GE5381-Intermediate Subsurface Hydrology and Contaminant Transport Mechanics

Section 1DIS

Spring 2015

Lecture: Tuesday, Thursday, 8:00 – 9:15 a.m., 260 Toomey Hall.

Instructor:Dr. Curt Elmore, ffice: 274 McNutt

Office phone: 573-341-6784

Office Hours: W, 2:00 to 5:00; R, 1:00 to 3:00. Students are encouraged to schedule appointments via email, but drop-in calls are generally welcome.

Prerequisites:CE 3330, GE 5331

Textbook: Physical and chemical hydrogeology, 2nd ed. by Domenico and Schwartz

Software:Microsoft Office Suite including Word and Excel

Goldensoftware Grapher (version compatible with current campus license)

Mathcad (version compatible with current campus license)

Blackboard (Missouri S&T’s version)

Other publicly available software to be identified during the course

Students are encouraged to use personal computers in class to gain experience using the software listed above. Students may be able to access university-licensed copies of the software by following the process described at .

Course objectives: Students will be introduced to basic mass transport in saturated porous media. The course covers a mix of scientific principles and engineering applications. Preliminary mass transport modeling techniques are introduced. The course will include case studies and basic computer applications.

ABET outcomes: There are no formal ABET outcomes established for this course.

The following table lists the estimated schedule of topics. The schedule is subject to change.

Grading policy: Four exams will be given, and only the three highest exam scores will used to calculate grades. Homework will typically not be collected and graded; and therefore, homework scores will not be included in the course grade calculation. The three highest exam scores will be used to calculate the course grade. Final grades will be assigned as follows: A for percentages equal to and greater than 90 percent, B: 89 to 80, C: 79 to 70, D: 69 to 60, F: below 60.

If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, you are strongly encouraged to meet with me early in the semester. You will need to request that the Disability Services staff send a letter to me verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need before I can arrange your accommodation.

Page 30 of the Student Academic Regulations handbook describes the student standard of conduct relative to the System's Collected Rules and Regulations section 200.010, and offers descriptions of academic dishonesty including cheating, plagiarism or sabotage. The process for dealing with issues related to academic dishonesty in this class is described on-line at