Summary of EKIOC Planning Day

June 27, 2016

1)  Where we Started

·  Circa 1993 joined with Safe Communities

·  Yours, Mine and Ours

·  Why? – common clients à needed formal linkages

·  Started with a “quilt” metaphor

·  Work happened without money

·  Champions from various sectors were pulled together ---

·  Presentation by Every Kid in Calgary set the stage

·  Worked with Lanark

·  Original leadership included Joe Jordan (M.P.), Keith McPhee, Judi Baril (United Way), Bob Pickens (FCS), Jane Hess, Denise Kall

·  Focus on all kids

·  Adopted framework of Developmental Assets

·  Family Centred – wanted to make a difference for families

·  2007 – MCYS adopted planning tables à paid coordination

Ø  Initially some resistance to becoming MCYS table

·  2008 – Best Start became part of Every Kid

·  Universal approach

·  All members equal

·  Summary – grew out of frustration and hope

2. Where We are Now

a) Strengths -- Common Themes

·  How we work together

·  Knowledge of the group

·  Level of engagement

·  We get results

·  Energy

·  Relationships

·  Skills of Coordinator

b) Weaknesses -- Common Themes

·  Inconsistent attendance by some members

·  Communication about EKIOC within agencies

·  Need better orientation

·  Conflicting priorities – lots to do – need focus

·  Agency mandates stressed and stretched

·  Skeleton resources -> succession planning

c) Opportunities (Common Themes)

·  Tri county planning

·  Joint PD

·  Data driven planning

·  Videoconferencing of meetings

·  Service Delivery Areas identified through Mental Health Transformation and Special Needs Strategy

·  Develop a template for learning about partners

·  Discuss common meeting times for agency management meetings

·  Generative Discussions at meetings

·  Political climate in Ontario is positive

d) Threats (Common Themes)

·  Succession Planning

·  Resourcing

·  Funding

·  Potential Government change in vision/direction

3. Where we are Going – Recommendations

·  Communication Plan

·  Look at Tricounty planning

·  Resourcing —budget wise

·  Succession planning

·  Advocate for planning table

·  PD

·  Increasing meeting time?

·  Key partners/parent youth engagement

·  Promotion of CCCF

·  Volunteers?

·  Advocacy

·  Survey Members— tri-county

·  Meaningful meetings survey

·  Conversations around organizational issues that can be further aligned

·  Celebrate successes

·  Maintain inclusion

·  Plan in the drawer — List of things if we could have funding

·  Bench strength is there – develop it

·  Tap students – Denise will explore possibilities at SLC

·  Identify ways to more fully include small agencies

4. What you want to work on

·  Small agency participation

·  OTN Opportunity

·  Conversation around organizational issues that can be further aligned

·  Secure resources and succession plan

·  Take the results of this meeting back to Lead Table

·  Secure funding for Lead Table

·  Develop a communication plan

·  Tricounty planning à “plan in the drawer” for Collective Impact

·  Tri county work

·  Joint PD

·  Tricounty planning

·  Advocacy

5. What should we take to Lead Table?

·  Joint PD

·  Assess future needs of Lead Table

·  Summary of this great meeting

·  Take all recommendations to Lead Table to summarize and develop workplan

·  Tricounty conversations, joint PD, meeting length, advocacy

·  Lots of good work done – need to tweak some things to ensure continued success

·  Share all recommendations

·  Tricounty discussion