeting Minutes
Present: Marisa Castello, Michael VanBuskirk, Cyd Bacon, Deb Rawdon, Lauren Clinton, Brianne Laverdiere, Lisa Lucas, Louise Berman, Kim Reykdal, Andra Kelley-Batstone, Chris Kelly, Anne Parker
10:00 Welcome – Call to order
10:05 Review of ground rules
1. Focus on ends policies.
2. Stay open to input and new ideas; be willing to move your position.
3. Agree on what important words mean and ask for clarification.
4. Challenge assumptions and preconceived notions; encourage the expression of dissent at Board meetings.
5. Listen in order to understand.
6. Bring disagreements to the meeting.
7. Base decisions on parameters that include monitoring data, the Ends Policies and other relevant data.
8. Treat other Board members with respect, courtesy, fairness and good faith.
9. Be brief, no war stories, don’t repeat.
10. Focus on what is right, not who is right.
11. Focus on the issue, not the personality.
12. Respect confidentiality of Board meeting discussions, with exceptions agreed upon by the Board.
13. Respect confidentiality of Board decisions until those decisions are formally adopted by the Board, with exceptions agreed upon by the Board.
14. Represent constituent concerns.
10:10 Approval of Minutes. Lauren moved to approve. Deb seconded. Motion carried.
10:15 Procedure for appointing for outside meetings- Chris to attend some meetings. Guidelines and procedures were set for state, intra-agency, formative committee meetings in which WSCA has a stake or been invited. Group, level, current board member, executive director, or trained WSCA member are the orders of priority for attendance. Deb moved to accept suggested steps for appointing to an outside group as written. Louise seconded. Motion carried.
10:35 Support for ASCA National Award nominees was discussed. Supportive team could assist with videos, procedures, letters, deadline reminders, etc. Awards committee will examine the issue and report back to the board.
10:50 Cyd updated about the Western Region Meeting in Sacramento. Suggested the speaker would be good for the WSCA conference, topic was 5 Love Languages.
11:00 2015-2016 Calendar Update. The next board meeting is Dec. 12th, a phone meeting.
11:10 Policy for travel requests. Funding of travel requests was discussed in the context of Reach Higher campaign and multicultural training; how to prioritize funding in the best interests of the membership. Policy for requesting and fiscal end will be examined at the LDI in July.
Evaluation update: Andra. The evaluation committee has hired consultant Larry Lashway, to look at the current draft with knowledge of TPEP. Current status comprise of work on wordsmithing and vetting of the current working document to the school principal’s association. Implementation, rollout, legislative input, and flexibility yet clarification of criteria were discussed. Emphasis on clarity with PESB, reflecting ASCA, Pro Cert, and National Board Standards. Professional development for school counselors as well as administrators will be needed.
12:00 Lunch (on-site)
1:00- 1:30 Treasurer’s Report and Budget. Lauren: current income $13748.47, expense $38,000, loss of $24000. After the spring conference, income grows substantially. Budget is fine.
1:30 OSPI summer conference is changing to a 1 day conference to streamline OSPI – relevant information.
Discussion of holding a WSCA conference on the east side of the state. Brainstorming of solutions, most of which have been tried but yielded poor attendance. Chris suggested streaming as a solution to creating informational conference on the east side of the state.
1:35 Washington council: Role clarification and designation of CTE was discussed.
Ethics. Louise: ASCA is working on a revision of the ethics document. Surveys will be sent to WSCA membership to elicit input.
1:40 Website: Discussion of open access vs. members access areas on the site.
1:45--Open positions – Nominations open October 1, 2015. Term starts July 1st 2016
1:50 Debrief the Day. Kim: ESA behavior health coalition. School Psychologists, Social Workers, school nurses, and school counselors survey will be sent to WSCA members.
2:00 Adjourn