NAME: ______RANK: ______


LAST VESSEL ______DATE S/OFF ______RANK ______

A. Organization Structure of Owners
1 / The owners operate from London, UK and Chennai, India. Important persons are-
Mr. V.C.Vora- Commercial Dept, Director Shipping.
Mr. V.K.Singh- Technical Manager, ex- Chief Engineer
Capt. Nitin Mehrotra- Operations Manager, ex- Master Mariner
B. Owner’s Requirements- Reporting/ Circulars
1 / Owner’s standing instructions: Please be reminded that the standard instructions sent by owners to each vessel upon delivery are to be adhered to at all times.
2 / Documents: Owners do not need to receive any documents (like cargo documents, abstracts from log books) from ship on regular basis and therefore in order to reduce expenses, Masters must send only the documents when they are specifically instructed.
3 / Noon reports, M/E performance report, Aux Engine performance: Must be scrutinized and if any deviations should be explained/ high lighted.
4 / Statement of facts (SOF): SOF must be detailed and factual and all cargo stoppages due to rain or other factors must be recorded accurately. Please ensure that all information contained therein in the SOF is accurate prior to signing same.
C. Owner Specific PSC Detentions
1 / Umang was detained at Contrecoeur, Canada in Dec 2012.
Ø  Cargo ship safety equipment certificate issued short term from 11 Oct to 31 Oct 2012 for LRIT malfunction and re-issued again from 29 Nov 2012 to 02 Jan 2013 for same reason. Ship operating without valid certificate in between. (ISM)
2 / Tarang was detained at Port Cartier, Canada in Feb 2009.
Ø  Emergency Fire line was frozen.
Ø  Both lifeboat engines were not starting.
D. Owner Specific Major Problems/ Incidents
1 / During routine inspection of ballast tanks on Geeta by Superintendent and Chief Officer on 11th December 2011 extensive damage to four web frames of No.3 Topside Tank (P) were noted. The tanks were last inspected on 23rd August 2011 and during that inspection no significant structural damage was noted. The most probable cause of the damage was the over pressurization of the tank due to restricted out-flow of air from the tank during ballast uptake. The air pipes float /flaps were not opened to ensure free flow of the air as per the guidelines.
2 / Ispat Gaurav collided with a fishing vessel after departing Port Kamsar in June 2003. The bridge was manned by Third Officer and a duty AB.
The vessel arrived in San Ciprian and investigation by Flag State and Spanish authorities was carried out. Vessel was arrested in Spain for three days after discharging her cargo.
E. Ship Specific Issues
1 / Structural Inspections- Please read and be aware of the contents of structural inspection reports for Ballast tanks and Cargo Holds. Ensure frequent inspections of tanks and holds are carried out in consultation with Superintendent.
2 / For Tarang: Main Engine is very sensitive to fuel quality. Due to this AESM has instructed Viswa lab to conduct “Ignition Quality check” for all bunker fuel oil samples landed by the vessel.
Diesel Oil samples need not be landed for analysis unless specifically instructed by the office or C/E has reason to believe that the quality is suspect.
3 / Please pay particular attention to the operation of:
- Radars
- MF/HF – retain copies of answer back from coast station as proof.
- WIAS ( Water Ingress Alert System)
- Electrical fittings.
- Fire doors.
and Cleanliness of Common wash spaces/toilets
4 / It has been noted that quantity of unpumpable ballast is sometimes higher than acceptable resulting in shortfall in cargo lift whilst loading. Please review & discuss the following prior arrival every load port to ensure efficiency.
a)  Loading sequence and deballasting + stripping time to be checked. Maximum trim should be available when stripping.
b)  Try and arrive berth with minimum ballast keeping in mind stresses, vessels maneuverability & air draft restrictions, if any.
c)  Close watch on progress in deballasting as against the planned sequence to be maintained.
d)  At the end of each watch visual drafts to be taken and recorded – same to be compared with the loading sequence at drafts to give a good idea of status.
e)  Fresh water quantity to be minimized keeping in mind the next voyage, daily consumption and FWG production.
In case any problems are foreseen in achieving the deballasting rate prior arrival, please inform AESM in advance along with proposed corrective action.
F. Trade Related Issues (as relevant)
1 / Port calls to USA- Please be familiar /ensure compliance with:
·  BW management/exchange and reporting regulations
·  Electronic Notice of Arrival/Departure (E-NOA/D) procedures,
·  Oil Pollution Response Q.I. notification drills, and be prepared for unannounced SOPEP drills.
·  US Customs Sea Carrier Initiative Program,
·  Pre-arrival equipment test requirements,
Ensure that APIS ICB (Crew/Passengers) is held.
Ensure valid USCG COFR (and bridge letter for those vessels with Operator named in the COFR different from the Registered Owners) is held.
All crew passports are required to be in Master's safe custody at all times.
Please refer Company’s SMS Checklist.
2 / Port calls to Canada- Please be familiar with BW management/exchange and reporting regulations and ensure that Valid OSRO contract is held (if not, contact AE HKG/QA immediately) and declaration of oil spill contractor duly completed.
3 / Port calls to Europe- Kindly beware of the high incidence of stowaways and take all necessary precautions.
4 / Port calls to Australia-
·  Kindly be reminded to ensure compliance with BW management/exchange and reporting regulations.
·  Ensure that Original or certified true copy of current P & I Certificate of Entry is held.
·  Please refer Company’s SMS Checklist.
5 / Port calls to Africa- Kindly beware of the high incidence of stowaways, piracy, robberies and pilferage, and take all necessary precautions.
6 / Port calls to Brazil -Kindly beware
·  That this is very high risk area for sea borne drug smuggling and be on alert accordingly.
·  The high incidence of stowaways, piracy, robberies and pilferage and take all necessary precautions.
·  Brazil NORMAN 20 BW management plan, exchange and reporting regulations.
7 / Port calls to Argentina-
·  Kindly be reminded to ensure compliance with BW exchange and BW chlorination regulations for Cholera prevention,
·  Please note that this is very high risk area for Sea Borne Drug Smuggling and be on alert accordingly.
·  Kindly beware in case of transiting River Plate that in certain sections the banks shift continually and buoys may drift out of position or the buoyage may not yet have been re-aligned to the navigable channel, for which the most up-to-date information must be obtained from the local Agent or the Pilot authority in good time before the transit and extra care is to be taken when navigating in suspect areas.
·  Kindly be warned that exorbitant fines are imposed on ships for any misdeclaration of bunkers, lubes, paints, spares, equipment stores, cargo or crew's personal effects. The Customs or other authorities will look for the slightest excuse, even minor, innocent, discrepancies or mistakes, to levy huge fines (USD20-30,000 upwards) and/or extort underhanded payments. Please, therefore, ensure that all port papers and customs declarations are prepared carefully and accurately, all items and quantities are diligently accounted for and declared according to local regulations and requirements, to be ascertained by you from port agent early to allow you sufficient time to ensure proper compliance.
8 / Port Calls to Colombia- Kindly beware
·  That this is very high risk area for sea borne drug smuggling and be on alert accordingly.
·  The high incidence of stowaways, piracy, robberies and pilferage and take all necessary precautions.
9 / Port calls to Venezuela- Kindly beware
·  That this is very high risk area for sea borne drug smuggling and be on alert accordingly,
·  The high incidence of stowaways, piracy, robberies and pilferage, and take all necessary precautions,
·  That in certain sections the banks shift continually and buoys may drift out of position or the buoyage may not yet have been re-aligned to the navigable channel, for which the most up-to-date information must be obtained from the local agent or the pilot authority in good time before the transit and extra care is to be taken when navigating in suspect areas.
10 / Port calls to Japan- Kindly be reminded to ensure compliance with the reporting procedure for the compulsory insurance requirement for non-tanker ships.
11 / Port calls to Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh- Kindly beware of the high incidence of piracy and robberies and take all necessary precautions.
12 / Port calls to China- Kindly be reminded to ensure compliance with BW exchange and discharge regulations, the current details of which you should ascertain from the Agent.
Ships calling at any Chinese port must have pre-contracted & approved pollution clean-up contractor, known as SPRO (Ship Pollution Response organizations). Please refer RU 71 for details.
13 / Port calls to Singapore- Kindly beware of the high incidence of stowaways and take all necessary precautions
14 / Port Calls to New Zealand- Kindly be reminded to ensure compliance with BW Management/Exchange and reporting regulations,
15 / Port Calls to Russia (Black Sea) - Kindly be reminded to ensure compliance with BW exchange in Black Sea requirements, and BW and sewage discharge regulations of the Russian Federation included in the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, the current details of which you should ascertain from the Agent.
16 / Port Calls to Ukraine (Black Sea) - Kindly be reminded to ensure compliance with BW exchange in Black Sea requirements, the current details of which you should ascertain from the Agent.
17 / Transiting Malacca/Singapore Straits- Kindly beware of the high incidence of piracy and robberies and take all necessary precautions.
18 / Transiting Gulf of Aden (GoA) and High Risk Areas: Please refer the APP (Anti-Piracy Plan), latest version of Best Management Practices (BMP), Ship Security Plan (SSP) and the CSO messages for details.
G. Ship type related incidents
1 / Please see the power point presentation for the type of ship.
H. OPS Guidelines
1 / No Lien” letter to be issued at U.S. Ports - Whenever calling at ports in the U.S.A., kindly instruct the local port Agent in writing to issue a "no lien" letter to all persons that will be furnishing stevedoring or other necessaries to the vessel for Charterers or Shippers or Receivers account, using the pro forma given in OPS circular 1 logically amended to the circumstances. If there is a change of agents or Charterers whilst in the same U.S. port the letter of instruction to the agent must be appropriately re-issued.
2 / Bill of Lading- Please ensure officers understand regarding the importance of receiving the original B/L or in case the same is not available then LOI (Letter of Indemnity) from the Head Charterers which has to be accepted/approved by the Head Owners (Owners will give clear writteninstructions directly or via us)- without that no discharge.
3 / LOA (Letter of Authorization) - If the format is not the same as given in AESM Manuals and agents ask the Master to sign a different format (not similar to ours) then they should get Owners approval.
4 / Rain Letter - Various Receivers submit this - basically stating that they will not hold vessel/owners responsible for any wet damage, etc. This is not to be accepted. As and when the same is recd it should be relayed to charterers (responsible for voyage) with cc: other charterers up the chain and a LOI will need to be submitted to Head Owners by the Head Charterers.
5 / Draft survey – There should be no reliance of draft surveys carried out by external parties or by shore scale figures. C/Off has to carry out the same initial/intermediate/final himself. If substantial difference found (between shore vs. ship's draft survey fig) then Master to immediately inform Charterers + Owners/AESM, to enable Owners/AESM decide next course of action i.e., to make decision to call P&I (and to give Master relevant advise - issue LOP, etc). In any case, M/R + B/L + agent's SOF to be claused reflecting actual fig found i.e., ship's fig vs. shore scale fig.
6 / Communications- Communications to be quick with Owners+ AESM.
7 / IWL + WRTW (International Warranties Limits + War Risk Trade Warranties)- Prompt reporting to be made to Owners + AESM, to ensure cover in place
8 / Hold washings - Not to be pumped out in MARPOL Special area.
9 / Minimize Hog/ Sag during loading - Masters are reminded to plan cargo stowage with reference to the bending moments (BM) in the final loaded condition, and loading/deballasting sequence carefully, in advance, together with their Chief Officers, so as to minimize hog/sag and unpumpable ballast water, and maximize cargo lift.
10 / Unpumpable ballast- Please note the following points:
·  Masters and Chief Officers are to always strive to maximize cargo lift by careful planning and management of their cargo loading/deballasting sequences, so as to minimise deflection (hog/sag) and unpumpable ballast.
·  Ballast tanks should be stripped to the bare minimum possible with the vessel at a good positive trim. The stripped ballast tanks soundings and draft should be recorded at the stage when stripping is completed, and the Agent or Shippers should be asked to arrange for the draft surveyor to be present to witness and participate in the sounding of the stripped ballast tanks at this time.

·  If the draft surveyor does not attend at this stage, then the record of stripped ballast tanks soundings made by the vessel should be presented to the draft surveyor to use in the final draft survey calculation upon completion of loading.

·  In case the draft surveyor does not accept the vessel’s stripped ballast tanks soundings and uses the zero sounding ballast quantities per the vessel’s tank calibration/sounding tables as the vessel’s finishing draft/trim for the final draft survey calculations, then please make a remark on the final draft survey report about the difference in remaining ballast quantity and the corresponding difference in the cargo quantity, issue a letter of protest and contact Owners promptly for further instructions.
11 / Stevedore damages
·  Any occurrence of stevedore damage is to be notified promptly to Owners and their standing instructions in this regard are to be strictly followed.
·  If the responsible stevedores or terminal deny responsibility and do not arrange repairs, you should contact the vessel’s P&I Club’s local correspondent to arrange a survey of the stevedore damage, and inform the responsible stevedores or terminal to attend the survey, and contact Owners promptly for further instructions.
·  Please telephone the owners’ operator-in-charge for instructions whenever warranted.
Name of Joining Officer / Signature
Name of Briefing Officer / Signature

Owners Briefing: Mittal Revision: 4 Page 5 of 5 Issue Date: 10 Sept 2013