This Earth Science Semester Test will cover all units of study including: Nature of Science, Oceanography, Atmosphere, Weather and Storms and Plate Tectonics. The test will consist of 60 multiple choice questions and 5 short essay questions. The questions below need to be completed in preparation for the test. Answers can be found at Mr. Hollow’s Web Site (access at, class notes, activities and labs, bell ringers, old tests and quizzes, and Earth Science textbook. Please ask questions! Semester test is worth 20% of your overall grade.

Nature of Science

1. What is the metric system’s base unit for length, mass and volume?

2. What is the difference between qualitative observations and quantitative observations?

3. Understand density and be able to apply the density formula. For example: What is the density of an object that weighs 20 grams and has a volume of 5 ml?

4. If an object has a density of 1.1 g/cm3, would it float or sink in water with a density of 1.0 g/cm3? Why?

5. Define hypothesis, independent, dependent and control variables (Be able to apply these variable in an experimental design).

6. Using the metric staircase: a. convert 2 liters to centiliters b. convert 25 cm to meters c. convert 10 grams to milligrams.


7. How do oceans affect temperature of nearby land (i.e. Seattle or Anchorage)?

8. List three ways that the salinity of oceans change.

9. Would it be easier to float in the Great Salt Lake at 200 parts per thousand salinity, the Atlantic Ocean at 34 parts per thousand salinity, Flathead Lake at 65⁰F, or Canyon Ferry at 75⁰F?

10. Sketch or explain why upwelling occurs in the Pacific Ocean, as it would be during a normal year (non- El Nino).

11. Understand the oceanic conveyor belt. How do Density currents assist the oceanic conveyor belt?


12. What two gasses make up 99% of Earth’s atmosphere?

13. Give an example of the three types of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation.

14. Which atmospheric layer does weather such as lightning and cloud formation occur?

15. List the layers of the atmosphere in order and describe the change in temperature of each layer.

16. What is the chemical formula for ozone and what chemical destroys the layer?

17. Why are scientists concerned about the Ozone Layer and how does this affect you?

18. List four gasses that are considered greenhouse gasses that Scientists believe contribute to climate change.

19. Explain why atmospheric CO2 levels rise and fall during the year.

20. Burning coal is a major contributor of greenhouse gasses, what is the main use of coal in Montana?

21. How does air pressure change with elevation?

22. Diagram why Earth has different seasons?

Weather and storms

23. Explain dew point.

24. Describe the relationship between air temperature and water vapor.

25. Explain the dynamics of a cold front and a warm front (discuss interactions between warm and cold air masses)? Know the symbols for both fronts.

26. Explain how a sling psychrometer works.

27. If the specific humidity stays the same, and the temperature decreases how is relative humidity affected?

28. Describe low pressure air mass behavior and weather.

29. Describe high pressure air mass behavior and weather.

30. If the specific humidity is 13 g of H20/kg and capacity is 21 g of H20/kg, calculate the relative humidity.

31. Be able to apply the chart for relative humidity. What is the relative humidity if the wet-bulb temperature is 8°C and dry-bulb is 14°C?

32. What happens to air as it goes up (i.e. going up mountain)?

33. How do clouds form? Be very familiar with the “Cloud in the Bottle” lab.

34. Remember crushing the cans…well, how was the can crushed?

35. Why do you feel cooler when sweat evaporates from your skin during exercise?

36. How does Coriolis Effect alter ocean currents and global winds?

37. Why does cold air sink and warm air rise?

38. What causes the summer monsoons, which bring so much rain to India during the summer?

39. Why does tornado alley (Midwest) experience more tornadoes than any other place in the world?

40. Diagram the rain shadow affect and be able to apply this concept.

Plate Tectonics

41. Why is Earth’s inner core solid while the outer core is liquid?

42. What causes the Earth’s magnetic field and how does the magnetic field allow for human existence?

43. List four supporting pieces of evidence for Alfred Wegener’s Theory of Continental drift?

44. Why does the Earth’s interior different layers?

45. Explain the evidence for Sea-floor spreading and the Theory of Plate Tectonics.

46. In the Atlantic Ocean, why do rocks get older the farther away from the mid-ocean ridge?

47. On average, how fast are crustal plates (aka “tectonic plates”) moving?

48. Diagram the two mechanisms for plate movement?

Below are the topics for the short essay questions. Make sure to be able to write a complete response to these questions.

1. Explain how clouds form? Understand how dew point and temperature relate to clouds.

2. List the greenhouse gasses in Earth’s atmosphere and explain how they may cause Climate Change (Global Warming).

3. Describe Alfred Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift, know all the evidence and be able to explain why his theory was not accepted.

4. How do scientists use earthquake (seismic) waves to determine Earth’s layers?

5. Explain the Oceanic Conveyor Belt (Thermohaline Circulation) how does it affect climate.

6. Explain El Nino in depth. Discuss the effect of El Nino to areas around the world.