MINUTES of a Denton Parish Council meeting held on Monday 12th December at 7pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Cllr K Hiley (In the Chair), Cllrs Brady, Crush, Geeson and Hollier and Dist Cllr Westropp.

The Chairman announced that Cllr Sir Bruno had decided it was time to retire – he will write a letter of thanks. The Chairman also thanked all Councillors for their support over the past year.

31/16.Apologies – Cllrs Sir Bruno, and Cty Cllr Bob Adams.

32/16.It was resolved to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th October 2016.

33/16.Chairman declared an interest in item 9 of the Agenda.

34/16. Highways: An email from Simon Curtin had been circulated prior to this meeting. It was resolved that the Clerk should write to Highways, asking once again for the 30 mph signs to be moved further out of the village, up the hill on Belvoir Road- and for a new sign on Harston Road. It was also agreed that the Clerk should write to the PCSO and ask whether he could arrange for a speed gun to be used in the village, particularly during times of the school run. The matter of moveable reactive signs had been dismissed in previous meetings as they need to be sited one metre away from the carriageway and this was not possible along the narrow footways in the village.

Letter of thanks to go to Mark Heaton for arranging to clear the footpath between Harlaxton and Denton, along the A607.

35/16.Planning – Tree work at 109 Church Street – approved.

36/16. Adoption of phone kiosk – it was agreed that we will go ahead and adopt this kiosk, keeping the electricity supply. Ask Jayne Newman to keep an eye on it and keep it clear of litter and general debris.

37/16. Clerk reminded Councillors of the LCC site locations consultation which ends on 19.12.16.

38/16. All Councillors present signed Dispensation Request forms to enable them to set the precept. These are valid 4 years.

39/16. A letter from Jil Hiley of the PCC was read out and invoices showed that £533.08 had been spent on keeping the churchyard mowed and strimmed. It was resolved to make a donation of £500 to the PCC for this work (the amount that had been set in the current year’s Precept).

40/16. Financial:

(i)Bank balance at 30.11.16 £6,173.86.

(ii)It was resolved that the Receipts/Payments schedule be signed.

(iii)An actual/projected/budget statement had previously been circulated by the Clerk to assist in setting the 2017-18 Precept. Discussion took place and it was resolved to increase the precept by 3% in line with inflation; ie £4,867.

(iv) The defibrillator had been serviced and the battery is healthy and all tests were passed – an invoice is awaited.

(v)Clerk requested a resolution to pay the village hall invoice for hire fees at £120 – this was agreed.

41/16.Councillors : [a] The position of the bus stop on the A607 (just before Stoney Track) means that people have to step off the bus on to wet grass. Clerk to write to Highways stating that for the purposes of health and safety could a hard standing be installed? [b] It was noted that recent fly-tipping along Stoney Track had been cleared up very quickly. [c] Re Broadband - It was confirmed that Fibre optics are only up to the DP boxes, local distribution lines from there are still by copper cable. [d] The wall along Mill Lane that has fallen down has been cleared off the road and will be re-built as soon as possible. [e] Cllr Westropp advised that SKDC had voted against devolution on mayoral grounds but 8 districts had agreed – talks may continue. The ring road is going ahead but discussions between the County and Network Rail need to be agreed and finalised before work commences.

42/16.Date of next meeting: 16th January 2017 at 7.30 pm

Meeting closed at 8.08 pm.