Civil Service Council Minutes

October 6, 2009

Paris Room, MLK Union

8:30 am

Members Present:

Michelle Morgan, Angie Campbell, Mary Jo Montgomery, Paula Embry, Tonya Green, Patty Hood, Andy Clapp, Cindy Starwalt, Tami Duzan, Melissa Coleman, Janet Werden, Suzanne Mathews, Tim Lewis; Laurie Neese, and Jenny Stout.

Members Absent:

Jerry Drummond, Allen Bryant, Mai Dao, and Julie Winnett.

Guests Present:

Julie Benedict, EAC Representative; Sandy Bowman, Assistant Director, Human Resources; Rhonda Nichols, ITS; Steven Steele, ITS; Cay Kolling, ITS; Julie Wilson, ITS; Chuck Phillips, Director, Human Resources; and Dr. William Weber, Vice President of Business Affairs.

  1. Angie Campbell, President, called the meeting to order at 8:32am.
  1. Minutes of 9-6-09 meeting were approved electronically.
  1. Updates
  2. Nothing new to report on the ITS reorganization (Weber)
  3. Renewable Energy Center is moving forward (Weber)
  4. The Vice President for External Relations will be changed to the Vice President for University Advancement upon retirement of the current Vice President Nilsen. The Office of Planning and Institutional Studies will move into the VPBA area and will be housed with the Budget Office to form the Office of Planning, Budget and Institutional Studies. Dr. Weber expressed appreciation to the Facilities Planning and Management crew that facilitated the renovation in a timely manner. He was very pleased with project.
  5. EAC Meeting will be October 21, and 22. Contact Julie Benedict, Chuck Phillips or Sandy Bowman if you have any questions. (Benedict)
  6. Changes to the Civil Service Rules regarding the maintenance of registers was discussed. (Bowman)
  7. Patty Hood volunteered to be the new Civil Service Council webmaster.
  8. Ethics Training will take place October 20-November 19, 2009. All employees will be getting a letter soon. No students or graduate assistants will be participating in the online training.
  1. Old Business (Campbell)

a.The Council of Councils meeting will be held on Oct. 23,2009 at SIUE. Angie Campbell, Mai Dao will be attending. Cay Kolling of the Staff Senate will also be attending.

b.A proposal regarding the Superior Performance Program was sent to Human Resources for review.

c.President Perry has been contacted about the possibility of reinstating the Civil Service Council seat on CUPB.

d.Vice President Weber is looking into the possibility of offering Tuition Waivers to the Children of retirees.

  1. New Business – (Campbell)

a.Proposed language from SUCSS regarding furlough/layoff was distributed and discussed.

b.Holidays/Vacation for Christmas was discussed.

c.Alternate member for District 1 (Campbell): One nomination was submitted for Alternate from District 1. Nomination was accepted and Amy Richardson was unanimously appointed to the position.

d.Election of officers took place and Angie Campbell was elected President; Janet Werden was elected Vice President; and Patty Hood was elected Secretary. This will be for the 2009-2010 Academic Year.

e.Angie Campbell asked for volunteers to serve on the committees to email her before the next meeting.

  1. Standing Committees are:
  2. Election Committee (1 year term, representatives need to be from Districts 1 and 3);
  3. Personnel Committee (2 year term, 5 names are selected and forwarded to the President. He will pick 3 to serve as regular members and the remaining 2 will serve as alternates); submit your name and a short biographical sketch with your nomination.
  4. Special Committees are:
  5. Constitution Committee
  6. Scholarship Committee
  7. Public Relations Committee

Motion to adjourn (Clapp/Embry): The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,Michelle Morgan, recorder

The next scheduled Civil Service Council meeting is Tuesday, November3rdat 8:30 am in the Rathskeller Loft, MLK Union. All non-negotiated Civil Service employees are welcome and encouraged to attend.