Pre-AP/GT Biology
Teacher:Deidre mathis Room:2010
E-mail: Website: Refer to SLHS TeacherWeb
Course Description: This course will introduce the fundamentals and unifying concepts of biology. The course emphasizes scientific method, cellular and molecular biology, and the human body. The course also examines the principles of heredity, the modern system of classification, and the studies of the diversity of life from the simplest microorganisms to plants and animals. The development of study skills and laboratory techniques are emphasized throughout the course.
Textbook:Texas BiologyAuthors: Dr. Stephen Nowicki
Supplies: Paper, pencils, pens, 1binder, colored pencils or markers, composition book.
Grading:Exams 60%
Daily/Homework 10%
Labs/Quizzes 30%
Daily work and homework will be collected andpossibly taken for a grade. It is completely unacceptable for Pre-AP students to turn in late work, however each six weeks we do drop the lowest homework grade. Certain assignments will be graded on a group grading system that will be explained per assignment.
Tardiness: If you enter the classroom after the bell has rung, you will be counted tardy, have to sign in, and the school tardy policy will be followed. On the 4th tardy, you will receive an N in conduct making you ineligible to exempt the Biology final exam. On the 8th tardy, you will receive a U in conduct making you ineligible to exempt ANY final exams.
Absences: If you are absent from class, you have the equal amount of time to get the work made up as your peers. (If they received two days, then you will receive two days.) If work was assigned before you were absent, it is due the DAY YOU RETURN. This includes tests and projects. This applies for all school related and UIL extracurricular activities. However, if you know in advance that you are going to be absent, it is highly recommended that you get your work before you leave so you won’t be behind when you return. It is your responsibility to check the calendar after an absence and pick-up the appropriate make-up work or turn in any work that was collected while you were absent.
Exams and Make-ups: Exams will be administered on evendays of the month. The make-up exam will be administered the next school day. Failure to take the make-up test prior to the next test will result in a 0 with no chance to make up the test. If you fail a test (below a 70), you will be allowed to retestbefore the next unit testis taken. The retest will be taken under the supervision of a teacher during scheduled afternoon tutorial/retest sessions. The retest grade will be averaged with the original test grade for a maximum of a 70.
Tutorials: Afterschool on Thursdays until 3:15. Each teacher will offer an additional tutorial in either the morning or the afternoon. Reference the TeacherWeb for all the tutorial times.
Classroom Expectations:
- The highest degree of good behavior is expected at all times.
- Be prepared: have paper, pencils, pens, and proper attitudes.
- Minor disruptions will result in time after class with me.
- Major disruptions will result in following the school’s behavioral plan found in your student handbook.
- Lab Area is off limits except during lab time or specific direction to be there.
- Cheating on any assignment or test will result in a 0 and possibly more severe consequences as seen fit by the principals.
- Be respectful of others.
Parent Acknowledge Form(sign and return bottom portion)
Name ______Period______
Student signature-______
Parent signature - ______