2nd May 2018

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 7-10 trip to ‘Matilda’, Cambridge Theatre, London

The Drama department at King’s School has provisionally organised for 41 students to see the award winning ‘Matilda the musical’ at the Cambridge Theatre, Earlham Street, London at 7.30pm on Thursday 5th July 2018.

“Matildais the story of an extraordinary little girl with extraordinary powers. The daughter of abusive parents,Matildafinds refuge in library books, which she reads quickly and in creating her own stories. Things are no better at school, whereMatildaalso must face a tyrannical and cruel headmistress, MissTrunchball.” (Stageagent ). With music by Tim Minchin and the adaptation of Roald Dahl’s novel by Dennis Kelly, this is a fantastic show which appeals to all ages.

School staff will accompany students by coach leaving King’s at 3.30pm and returning at approximately midnight. This is a late finish, but we have coordinated the event with the school calendar and there is an INSET day on Friday 6th July. Parents/carers will need to make arrangements to collect their child from school on our return. Please indicate these arrangements on the permission slip below.

On our arrival in London there may be a little time for students to get food but they are welcome to bring a packed tea. Students in receipt of free school meals will have a packed tea provided for them. As this is a trip during the evening, students may wear their own clothes but must dress respectfully and sensibly. They will have to get changed immediately school ends so we can depart on time.

This trip is open to all students in Years 7-10, but only 41 spaces are available. As such, tickets will be allocated on a lottery basis, and if you wish your son/daughter to be entered into the draw for tickets please complete and return the slip below no later than 3pm Wednesday 16th May 2018. Please do not send money at this time. If your child is allocated a ticket you will be notified on Friday 18th May and you will be asked to provide payment at that point.

The contribution for this trip is £41, which includes the cost of the ticket, coach and fees. Payment will be via Scopay, once the lottery for tickets has taken place. Financial assistance may be available for students in receipt of free school meals; please contact the finance office, in confidence, for further information.

If there is insufficient interest in the trip, it will not be able to go ahead so if you are interested please ensure you return the consent form as soon as possible and by 3pm Wednesday 16th May at the latest. Permission can be emailed to the school office, via providing the information requested below. Late slips will not be accepted, and parents/carers are advised that returning a slip is a commitment to pay for their child’s place on the trip.

If you have any questions regarding this trip, please contact me via the school office.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Grosvenor

Drama Department

Drama Department Trip to the Cambridge Theatre London MATILDA- 5th July 2018
Return Slip by Wednesday 16th May 2018 to School Office or email
Child’s name:
Emergency contact name and telephone number:
Second emergency contact name and telephone number:
Medical information (including dietary requirements)
Declaration by Parent/Guardian
  1. I have read and completed this form and to the best of my knowledge the details given are true and accurate.
  1. I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
  1. I will inform the teacher in charge as soon as possible of any changes in the medical or other details between now and the commencement of the visit/trip.
  1. I understand that the trip returns to King’s School at approximately midnight and I will need to make arrangements for my son/daughter to travel home.
  1. Please circle one of the following indicating how your daughter/son will get home once we return to King’s.
a)Parent/Carer will collect son/daughter from King’s School.
b)Another Parent/Carer or family member or friend will collect son/daughter from King’s School. Please indicate the name of the person and their contact details below:
Name of person:
Contact number:
c)I will book a taxi to collect my son/daughter. Please provide details.
Parental Signature: