Kingston City Council
Doc No. 171spa / D R A F T
Mentone Traffic Network Design
Childers Street Triangle

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Revision A – 26-Mar-2014

Prepared for – Kingston City Council – ABN: 80 640 377 247

Mentone Traffic Network Design – Childers Street Triangle


Mentone Traffic Network Design

Childers Street Triangle

Client: Kingston City Council

ABN: 80 640 377 247

Prepared by

AECOM Australia Pty Ltd

Level 9, 8 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

T +61 3 9653 1234 F +61 3 9654 7117

ABN 20 093 846 925


AECOM in Australia and New Zealand is certified to the latest version of ISO9001, ISO14001, AS/NZS4801 and OHSAS18001.

© AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (AECOM). All rights reserved.

AECOM has prepared this document for the sole use of the Client and for a specific purpose, each as expressly stated in the document. No other party should rely on this document without the prior written consent of AECOM. AECOM undertakes no duty, nor accepts any responsibility, to any third party who may rely upon or use this document. This document has been prepared based on the Client’s description of its requirements and AECOM’s experience, having regard to assumptions that AECOM can reasonably be expected to make in accordance with sound professional principles. AECOM may also have relied upon information provided by the Client and other third parties to prepare this document, some of which may not have been verified. Subject to the above conditions, this document may be transmitted, reproduced or disseminated only in its entirety.

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Revision A – 26-Mar-2014

Prepared for – Kingston City Council – ABN: 80 640 377 247

Mentone Traffic Network Design – Childers Street Triangle


Quality Information

Document / Mentone Traffic Network Design
Ref / 60308500
Date / 26-Mar-2014
Prepared by / Adrian Koorn & Agatha Yii
Reviewed by / Christian Bodé

Revision History

Revision / Revision Date / Details / Authorised
Name/Position / Signature
A / 24-Mar-2014 / Draft Report / Christian Bodé
Associate Director

\\aumel1fp001\projects\60308500\6. Draft Docs\6.1 Reports\Childers Triangle Report\171spa_Childers Triangle.docx

Revision A – 26-Mar-2014

Prepared for – Kingston City Council – ABN: 80 640 377 247

Mentone Traffic Network Design – Childers Street Triangle


Table of Contents

Executive Summary i

1.0 Introduction and Project Overview 1

1.1 Introduction and Project Objective 1

1.2 Background 1

1.3 Report Structure 1

2.0 Existing Conditions 2

2.1 Introduction 2

2.2 Childers Street Triangle 2

2.3 Traffic Volumes 3

2.3.1 Survey Methodology 3

2.3.2 Survey Results 4

2.3.3 Vehicle Speeds 7

2.3.4 Vehicle Classifications 7

2.3.5 Summary 8

3.0 Car Parking 8

3.1.1 Current Parking Restrictions 8

3.1.2 Car Parking Activity 9

4.0 Recent Development, Planning Approvals and Potential Traffic Impacts 10

4.1 90 Nepean Highway, Mentone 10

4.2 33-35 Childers Street, Mentone 10

4.3 1-9 Balcombe Road and Part 33-35 Childers Street, Mentone 10

4.4 Potential Impacts 10

5.0 Options for New Developments 10

5.1 Land located in Business 1 to 3 and Mixed Use Zone 10

5.2 Land located in Residential Zones 11

6.0 Conclusion 11

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Revision A – 26-Mar-2014

Prepared for – Kingston City Council – ABN: 80 640 377 247

Mentone Traffic Network Design – Childers Street Triangle


Executive Summary


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Revision A – 26-Mar-2014

Prepared for – Kingston City Council – ABN: 80 640 377 247

Mentone Traffic Network Design – Childers Street Triangle


1.0  Introduction and Project Overview

1.1  Introduction and Project Objective

AECOM has been commissioned by the City of Kingston to undertake a study of the Childers Street area for future developments. The objective of this study is to assist Council to:

-  Understand the current conditions in terms of vehicles movements and activities in the area

-  Review current development proposals for the area and identify potential issues/ impacts

-  Consider the area in the context of proposed changes in central Mentone (refer Chapter 1.2)

-  Review current road layout/ operation; and

-  Provide recommendation based on maintaining residential amenity and providing access to potential new developments.

1.2  Background

The City of Kingston has developed a Structure Plan for the Mentone Activity Centre. The Plan has been developed to grow the area over the next two decades in a coordinated way, bringing together public and private landowners and the community, to capitalise on new opportunities to transform the centre. Formally adopted by Council in July 2011, the Structure Plan has two major objectives:

-  to create a new pedestrian-friendly heart in Mentone, and

-  to safely manage traffic congestion.

The current road network follows the same pattern since it was formed in 1928. In that time traffic levels and movements have changed significantly. The Council is seeking to change the current network, and a fundamental part of this is to change the area of Como Parade, and in particular the movements around the triangle junction of Florence Street, Mentone Parade and Como Parade West.

To bring to fruition this plan there would need to be changes to movements for general traffic, public transport, pedestrians and cyclists. The fundamental objective is to radically improve pedestrian amenity and safety within the heart of Mentone by relocating vehicles away from the main pedestrian area. The impacts of these proposed changes need to be understood and an appropriate network developed that meets the overall objectives without unacceptable negative impacts on the movement of through traffic, and the operation and viability of the activity centre.

As part of this review the Childers Street triangle on the eastern side of the rail line is also an important part of central Mentone. The future use and operation of the town centre will need to consider Childers Street.

1.3  Report Structure

This report is structured as follows:

-  Chapter 2.0 covers the existing conditions and results from a series of traffic surveys

-  Chapter 3.0 covers the existing car parking restrictions and conditions

-  Chapter 4.0 provides an overview of the potential developments and impacts

-  Chapter 5.0 discusses the recent development, planning approvals and potential impact

-  Chapter 6.0 provides summary and conclusion of the report

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Revision A – 26-Mar-2014

Prepared for – Kingston City Council – ABN: 80 640 377 247

Mentone Traffic Network Design – Childers Street Triangle


2.0  Existing Conditions

2.1  Introduction

This chapter outlines the current traffic and transport conditions in the area in the context of the proposed network changes.

2.2  Childers Street Triangle

Childers Street Triangle is located on the eastern side of the rail track and bounded by Balcombe Road, the Nepean Highway and Warrigal Road, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Childers Street Triangle

The area contains a mix of uses whilst predominantly residential use, there are two schools, Mentone Primary, and St Patricks Catholic Primary. Various commercial and retail premises located along Balcombe Road and Warrigal Road. In addition, Station Street serves as an additional access to the Mentone Station car park which has 500 car spaces.

Due to the traffic generated by the schools, a Part Time (8-9am and 3-4pm Monday to Friday) one way system operates along Childers Street with vehicles only able to move in a westerly direction.

Figure 2 Part Time one way signing at Childers St/Rogers St and Childers St/Station St

The streets are subject to a variety of parking restrictions, including no stopping, and part time restrictions to support the school time traffic management plan.

2.3  Traffic Volumes

2.3.1  Survey Methodology

In order to understand the current pattern of traffic and transport movements in the Childers Street Triangle, an Automatic Traffic Counters (ATC) were placed at the following locations:

1)  Childers Street West (east of Station Street)

2)  Como Parade East ( south of Mitchell Street)

3)  Rogers Street South (south of Stawell Street)

4)  Childers Street East (west of Warrigal Road)

5)  Rogers Street North (south of Balcombe Road)

The location of these counters is shown schematically in Figure 3. These were on site from Saturday 30 November until Saturday 7 December 2013. The surveys collected data on vehicle classifications, speed and volumes by direction.

Figure 3 Childers Street Survey Locations

2.3.2  Survey Results

During school drop-off (8:00 – 9:00 AM) and pick-up (3:00 – 4:00 PM) times, eastbound movements on Childers Street are not permitted. As a result peak traffic movements are in the westbound direction and occur during these school related peak periods, shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. With the bans in place, only a small number of vehicles travelled eastbound during the school related peaks.

The weekend traffic peak occurs around midday; however volumes are low in comparison to weekday volumes.

Figure 4 Childers Street West Traffic Profile

Figure 5 Childers Street East Traffic Profile

The daily traffic profiles of Rogers Street are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7, and show that it carries lower traffic volumes than Childers Street. Volumes are higher at the northern end of Rodgers Street, suggesting the preferred access to the area is from Balcombe Road to the north.

The weekend traffic peak occurs around midday; however volumes are low in comparison to weekday volumes.

Figure 6 Rogers Street North Traffic Profile

Figure 7 Rogers Street South Traffic Profile

The daily traffic profile of Como Parade East is shown in Figure 8. The southbound peak in weekday traffic at 8:00AM indicates that Como Parade East is used as a rat run alternative to Balcombe Road in reaching Warragul Road. It is during this period that Balcombe Road also experiences its peak traffic and queuing occurs from the signals at Warrigal Road.

This also explains the weekend peak, which occurs around midday.

Figure 8 Como Parade East Traffic Profile

Based on the seven day surveys, the total volumes per day for the area on an average weekday volume and average weekend volume are shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Average Weekday Volume and Average Weekend Volume on Each Road

Road / Average Weekday Volume (veh/day) / Average Weekend Volume (veh/day) /
Childers Street West (east of Station Street) / 757 / 353
Childers Street East (west of Warrigal Road) / 1,378 / 946
Rogers Street North (south of Balcombe Road) / 949 / 526
Rogers Street South (south of Stawell Street) / 404 / 150
Como Parade East (south of Mitchell Street) / 1,268 / 908

Clause 56.06 of Kingston Planning Scheme indicates that the road hierarchy to design and construct street carriageways and verges so that the street geometry and traffic speeds provide an accessible and safe neighbourhood street system for all users. The road hierarchy, traffic volumes and target speed limits are summarised in Table 2.

Table 2 Clause 56.06 of Kingston Planning Scheme Road Hierarchy and Target Speed Limits

Road Hierarchy / Traffic Volumes (veh/day) / Target Speed Limits (km/h) /
Access Lane / 300 / 10
Access Place / 300 to 1,000 / 15
Access Street – Level 1 / 1,000 to 2,000 / 30
Access Street – Level 2 / 2,000 to 3,000 / 40
Connector Street – Level 1 / 3,000 / 50 km/h reduced to 40 km/h at schools and 20 km/h at pedestrian and cycle crossing points
Connector Street – Level 2 / 3,000 to 7,000 / 60 km/h or 50 km/h reduced to 40 km/h at schools
Arterial Road / Greater than 7,000 / Arterial road design as required by the relevant roads authority

Based on the current traffic flows on these roads, the road hierarchy for this area is summarised Table 3 below.

Table 3 Road Hierarchy for Existing Roads in Childers Street Triangle

Road / Road Hierarchy /
Childers Street West (east of Station Street) / Access Place
Childers Street East (west of Warrigal Road) / Access Street – Level 1
Rogers Street North (south of Balcombe Road) / Access Place
Rogers Street South (south of Stawell Street) / Access Place
Como Parade East (south of Mitchell Street) / Access Street – Level 1

The roads in this area are generally ranked as Access Place and Access Street – Level 1 where:

-  the road has minimum requirement of 5.5m wide carriageway with one hard standing verge parking space per two lots; or

-  access place has a minimum requirement of 5.5m wide carriageway with parking on carriageway on one side and appropriately signed.

The current traffic volumes on roads in this area are low and acceptable for areas predominantly residential and school uses.

2.3.3  Vehicle Speeds

A summary of the vehicle speed results are shown in Table 4. The results show that on both Childers Street and Rogers Street road users are adhering to the posted speed limits.

The results for Como Parade East however suggest that speeding occurs, with a third of vehicles travelling over the 50km/h speed limit. Factors contributing to this could include the width of the roadway, the absence of any traffic calming measures and absence of any development to the west of roadway due to the railway corridor.

Table 4 Summary of Surveyed Vehicle Speeds

Location / Speed Limit / 85th Percentile Speed / % Vehicle Exceeding Speed Limit /
Childers Street (West) / 40 km/h / 26.3 km/h / 0%
Como Parade East / 50 km/h / 53.6 km/h / 33.5%
Rogers Street (South) / 50 km/h / 32.2 km/h / 0%
Childers Street (East) / 40 km/h / 23.5 km/h / 0%
Rogers Street (North) / 50 km/h / 25.9 km/h / 0%

2.3.4  Vehicle Classifications

Vehicles were classified according to the Austroads 12-bin vehicle classification system. These have been summarised into the following broader class summaries: